The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 221 The first battle of three battles and three decisive battles

Sacrificing logistics, just for the pursuit of speed and efficiency, there will inevitably be inevitable flaws.

But now, while achieving the goal, there is also an inevitable shortage of military rations in Chu State, even though Xiang Yan ordered the collection of military rations for the entire army and implemented a strict rationing system.

But in the end the quartermaster made some statistics and reported him a very desperate figure. The whole army can only last for another ten days with the food frugal.

Therefore, Xiang Yan had no choice but to attack the city as soon as possible, and reduce the loss of military rations through the continuous death and injury of soldiers in the siege battle.

Moreover, they can also take advantage of this turbulent offensive to take down this Nanliang City as soon as possible, opening a hole for the advancement of Chu State.

The two armies come and go, and for this small city, they launched a life-and-death confrontation. Here, only the victor can survive to the end.


On the central battlefield, Qin State and the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms headed by Yu Guo launched a tragic duel, and the intensity of the war was far greater than that of the other two battlefields.

This sounds a little strange, because you must know that although the two armies in the central region are the largest, the two armies add up to 800,000 people, which is a number that is enough to make anyone feel terrified and suffocated.

But in the southern battlefield, the Chu State and the Qin Army each have 300,000 people, and there are 600,000 people in total. Although there is a gap compared with 800,000 people, the gap is not too obvious under such a huge number. .

Then why do you say that the intensity of the fighting in the central battlefield far exceeds that of the other two sides!

Speaking of it, there are several reasons for this. The first point is that this time, Qin State used the central part as a breakthrough point.

Different from the defensive strategy of the other two fronts, the central part uses a sudden attack, with the greatest strength, to break through the enemy's defense line, so as to achieve a little surface-breaking effect.

Therefore, the 450,000 Qin army in the central area launched a turbulent offensive at the beginning of the war, and did not flinch and defend on the ground.

The same is true for the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces on the opposite side.

After all, there are three countries. The 350,000 troops have consumed food and grass. Even with the nearby South Korean material support, there is still a shortage of materials. After all, after all the destruction in South Korea, the people have withered and the country is in a desolate scene.

Moreover, South Korea has a small population and a small territory. The food it can grow is barely enough for their own consumption, but there is nothing left.

After the consumption of this war, although the population has dropped sharply, leaving some food surplus, it cannot withstand the daily consumption of 350,000 young and middle-aged people like a mountain.

Although Zhao Wei and Wei also had some support, it was the support of these two countries that allowed the 350,000 troops to barely survive on the front line.

But now, due to the war, the strength of Zhao and Wei has been greatly reduced, and the consumption of food and grass is even more serious. Now their monarchs are besieged, and the energy and resources of the whole country have long been involved in the northern battlefield. There is no spare power to support the central coalition forces.

Therefore, there is not much food and grass left for the coalition forces in the central region. It is estimated that the food and grass can only support him for two months after being frugal.

In order to solve this situation, Zhong Yu had to take the initiative to attack, seek opportunities for combat, or make a breakthrough to plunder food, grass and materials from the Qin State to make up for the loss.

Or, through war, reduce the number of soldiers, so that there are fewer people, less food to be consumed every day, and more time to support.

Moreover, after confronting the Qin army in the central region for so long, no matter whether it is himself or the Qin country, both sides can no longer support it, and their patience is almost exhausted. After all, it has been more than two years since the confrontation. The battle of Changping did not lose the wind in the slightest.

So as soon as the war started, the two sides were on the plain, and they set up their battles in an upright manner, and began a series of decisive battles.

The reason why the ancient army paid attention to the art of war and deception was that they were forced to do so because of insufficient strength.

However, the victory obtained through plotting tricks is hard to admire from the bottom of my heart.

From the bottom of my heart, people still admire those strong men.

So looking at history, how many people who were able to establish dynasties dominating the world did so through conspiracy and trickery!

Qin State destroyed the six countries, and each time it sent hundreds of thousands of troops to crush them in an upright manner. After the battle between Chu and Han, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu also fought several battles with a scale of hundreds of thousands or more. Through the mobilization scale of these troops and the courage of the soldiers, the princes of the world would willingly gather under Liu Bang's command to help He played Xiang Yu together.

Except because of Xiang Yu's strength and his ambition to annex the world, he was oppressed and had to gather together. Isn't it because of Liu Bangla's huge army? It is precisely because I admire his strength that I recognize him as the boss and regard him as the emperor.

Today's Shandong Six Kingdoms, members of the Hezong Alliance, why would they willingly accept Yuguo as the leader of the Hezong Alliance.

Among them, apart from not daring to stand out and face the huge pressure of Qin State alone, isn't it because of the 300,000 troops of the Yu Kingdom, who overwhelmed the Yan State and crippled the Yan State in one fell swoop?

It is precisely because of this strength that the various countries consider themselves inferior, so they enshrine Yuguo as their leader.

During these three months, the two sides fought a total of three large-scale decisive battles, three battles and three decisive battles. On this land, I don't know how many bones were left behind.

In the first battle, as a trial battle for both sides, the two sides did not have many troops, 100,000 each.

But although there were not many people, the brutality of the fighting was extremely terrifying.

On the battlefield, the sky was full of blood clouds, the storm was surging, the wind and sand were everywhere, and the sound of screaming was endless. For their own beliefs, their reasons, their persistence, and the most basic and most important thing to survive, the soldiers on both sides had to do everything they could, bet their own lives, and kill all the enemies in front of them so that they could survive. Come down and live to be the last victor.

Since it was the first battle, both soldiers and generals had been instructed before the battle that in this battle, they could not retreat but could only advance.

As long as there is no order, anyone who dares to retreat, even if he retreats from the battlefield, will be beheaded for public display, and their parents and relatives will also be implicated.

Under this strict military order, as well as the covetous supervisory team behind, all the soldiers had to bite the bullet, even if they were terrified in their hearts, they could only take their own steps involuntarily, with their hands tightly Grab the weapon in your hand and regard them as your life-saving talisman.

After all, at this time, the only thing they can trust is the weapons in their hands.

I recommend a new book by a friend. He is a fresh newcomer like me, and of course he is also a pink hit. Newcomers should support each other! If you like it, you can go and have a look. The title of the book is "Forbidden Gods and Demons", the style is somewhat different from this book, I hope you will not be offended.

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