Those who win the hearts of the people win the world!

This is one of the most widely circulated words in ancient times. Since ancient times, people have been giving him various explanations.

And Zhong Yu's explanation is - what is the heart of the people? The heart of the people is to make your people realize that they are better off under your rule than under someone else's. Serving for you, you can get more benefits by serving others, this is the heart of the people.

People's hearts can only be obtained through comparison, and the sense of superiority obtained through comparison can greatly increase the loyalty of their subjects to their monarch.

The army under Qin Shihuang, through comparison, knew that they were soldiers in the Qin state. You can stand out as a soldier in the Six Nations, and you can gain greater benefits by fighting. When an official makes a fortune, power and beauty can be obtained through war, so as soon as they hear about the war, they know that their chance to be promoted and rich is coming, so they must go first in every battle.

And the army of the Six Nations knew that fighting was not good and would kill people, so when they heard the news of the war, there were many deserters, the hearts of the people were scattered, the war was lost, and the Six Nations naturally perished.

Why did Zhong Yu say that within two or three years, the ratio of the army to the civilians should reach 10:1? It is because he intends to unify the entire surrounding plains for hundreds of miles within these two years.

Before the reunification, the people under their leadership saw the miserable life of other tribes, and it was precarious, out of gratitude for the good life they had given them. Loyalty to himself will definitely increase greatly, and his power will not perish. Otherwise, they would have to live this kind of tribal life!

And after the unification, looking at this plain, surrounded by countless forests, it should be considered a paradise, a remote corner or something like that!

At that time, you can close the door and plant the fields for some time. When the time comes, if you have enough strength, you will open the forest to the outside, rush out of the cage, and continue your journey of conquest.

And the insecurities of their own people can also be comforted during this period of time, so that their loyalty to themselves will increase a lot.

However, after losing so many before, there is the most important premise. Without this premise, it is useless to say more, and I am just delusional.

What is the premise? The premise is that you have enough strength to suppress, and everything is dissatisfied. Whoever dares to come forward will die. If there is not enough strength, how can he maintain this domineering? The feeling of being arrogant needs enough confidence to support it.

So, what are you missing now? Power, and what is power? In this world, power has two manifestations.

The first one, which no one can deprive, the most reliable, that is, one's own strength, in this world with extraordinary strength, with strength, then everything will come one after another, power beauties, wealth and official positions , nothing is a problem, as long as you have enough strength.

The second is power, power within the system. As long as you have a sound system, then there will be countless powerful people who rush to serve you, provided you have a good enough system and a large enough territory.

And the best embodiment of rights, the most reliable guarantor, what is that! It is military power. If you can have an absolutely reliable army, and your loyalty to you is unquestionable, then you have the capital to face everything, and what you lack is this kind of army!

Without extraordinary strength, I cannot have the strength to face everything, but as a lord, I have my own territory, my own name, and countless people who are loyal to me, but I lack the guarantee of all this. The foundation, the army, its loyal army, has been crippled, it has become unfaithful, it is no longer reliable, and it can no longer suppress everything for itself.

Those barbarians lost the Yellow Turbans that checked and balanced them, and those Yellow Turbans suffered heavy losses because of their own reasons. Most of the brothers who used to be with each other in life and death left, leaving only six people, and the loss rate reached more than 80%. .

In their hearts, there should be resentment towards themselves, but their reason tells them that they cannot die, so they reluctantly remain loyal to themselves!

Without Wang Daniu, who is loyal to him, to control these Yellow Turbans, he can no longer control them. If he hadn't had the protection of the three hundred young men, he might wake up at night and find himself His head had left his body, and he was assassinated by someone unknown to him!

As for the three hundred young adults, they have only been loyal to themselves for a few days, and their loyalty to themselves and their sense of belonging to the territory are still very weak. It's just that they can maintain their current life, and they reluctantly obey their orders and protect their own safety.

I have never been so urgent, hoping to get a power, a power to completely obey myself. Even if he had just come to this world, before the Yellow Turbans were summoned, he was not so urgent.

Because at that time, facing the danger, there is still some time to buffer, those unknown threats, there is not so fast time to find yourself, and you have enough time to figure out a way to face, the situation is not so urgent.

But now, who has tasted power for the first time, he can no longer bear the situation where his life is threatened all the time. Those subordinates questioned themselves, hated them, and wanted to kill themselves, causing their hearts to suffer all the time.

The desire to destroy everything, to kill all these traitors and thieves, this kind of intention, idea, constantly resounding in his mind and heart.

This desire to destroy has caused some sinking in his heart. I believe that if I really have the opportunity and I won't waste my power too much, I should kill all these people without hesitation to show my authority.

Let everyone understand that even if they become weak, it is not these people who are living under their feet, and the humble servants can resist.

Then, the omnipotent, supreme system! Can you really understand your own heart? I desperately need a power, always under my control.

Absolutely obey yourself and will not question any of your orders. Even if you let them commit suicide, you can wipe the sword to your neck without hesitation.

This kind of servant who takes himself as the center and believes that he is supreme is what he needs!

Zhong Yu started his own prayers and prayers in his heart, facing his own system. It is hoped that the system can understand its own intentions, and issue a gift package that meets its intentions, so that its rule can be more thorough and stable.

It seems that he heard Zhong Yu's request, or that his luck is really good, and his spree lottery is starting.

On the blue screen in front of him, a turntable was constantly rolling, and it stopped slowly. A line of words was displayed on it, a team of Guards.

"Congratulations to the host, a lottery gift package has been awarded a part of the Imperial Guard."

Hearing this news, Zhong Yu's face was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help being surprised. God helped me!

Zhong Yu - The strong are always respected, and the weak are always bullied. This is the eternal truth!

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