The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 159 Under the Glory of Yan Kingdom

According to the new wind, it blows continuously from the north down, causing bursts of coolness.

At this time, on the plain, a war that determined the lives of tens of thousands of people had come to an end.

Although Yan Dan and others are constantly working hard, they are constantly motivating morale and waving the last bit of potential in their lives, but they are outnumbered after all.

Moreover, the soldiers of Yan State under his command were backward in all aspects from equipment to strength, which became a big disadvantage long before the war started.

At this time, facing nearly twice as many enemies, it is only natural to go to defeat in a desperate battle.

After Yandan's last 10,000 people launched a desperate charge, the Yuguo soldiers were already prepared and did not directly confront them.

It was really helpless to fight directly with the soldiers of Yan State and fight at the lowest level.

Zhao Yun and the others had no choice but to speed up their speed and try their best to catch up with them and catch up with the soldiers who had broken through the encirclement of Yan State.

However, the mouse that he was chasing in front of him stopped suddenly, but wanted to bite him back. It was difficult to slow down and turn around in a hurry.

Now that there is time to prepare, and the two sides have opened up enough distance, and bought a perfect formation, naturally they will not be so stupid, and then go to the group of backward soldiers in the country of Yan, and engage in a confrontation between the two soldiers.

The horses began to speed up again, and the two armies began to approach quickly again. Three miles, two miles, one mile, the distance that was originally opened was slowly shortened.

However, when they were still hundreds of meters away, Zhao Yun and the others suddenly turned around and pulled out the bows and crossbows around their waists one after another.

Under the horrified eyes of the soldiers of Yan State, with a bang, he pulled the helper and fired the crossbow arrow that had been placed in the keyway.

The sky was dark, like a storm, and his face suddenly changed.

More than 45,000 people shot crossbow arrows together. What kind of concept is this? What's more, they still use continuous shooting crossbows, which can fire nearly ten crossbow arrows in just one minute.

More than 400,000 arrows poured on the poor 10,000 people in Yan State in just one minute.

This is no longer simply saying that you can hide by hiding. The dense rain of arrows is like raindrops, scattered everywhere on the body. If you are not a real master, can someone really be able to keep a piece of rain from getting on your body? ?

No, those soldiers of the Yan Kingdom composed of ordinary people absolutely cannot.

Are they all top performers? No, at least not many of them are second-rate masters who can hide this level of arrow rain.

Even though the cavalry is an elite unit, all of them are the best among all armies, and their strength is much stronger than that of ordinary armies.

When Yan State has always been famous for its loose military equipment, the people in the country still maintain the ancient feudal and backward well field system that was entrusted by the Zhou Dynasty 800 years ago because of Yan State.

It still maintains the tradition of high aristocrats, official positions will always be hereditary, and capable people will never be able to sit in high positions if they are not born. The strength has been lagging behind, and it is difficult to fully display the strength of Yan Guo as one of the seven heroes of the Warring States Period.

All of this is because of their backward and closed system, which severely hit the bottom civilians. They want to serve the country and gain enthusiasm for fame.

And because of the deep-rooted aristocratic system, foreign talents have been rejected, even those talents are of noble origin, not much lower than the ignorant and backward nobles of Yan Kingdom?

Because it is far away from the Central Plains and in a bitterly cold place, the princes of the world have never liked the barren land of Yan State, and it is often invaded by the Hu tribe in the north.

Instead of defeating the United Kingdom with a loss of troops, investing huge manpower and material resources to defend against the Hu people in the north, and rebuilding the foundation of Yan State and restoring production, it is better to keep Yan State and let him resist the attack of the Lakers for himself.

However, due to its own system and geographical restrictions, it is difficult for the Yan Kingdom to become a big climate, so it has been slowly holding back a small place there, from the beginning to the end of the Warring States Period. big expansion.

The only well-known expansion was more than 20 years ago, when Qin Kai, a general who escaped from the Hu people's territory, finally expanded the territory and conquered Liaodong.

All of this makes Yan Kingdom, a country with a population of more than two million and a place two thousand miles away, even if its strength is among the seven heroes, it is not the bottom of the country. South Korea can't compare.

At least when South Korea was in Han Zhaohou's time, they had a good time. Relying on their famous crossbow technology and the national strength after Shen Buhui's reform, they organized an elite army of more than 300,000, and they were called a bully in all countries in the world. .

He was given the title of "Jin Han" by people all over the world, and he continued this glorious period for decades before he was attacked by Wei, which was stronger than him, and fell into decline.

But after his decline, he still maintained his strength and title as one of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, and no one in the world dared to ignore him.

Moreover, there are frequent talents in the country. The son Han Fei, Zhang Liang and his grandfather, the five generations of Prime Minister Han, and even their general Ji Wuye are not a character that can be easily ignored. Others in the country are relatively ordinary, but they are also considered excellent. The talents are innumerable.

What does Yan State have? Nothing at all.

The person who is in charge of the country's political affairs is a lecherous and greedy person like Yan Chunjun. The leader of Yan State's troops is a petty and incompetent general like Yan Yi.

The only one who came out was a relatively capable Prince Dan, and he was squeezed out by his father and the villains in the court.

Therefore, among the 30,000 Yan State cavalry, the third-rate masters with internal strength have no more than a thousand soldiers, and the soldiers who are second-rate masters have just passed a hundred soldiers.

Under this shower of arrows, tens of thousands of people couldn't dodge in time, and directly emptied a large area. Many people couldn't even make a sound, but their throats were pierced by the ubiquitous arrow rain, and they could only make a weak and painful sound .

After the ten rounds of arrow rain were finished, all the soldiers' crossbow arrows had no more arrows. They put the crossbow back on their waists, and drew out the long sword or long dagger that was in the sheath.

Gather your eyes and murderous intent on the hundreds of people who are still alive in this battle.

These remaining soldiers of the Yan Kingdom who survived by luck and were obviously not at peace, hadn't come yet to rejoice that their lives were saved, and they were about to face the next beating that made them even more desperate.

Life, at this moment, becomes so difficult.

However, the remaining more than 100 people did not want to surrender, because in their hearts, they still had the honor of being Yan people, and supported them to continue fighting.

Today is the last one. The author has found a job these days and is going to work. There is not much time to update the codewords, and I can barely guarantee the progress of two chapters a day.

I posted a piece this morning. I wrote it after staying up late last night. I just got off work at 6:00 pm. When I got home, the author kept typing and finally wrote this piece right now.

The quality of these photos may have declined a bit, and there are some suspicions of water plots. The author admits this weakness here. In order to ensure that the author has two updates every day, the never-ending habit and this reputation, this is the only way to go.

I can't help it. I went to work for the first time after graduation, and many of them are not used to it. I feel very irritable these days. The author can only slowly adjust and write in a better state.

I hope everyone can forgive me. After talking about this, the author will continue to buy two copies for tomorrow, so I won’t say more.

Finally, I would like to thank those readers who are still supporting me here. Your support has given me the motivation to write.

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