Clothed in black like a charm, and as fast as lightning, Yan Dan completely gave up on his horse, and turned to display his peerless lightness kungfu, stepping on the heads of soldiers, and rushed to Zhang Fei in a flash.

"Reckless man, don't be crazy!" With a loud shout, Yan Dan waved the long sword in his hand, and the black internal energy gushed out.

"You despicable villain, you only know how to attack secretly, look at my spear!" Zhang Fei burst into a cold sweat when he saw that he had killed a person unexpectedly behind his back, and he was still a top-notch expert.

As soon as a spear was pointed out, the long spear shadow turned into a long dragon, winding out, causing bursts of air waves, and the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters was rolled up and turned into debris and flew out.

"Damn, this person's reaction is so fast!" said this secretly in his heart, Yan Dan hurriedly retreated, dodging the blow, confronting such a reckless man head-on, is not his dexterous type Swordsman, what he is good at.

Yan Dan kept flashing around, using his nimble lightness skills, to surround Zhang Fei little by little, constantly looking for his little flaws, and waiting for the opportunity to move.

On the other hand, Zhang Fei danced his spear tightly, even though it was difficult for him to avoid it, he ignored it, stabbed straight with his spear, and thrust in the direction of Yan Dan's attack, looking like he would die together.

In Zhang Fei's heart, he is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and he practices external kung fu supplemented by internal kung fu. Needless to say, the defensive power, the blood volume is also sufficient, and everyone is resistant to fighting.

But the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom on the opposite side is different. He was born in a noble family and was well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child. After returning to China, he has been busy with political affairs and intrigues. Even though his martial arts has never fallen, he has been practicing diligently all the time, but how much energy can he put in!

So although he is a first-class strength, it is still in the early stage, and he has just stabilized, and there is nothing special about him. Only by relying on his flexible body skills and swordsman's flexible skills can he gain the upper hand for a while by his side.

But after a while, I gradually got used to his attack, and after I have a countermeasure, it is still unclear who will win the battle.

And even if the injury is exchanged, his spear is thicker than his sword, and stronger than his. Only each of them knows in their hearts whether the injury is more serious or not.

As for the little wound he stabbed on his body, although it could affect his body a little bit, it didn't matter, and it didn't affect his display of strength much.

As for this injury, as long as the fighting stops, give yourself some time, and use your inner energy to heal the injury, it will only take two or three days to heal, so it is not worth worrying about.

Therefore, with this premise, Zhang Fei was desperate to fight, forcing Yan Dan to take the upper hand every time, but cherishing his own life, he could only retreat and give up this great opportunity.

"Damn it, why is this barbarian so desperate, he looks like he's going to hurt both sides! It's obvious that he has the upper hand, and his strength is better, but how could he be like this!" Yan Dan said secretly in his heart, with an exasperated look.

Do you really want to fight him to the detriment of both sides? But I am the prince of Yan, if Yan is not destroyed, I will be the future king.

How could it be possible to die together with such an insignificant general and reckless man? Even if he hurts his body and causes damage to his body, it may shake his position as the heir apparent.

No, absolutely not, how could I lose my bright future because of this reckless man.

With such concerns in mind, Yan Dan's movements naturally slowed down, and she became more cautious in her shots, cautiously, for fear that she would get an injury, which would give herself a loophole, and leave her life on this murderous battlefield. .

At this time, Yan Dan is not the Mohist tycoon in the future. He has experienced the pain of the country being ruined and his family being separated, and he has also experienced life and death several times. For example, the disaster of being killed by Wei Zhuang almost overwhelmed all the people in the world, and also concealed it from Wei Zhuang.

At that time, although he was given a second by others as soon as he appeared on the stage, his strength was undoubtedly extremely powerful. Even if it was a disguise, he dared not say that his strength was better than him, and he even faintly suspected of showing weakness.

You know, the camouflage at that time, the strength is a first-class late stage, in the whole world, you can be said to be one of the dozen or so people standing.

And Yan Dan was able to force him to retreat, and his strength is definitely a leader in the first-class late stage, not inferior to Wei Zhuang, and even slightly better.

Today, although Yan Dan is concerned about the country and the people, he is working hard to find opportunities to save the country, but in his bones, he still has the pride of being an inheritance of the royal family of Yan, and is proud of his surname that has been passed down for thousands of years. Just look down on those untouchables of humble origin.

How could he have grown enough if he hadn't experienced enough pain!

One was not sure and did not dare to attack with all his strength, and the other could not understand the opponent's moves and could only defend with all his strength. Between you and me, the situation became stalemate and time dragged on.

Although Yan Dan did achieve his goal, he interrupted Zhang Fei's lead charge and stopped the knights around Zhang Fei. They could only fight on their own, and even had to separate part of them to look after their generals.

But the Yan Kingdom also lost its own commander, Prince Dan took the lead, and there was no leader among the dragons, and the situation became even more rotten. The quick battle that Prince Dan originally envisioned, but after meeting Zhang Fei, a moron, became completely empty talk.

And Zhao Zilong's other four generals, how could they let go of this great opportunity? He even worked harder to lead the army to attack and attack again, and directly beat the Yan State cavalry, which was relatively assembled, to pieces, and it was difficult to assemble a cavalry team of more than a thousand people.

The essence of cavalry is to gather and charge, unless you are cavalry archers, rangers, mainly to harass those infantry.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, those lancers and swordsmen are confronting the two armies head-on. Gather enough people, rely on the impact of the horses, use a dense formation to crush the enemy's formation, so as to achieve a little breakthrough and disrupt the enemy's effect.

And there is no doubt that today's British army has completely lost this ability. In addition, as horse archers and rangers, it is also a joke to face imperial soldiers who are also cavalry. They are not infantry. Stay where you are and get beaten passively.

The war horses of the Yu Kingdom are faster than those of the Yan Kingdom, and the war horses looted from Donghu are fatter and stronger than those of the Yan Kingdom, and their various performances are also superior.

The grassland people seem to be one of the only advantages at this point, barely counting them.

And don't forget, every imperial cavalry is carrying a hand crossbow and bow and arrow on their backs. It was just because they charged too close and didn't have time to release them, so they missed the long-range strike.

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