The drums and thunder rang, the flags shook, and the overwhelming army was divided into two camps, each facing each other.

On an endless plain, the armies of the two sides formed a formation, along the battlefields one after another, distributed hundreds of miles around.

When armies fight, the results can never be separated in a short time, and the place where the battle is also extremely wide, or how to say, tens of thousands of people fill the fields and thousands of people fill the city.

But now the two sides add up to nearly 2 million, and I don't know how broad the battle is.

Maybe some people can't imagine what kind of image such a large army looks like? Let's describe it like this!

Before the war of Wei State, its population was only 1.5 million. Before the war of Zhao State, its population was only over 1.3 million, but it occupied a territory equivalent to a small half of a province in China.

However, Chu State has 4 million people, but the area it occupies is nearly four provinces in China. That is to say, 2 million people can fill two provinces.

The population of two provinces is concentrated in a small county with a radius of only two or three hundred miles, which is extremely crowded.

This kind of scale can be said to be unprecedented. It never existed before, and it is unlikely to exist in the future.

When armies fight, they don't swarm up, but attack in batches, formations and regions.

The two sides compete for each other in various dangerous positions and important cities. Either I defend the city and you attack, or you defend the position and I will capture it. You come and go, each singing their own specialties.

In the beginning, both sides were apprehensive. The war was not too intense. It was a small-scale battle with less than 10,000 people, and it was infrequent, usually every four or five days.

However, as the temptation slowly ended, the two sides had a certain understanding of their respective strengths, and the attack began to become fierce, and gradually became angry.

It has been a month since the battle, but he has more than 100,000 casualties, which is not many compared to the 2 million troops of both sides. But if you think about it in another direction, 100,000 people are almost equivalent to the population of a small county, that is, the population of several cities in China. Isn't this scary!


"So, this war will not end so quickly. In my estimation, this war of unprecedented scale will last at least a year before both sides are exhausted and have to retreat, or all of them will die. Collapse, both losers!" Inside Zhong Yu's camp, Hussar General Cao Cao pointed his sword at the map behind him, expressing his opinion.

Cao Cao scanned the many civil and military ministers below with a pair of sharp eyes. They were piercing and full of heroism. Few of the people who looked at him were able to look directly at him.

The people below are all deep in thought, thinking about what Cao Cao just said, and each has their own calculations. People's hearts are complicated, and it is impossible to unify them all.

"General Cao is right. This war cannot end so quickly. After all, there are 2 million people, and the two sides are evenly matched. It is impossible to end it in a short time." Zhang Liao, who was also in the camp, got up and nodded in agreement. Opinion.

The armies of both sides are huge, with nearly a million people, and they are all elite troops who are brave and good at fighting, and they all have rich combat experience.

It is impossible for this kind of army to collapse because of certain tactics. It is only a miracle that can happen on a small army of tens of thousands of people, and it is still some mobs.

Just look at the Battle of Changping in history, isn't Lian Po a famous general? Isn't Bai Qi a famous general? They are all well-known god generals in Chinese history, but it is not because of their respective strengths that even if their opponents are relatively incompetent, they still have to rely on time to slowly drag the enemy to death.

Throughout history, any army with 100,000 troops, as long as it is well-trained, is not a mob that pays temporarily. If you want to defeat this kind of army, even if it is several times stronger than the enemy, you can only rely on the advantages of time and numbers to slowly consume the opponent.

It is impossible to have any conspiracies and defeat the enemy in one battle.

This is because these armies have excellent training, even if they are defeated, it is only a partial defeat, at most one or two cities are lost, but as long as the army is still there and can gather together, they will be able to resist. .

For these 2 million people, their war is destined to be long. They will surround two or three surrounding counties and counties, constantly vying for one dangerous city after another, and constantly consuming their troops until one side can't hold on and has no choice but to Exit.

"That's right, I also agree with General Cao's opinion!" Xu Huang got up and said his opinion loudly.

The faces of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others on the lower side moved slightly, obviously having some other opinions, but it seemed that there was not too much difference, so they kept silent and acquiesced.

"Cao Aiqing is right. This war will indeed last within a year. It is not that the two million people will die so quickly. The most important reason is that no matter whether we join forces, It’s still Qin’s side, each of which cannot support such a huge army, and has been spending on the front line.” Zhong Yu said helplessly the fact that the army rations, how can the soldiers continue to fight if they don’t have enough to eat!

In fact, in ancient times, the common people's thinking was very simple. As long as they could eat enough, they would not starve to death, and they could endure anything.

Even if they bullied their children and killed their parents, they could bear it. Could it be that the soldiers of the coalition army and Qin State didn't have their relatives killed by each of them? Wasn't their home destroyed?

They themselves were conscripted by force, and they were reluctant to join the army, but why were they still able to hold on, obediently being that soldier?

The really important reason is because in the army, they can have a bite of food, a full bite of food, and they will not starve to death.

Because in their family, all the food was forcibly taken away, and the bark and wild vegetables in their hometown were almost eaten, and they would starve to death if they stayed there. Even if you die in battle, it's worth it.

What's more, they still hold on to that glimmer of hope, that is, if they can survive until the end of the war and save their lives, then they will earn money.

What's more, they have made some contributions and are promoted and reused. Even if they become an insignificant sesame official, it will be an opportunity to change their destiny.

As for their parents and relatives at home, they can't control so much. He can't protect himself, so he can't think so much.

He could only secretly beg in his heart, that they could survive until they returned alive, and if they died, they would just go underground to meet each other.

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