The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 185: The Establishment of the Joint Vertical Alliance

With Han Fei's mission, the whole world changed according to his actions, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as a huge change.

Han Fei's first target was the State of Zhao. Due to the hatred between the State of Zhao and the State of Qin, he still has not forgotten it, and was always attacked by the State of Qin.

So when Han Fei came and expressed his willingness to attack Qin together, King Zhao agreed on the spot.

Although the court was obstructed in every possible way by those ministers who were bribed by Qin, they far underestimated how vigilant their king was against Qin.

This is also the normal state of the kings of every country nowadays. If possible, who wants to be a king who trembles when he hears Qin's attack.

It was just that there was no chance before, and it was difficult for him to resist Qin alone. In order not to be removed by the community, the ancestral temple was destroyed, the country was destroyed, and he had to bow his knees to Qin.

And even so, every king of Zhao State adopted a tactic of resolute resistance to Qin State. Looking at the battle between Qin State and Zhao State, even if they won, they would lose most of their lives and their vitality would be seriously injured.

Zhao Wang's decision made the loyal ministers of the entire Zhao country rejoice. They all expressed their opinions and agreed with the strategy of jointly attacking Qin, and worked hard for this alliance, hoping to promote its appearance as soon as possible.

Seeing that King Zhao had agreed, Han Fei stayed for more than ten days to discuss some details of the alliance, such as who to elect as the leader of the joint vertical, and how many soldiers will Zhao Guo send? Attack from where? The supply of military rations had to be resolved as well, all of which required Han Fei and King Zhao to discuss in detail.

In the end, Han Fei expressed his attitude towards South Korea at the right time, electing the emperor of a country as the co-leader.

And South Korea will send 100,000 troops to attack and strengthen Qin with the power of the whole country, and South Korea will also bear some of the military rations of the United Army in South Korea.

After hearing Han Fei's words, Zhao Wang pondered for a while.

After thinking about it for a while, I feel that with Zhao Guo's current strength, it is also at the bottom among all the countries. Although it is worse than Yan Han, it is even worse than Wei Guo.

With this kind of strength, it is impossible to compete for the position of the joint commander, although he is somewhat unwilling to be the joint commander of the kingdoms, which is a barbarian clan in his eyes.

But thinking about the force Yuguo is willing to use to crusade against Qin, 300,000 troops, such a number of people who suffocate Zhao Guo now, can only reluctantly agree.

The strength of Zhao State was very strong in the late Warring States period. In the eyes of people all over the world at that time, they all believed that Zhao State was the only one who could compete with Qin State in the whole world.

Since Zhao Wuling Wang Hufu rode and shot, Zhao's territory had expanded three times in a short period of time, and connected the originally fragmented land, creating a vast depth and rear.

There is no need to worry about being cut off from other countries by other countries at will, and you can recuperate with peace of mind.

Since then, the strength of Zhao State has expanded several times, and after Zhao Wenwang's recuperation, Zhao State's background has become deeper, and it has suddenly become a powerful country that can compete with the strong Qin.

This can be seen from the fact that Zhao State was able to send 400,000 soldiers and was on the front line with Qin State in the Changping War. Although it failed, it was just a strategic mistake, not that Zhao's army was bad.

But now the strength of Zhao State is not enough, 2/3 of the territory is occupied by Qin State, now only HD County and Dai County are left, and Dai County is even more barren, although the land is vast, but the population is only 30 Ten thousand.

The real essence is the current HD County, which has a population of over one million and supports as many as 150,000 soldiers and horses. These strengths are the basis for Zhao to maintain its current reputation as a powerful country.

With the 150,000 soldiers in HD County and the 50,000 soldiers in Dai County, the entire Zhao Kingdom now has 200,000 soldiers.

King Zhao heard that a country like South Korea, a small and weak country, would send 100,000 troops to attack Qin. He, Zhao Guowo, naturally cannot fall behind and be ridiculed by others.

Therefore, he said that he would send out an army of 150,000 to conquer Qin with all his strength, and he would strongly support the coalition army's food and grass in Zhao.

With these promises from King Zhao, Han Fei was extremely satisfied, expressed his thanks to King Zhao, and then prepared to leave.

Seeing Han Fei's departure, King Zhao subsidized him with another 300 cavalry as guards on the road, and also subsidized some vehicles and supplies.

In this way, Han Fei's team expanded to thousands of people, and it was still a strong force.

Han Fei's second goal was the country of Yan.

Since the Yan Kingdom was defeated by the Yu Kingdom, it lost half of its territory, and its population was greatly reduced, leaving only a few million people.

Moreover, the country suffered from a great war, the supplies were seriously depleted, and they were plundered by the imperial state, which was even more unbearable. Now the whole country's army can only barely maintain around 100,000. If there are any more, the Yan State cannot afford to support them.

However, now Yan Guo is hiding in a corner, secretly licking his wounds.

Although their country has fallen to this point and is almost on the verge of collapse, the top officials of their country, King Yan and Lord Yanchun, are still living a life of wine and meat, with incomparable extravagance.

And as a Yan Crown Prince Dan who aspires to revitalize the country of Yan, it goes without saying that he feels sad and lonely when he sees the current situation of the country of Yan.

But what's the use? Ever since he led the army to go out, the whole army was annihilated and only he was left alone. He has been considered by everyone in Yan Kingdom to be a coward and an incompetent person.

He has already lost the support of all the common people in the country of Yan, and the upper class nobles also secretly ridiculed and hated such a Yan Dan who refused to join him.

All of this made Yan Dan almost unbearable, and wanted to leave the country of Yan and live a wandering life in the rivers and lakes.

However, the love for her motherland and the faint desire for power in her heart still made Yandan unable to let go of all these, so she continued to live in Jidu with the cheek.

When he heard the news of Han Fei's mission to the six countries, and the strategy of uniting the six countries to attack Qin, Yan Dan was so excited that he jumped up.

This is exactly the opportunity he has been waiting for. A fight between the two behemoths of the Yu Kingdom and the Qin Kingdom will involve all their energies, and a big battle will inevitably cost a lot. The two countries will have no time to take care of the remote and small country of the Yan Kingdom. .

Then Yan Guo can secretly lick its wounds, recover its strength, and strive for a period of development.

So Yan Dan strongly supported this cooperation, King Yan and others were afraid that if they did not cooperate, the army of Yu Kingdom would attack Yan Kingdom again.

And if the Yan Kingdom and the Yu Kingdom belong to the same alliance, then he is one of his own, and he doesn't have to worry about the Yu Kingdom around him attacking him and destroying the Yan Kingdom.

As for the state of Qin, there is no need to worry too much about the country of Han, Zhao, Wei, Jin, and Jin.

Therefore, the King of Yan said that Yan State will send out 100,000 troops to join the alliance, and will regard Yuguo as the joint leader of the alliance.

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