The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 169 The Status Quo of the Six Nations

Just as the city lord and his generals were arguing, not far from them, about five miles away, Zhong Yu was sitting in a luxurious carriage and leading his cavalry towards the small town.

"Your Highness, you came to South Korea in such a hurry, and even bypassed the country of Wei, which is closer to us. What is the reason for this?" Zhao Yun, who was accompanying Zhong Yu again, raised his doubts.

"Because I want to meet some of the top talents in this era, they all have the strength to influence the changes of this era!" Zhong Yu said his purpose.

"Really? Is there anyone who can deserve His Majesty's praise? Such a high evaluation is not something that ordinary people can afford!" Zhao Yun vaguely said something with a sense of comparison. As a courtier , Everyone would be dissatisfied when they heard that other people were praised so much by their lord.

"Speaking of which, I will tell you the name of this person, Zilong, you will definitely know him too!" Zhong Yu smiled, seeing that his subordinate, Zhao Yun, who is notoriously good-tempered, would be jealous of others, and felt a little strange .

"We also know, or have heard of, and they are Koreans. In our world, there is such a famous person. At this time, it is Han Fei!" Zhao Yun thought for a while, and suddenly thought of a People seem to fit the description in my pen very well.

"Haha, Zilong is really wise. He guessed the person I was talking about. When I go to Korea this time, I just want to meet this Han Fei, who is known as the master of legalism!" Zhong Yu smiled. It is also a pleasure to be able to guess one's own ideas.

"It turned out to be Han Fei. It was his words. Your Majesty said that he can influence the general situation of the world, but I don't dare to deny it. He really has this ability!" Zhao Yun heard Han Fei, who was honored as a son during the Warring States period. , It was also a burst of admiration, and I didn't dare to compare with him anymore.

"Zilong, don't underestimate yourself. Although Han Fei is a great talent, he has no place to display it. His influence on the whole world is not that great." Seeing his favorite general, he seemed to be a little bit shocked. Yu is also consoling.

"What's more, as the power of our imperial kingdom becomes stronger and stronger, it is impossible to be confined to this small world. Conquering the heavens depends on strong strength. Although resourcefulness is also crucial, compared with strength, , but it has nothing to do with the overall situation, Zilong, if you continue to be diligent and brave according to the current situation, and improve your own strength, for me, Yuguo, your role is much stronger than that of Han Fei, a wise man!"

"Thank you for your comfort, Your Majesty, Zilong knows that, he will definitely work hard to improve his strength, and continue to fight in the heavens and worlds with His Majesty!" Zhao Yun also came back to his senses after being reminded by his Majesty.

During the conversation, the convoy had already arrived at the small town. Under the respectful and courteous flattery of the city lord, the rest in this city can be said to be extremely thoughtful.

However, after this investigation, Zhong Yu also discovered that he had never been to the six kingdoms of the world, Qi, Wei and Chu.

But Yanzhaohan, these three countries have already looked at them roughly, and it is not unreasonable for them to be beaten into such a state by Qin, unable to turn back on the ground.

In these countries, not only the upper echelons of the country spend extravagantly, but the local officials are also indulged in enjoying themselves, and the local people, who have a little money, also follow suit. But the civilians at the bottom are living in dire straits.

As you can see along the way, people from all over the country have sold their sons and daughters for a ration, and the land has been abandoned on a large scale, because the war made it impossible for them to farm.

However, the six countries in the world still maintain a large number of armies, as well as the extravagant enjoyment of their various classes, all of which are squeezed and plundered from the civilians who can no longer survive.

The hearts of the people are completely lost. Using this sentence to describe the current situation of the six countries is already very accurate.

As for Qin, although he himself has never been there, with the perfection and strictness of Qin law, it has regulated every place where the people live, and their lives have the instructions and arrangements of the court. The speed is not that high, but at least he should be able to survive!

Able to accumulate an army of millions, and the military rations to conquer the six countries in the world for ten years, the wealth of Qin State is completely incomparable compared with the six countries.

It seems that the biggest obstacle to his own kingdom's unification of the world is Qin.

However, with the strength of your own country, it is extremely difficult to destroy Qin, and it is not even certain whether you can win.

I want to find a reason, find an opportunity, to severely damage the Qin State, since I can't rely on my own strength, then gather the six countries in the world, and once again form a seven-nation alliance to attack the Qin State.

The power of most of the world came together to attack the Qin State, and it was hard to believe that the Qin State could resist it.

Now that he was thinking about it in his heart, Zhong Yu began to plan other plans.


In the early morning of the next day, following the departure of Zhong Yu and others, the bustling city resumed its hustle and bustle. The passers-by were discussing among themselves, who is the important person who came this time? There is such a big ostentation?

Some of them are well-informed or quick-witted, but they have already guessed the identity of the team owner, but they just kept it secret.

The convoy traveled all the way, passing through many places in South Korea. With each step, Zhong Yu had a deeper understanding of South Korea, the weakest country among the six countries.

"It's no wonder that South Korea will be the first country to be destroyed among the six countries. The people of his country can't survive, so how can they raise loyal soldiers?" Zhong Yu sighed a little.

"Yes, Your Highness, along the way, the people have been displaced and starved to death everywhere. It is often seen that bandits and bandits are rampant, and the officers and soldiers are also doing banditry. The local officials are trying their best to search for the wealth of the people. How can such an army be expected to defeat the wolf-like Qin State!" Zhao Yun also said based on his own observations. This is over.

"It is precisely because South Korea is weak and unpopular, this is our chance!" Zhong Yu said some specious words.

"Opportunity?" Zhao Yun had some doubts.

"It is precisely because South Korea is weak that Qin will be the first to attack South Korea. At that time, as long as we form an alliance with South Korea, we will have an excuse to call on the six countries in the world to join forces and fight against Qin. The strength of our imperial power is to win Not Qin, but what about the seven countries in the world?" Zhong Yu smiled, this was a plan he had been planning for a long time.

"Your Majesty is wise, I will bow down to you!" The sound of flattery was endless.

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