"No, Dan, you can't do this, you can't do this!"

A shrill female voice came, the voice was full of sadness, and there were tears in the eyes.

Everyone followed the sound, only to see a woman in a red robe walking towards Yandan at an incredible speed, she covered dozens of meters in the blink of an eye.

"Who are you? How dare you act presumptuously in the army!" In front of the woman rushing forward, more than a dozen cavalrymen suddenly rushed out from the royal army, holding spears and pointing at the woman, ordered to ask.

"Go to hell, Dan, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you!" The woman didn't care about the deception in front of her at all, she waved her left hand, dozens of blue brilliance emerged, and the dozen cavalrymen covered their bodies, He fell to the ground trembling all over.

After that, the woman pinched a few tricks with both hands, and powerful air fluctuations floated up from her body, bringing a suffocating and terrifying aura.

"Soul Xi Longyou!"

A clear voice came, and an extremely strong blue aura appeared around the woman, quickly transforming into a dragon shape, circling around him a few times, flying towards the imperial soldiers standing between her and Yan Dan. swam over.

I saw this blue dragon hovering in the air, and suddenly rushed towards the soldiers below, and swept past them in their horrified eyes.

There was a bang bang bang, and the sound of the collision continued until it disappeared after nearly a minute.

However, in front of the woman in red, all the hundreds of soldiers who had stood in front of him disappeared, leaving only a trace several meters wide and hundreds of meters long.

And if you widen your sight a bit, you can see hundreds of corpses tens of meters away beside this long shallow ditch, all of which have been knocked out of human shape, and there are no dead bodies.

"What? The woman in front of me is so powerful, with hundreds of soldiers, it's so easy..." Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhang Liao changed his color, and words of surprise popped out of his mouth.

"Yes, with such strength, I only saw the Six-fingered Heixia burst out with such strength when I followed His Majesty to besiege and kill the Six-fingered Heixia when I first arrived in Yan Kingdom. It is also faintly lacking, much inferior!" Zhao Yun, who was next to him, was also shocked when he saw it.

"This woman is so dangerous, she must not be left behind. Get rid of her as soon as possible to avoid future troubles!" Ma Chao, who was born in Xiliang, has an extremely cold personality and has always been known for being ruthless.

"Ma Chao is right this time. This kind of dangerous person, especially the enemy of our empire, is just a disaster if he stays in the world!" Zhang Fei became serious rarely. An array of threats, almost fatal.

"In this case, the whole army obeys the order, and the crossbow array is ready!" Zhang Liao, the commander of this operation, turned cold and issued an order to the army below him.

The military order was like a mountain. After it was issued, it was quickly executed. After a few breaths, all the soldiers had completed the preparations before firing the crossbow.

"Dan, it's very dangerous here. Follow me quickly, and I'll protect you!" After a period of delay, the woman in red has rushed to Yan Dan, pulling Yan Dan anxiously, as if she wanted to take him away. leave.

"Concubine Yan, what are you doing here? Do you know that this place is dangerous!" Yan Dan shouted angrily when she saw this woman walking towards him and wanted to pull him away.

"I can't worry about you. It's your first time leading troops to fight. As your wife, how can I not worry about it!" Concubine Yan said with tears in her eyes.

"Nonsense, leading the army to the expedition is a military and national event. How can you allow a woman to interfere, and retreat quickly and leave this place of right and wrong!" Yan Dan was touched in his heart when he heard the woman's touching words, but his face was full of anger. Stronger, more severe tone.

"No, you are my husband. I will be where you are. I will not leave you. If you want to go, we will go together. Don't worry, I will definitely protect you and escape from here." !" The shrill voice pierced Yan Dan's heart, and Concubine Yan flatly rejected the proposal.

"I'm different from you. I led the army to go out, and all the 30,000 soldiers who accompanied me were lost because of my incompetence. This place has become the burial ground of the entire army. As their commander, I have failed their trust. , I also failed my father and king in vain, and I failed the people of Yan Kingdom, so what face is there to live on! My destiny is to follow them and bury my bones in this place!" Yan Dan said Here, there is a sad face, and the tone is full of seriousness.

"You can't do this, even if you don't do it for me, you have to do it for the child in my womb, for her sake, he can't be born without a father!" Concubine Yan knew that it was difficult to persuade him by herself , his death has been decided. In a panic, he hurriedly told her that he was pregnant, hoping to win back his heart.

"What? You already have my child? When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Yan Dan was pleasantly surprised when he heard the news, but then he couldn't believe it. He suspected that Concubine Yan wanted to avoid short-sightedness. Make it up to lie to yourself!

"It happened as early as a month ago. It's just that you were worried during that time, so I didn't say anything. I was thinking about picking a good day to tell you, so you can have some fun!" Concubine Yan With a miserable face, since she followed the man she loves, she has never seen her really happy. How much she hopes that one day she can see him really smile, even if it's only for a moment, even a second.

"This, this, even if you have it, I still can't just go back with you like this. I have to pay an explanation for the 30,000 lives that died for me!" Yan Dan hesitated for a while, hesitated a few times, and still refused. .

"What about our child? What are you going to ask her to do?" Concubine Yan asked after hearing Yan Dan's heartless words.

"Our child, what should you do if you take her? Leave far away and don't go back to the country of Yan. This is a place of right and wrong. Staying here will only do harm and not benefit! I believe that with your strength, you will definitely be able to let her go. Let him grow up well, tell him that you want to avenge me, and treat everything as if it never happened, and let him grow up healthily and happily!" Even Yan Dan, in this situation, couldn't help but face such a question Tears flowed, and painfully said unfeeling words.

"You are so unfeeling, since this is the case..." Hearing that her husband was so disregarding her mother and son, Concubine Yan felt desolate in her heart, and a light flashed in her eyes.

"You..." Yan Dan opened his eyes in disbelief, and his strong body slowly fell down.

Today's last one, the author has just written it with hard work. Sorry for being late.

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