Outside Xinzheng City, a pair of convoys meandered, stretching for several miles. Thousands of knights accompanied the convoy, closely monitoring the surrounding areas. Pedestrians on both sides were driven away early, clearing a large area of ​​the road.

Ten miles away from the gate of the city, the convoy stopped. In front of the convoy, there were hundreds of people waiting. Everyone was gorgeously dressed, with a noble temperament and a majestic appearance.

"Here we are, is this Xinzheng City?" Opening the car window, Zhong Yu looked through the window at the tall city in front of him.

"His Royal Highness Jing, Xinzheng City has arrived, please get off the car, Your Majesty has been waiting there for a long time!" The South Korean Prime Minister who has been in contact with Zhong Yu for a long time and has been accompanying him to receive him reminded him openly.

"Really? That His Royal Highness King Han has waited so long, the lonely king is really rude!" Hearing Zhang Kaidi's reminder, Zhong Yu was a little surprised. He didn't expect the pampered King Han to come out to greet him.

"Is he really looking forward to his ally so much? It seems that the plan can be changed a little bit!" Zhong Yu couldn't help reassessing the current situation in South Korea.

"Where can His Royal Highness King Jing come to South Korea to have an accident? It is the honor of the whole of South Korea. His Royal Highness King Han came out to greet him, and it is also the right of a landlord!" Zhang Kai said modestly.

"Having said that, I still have to do the proper etiquette. Come and help me out of the car. I want to walk all the way. You are my respect for King Han!" Shaking his head, Zhong Yu didn't agree. Because of this, he thinks highly of himself, King Han is only showing such an attitude towards his interests because of Yuguo, if he is really proud of this and angered King Han, it will hinder his plan instead.

Under the service of several servants, under Zhang Kaidi's satisfied eyes, he finally got out of the luxurious and spacious carriage and walked all the way to Xinzheng City in South Korea.

"It seems that this Prince Jing is not as difficult to get along with as in the legend, at least what I have learned so far!" Thinking back to the past ten days with Prince Jing, he said something in his heart.

Although it was walking, the distance of ten miles was not very far. Zhong Yu walked for an hour and arrived soon.

"His Royal Highness King Jing came from a long way, and the lonely king couldn't stay away in time. It's really impolite. I hope you will forgive me for being negligent!" Far away, Zhong Yu was still more than ten meters away from King Han, and King Han's loud voice was heard. come over.

"Where, the king's taking the liberty to come here is the real disturbance, His Highness King Han just don't take offense!" Zhong Yu was a little surprised, the fat body of King Han in front of him could produce such a loud voice, it seemed that he also Not as trash as in the legend.

As he approached, Zhong Yu took a closer look at the Han Wang in front of him, and found that although he was fat, there was a force in his body that made him feel threatened.

After careful exploration, I found out that this Han Wang is also a fourth-level master, and he really hides it!

"I have heard about King Han's name for a long time, and seeing him today, he is so heroic and admirable!" Putting away his original contempt, Zhong Yu also remembered that the king of Han's ascension to the throne also defeated many princes and caused a lot of admiration. It was the monstrous sea of ​​blood that made it to the top.

While Zhong Yu was sizing up King Han, King Han was also sizing up the long-known Prince Jing, the legendary Crown Prince of the Imperial Kingdom.

After this observation, he found that although this Prince Jing was not very handsome, there was a majesty hidden deep in it, a dangerous cold light shone in his eyes, and a faint aura was revealed between his dragon and tiger steps.

"This is an extremely dangerous person, extremely difficult to deal with!" In his heart, after seeing Zhong Yu, King Han made this evaluation of him.

"Where, His Royal Highness King Jing is also famous in the world. It is really extraordinary when I saw it today. It is really amazing. There is no one worthy of fame!" King Han also replied a few words, who wouldn't say polite words? Especially someone like him who is very good at playing tricks.

"After talking for so long, I just remembered that His Royal Highness King Jing must have been exhausted after traveling for several days. It is really the fault of the lonely king. Please come in. The mansion has already been prepared in the city, waiting for His Highness Prince Jing to move in. I hope Prince Jing will not despise the humbleness!" Han Wang hurriedly invited Zhong Yu with a look of sudden enlightenment.

The two sides already had an initial impression, and between a few verbal exchanges, it was enough for them to test out what a person was like.

"Han Wang is really considerate, and the lonely king is really touched. Since this is the case, the lonely king is really tired, so he won't refuse!" Zhong Yu also looked touched, and his words were sincere.

"Where is there, the palace has prepared a banquet tonight, and His Highness Prince Jing is welcome to come to the banquet at that time!" King Han humbly invited Zhong Yu to the banquet.

"I will come tonight, King Han can rest assured!" Zhong Yu patted his chest and agreed.

Afterwards, the two exchanged a few pleasantries before preparing to part. King Han followed his thousands of guards and headed towards the palace.

And Zhong Yu went to the mansion prepared for him under the leadership of South Korean Prime Minister Zhang Kaidi. He will rest here during the day and go to the palace to have a banquet in the evening.

After getting into the carriage, they continued to drive for more than ten minutes before stopping.

Zhong Yu opened the car door and looked, only to find that in front of him was a house that occupied an extremely large area, and the exterior decoration was also extremely luxurious. The decoration and everything were brand new. It seemed that this was specially renovated to welcome him. Fan.

"His Royal Highness Prince Jing, the foreign ministers are about to leave when they are delivered here. I will see you at the palace banquet tonight!" After finally delivering Prince Jing to the destination, the Prime Minister opened his heart with a sigh of relief, and immediately bid farewell.

"Well, the prime minister has been exhausted from the past journey all the way, and the lonely king can't bear to suffer so much when he is old. It's better to go back to rest early. We will see you at the palace banquet tonight, and we must have a drink at that time!" When Zhong Yu heard Zhang Kaidi's farewell, he didn't stop him. It was inconvenient for many people to be with Korean people all the time.

"Your Highness, this is the duty of foreign ministers. Foreign ministers leave, goodbye to the palace." He saluted openly, and then slowly left under the protection of his followers.

"Have you finally left? It's really uncomfortable to follow these people around the corner all the time!" Watching Zhang Kaidi's departure, Zhong Yu's entourage was left only at this time, so he felt relieved and said This sentence.

"Your Majesty is right. When you are with these people, you can't even talk freely. You are afraid that you will leak your mouth, reveal your majesty's identity, and leak important information about Yuguo!" Zhao Yun, who accompanied Zhong Yu this time, also He let out a long sigh of relief, and said with ease.

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