So when seeing that they are about to change their destiny, become a superior person, and enjoy their prosperous life in the future, how can they, who have different social status, be like before? Like a mud leg, on the battlefield, desperately working hard!

Having money and not having money, having power and not having power, are completely different treatments and ideas. I don't have anything, so I don't care, I dare to risk my life to break through.

But most of these soldiers now have some worth, either with money rewarded, land rewarded, or titles. With these, how can they be willing to fight with their lives!

Not to mention their generals, many of them have been rewarded by the monarch, and they are waiting for the rewards to go to the territory to take office.

How could he be willing to stay here and continue to risk his own death, the overthrow of the country, and do things that are meaningless to him for the sake of the results of the coalition forces!

Therefore, this war ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

After the reward order was issued, the coalition forces were like a storm in the early stage, unstoppable, but in the later stage, it was like a drizzle, unable to do what they wanted.

At the beginning, the violent and overwhelming offensive of the coalition forces really fooled the Qin army and caused them to start a large-scale defeat.

But it is a pity that if these coalition forces can work harder and hunt down more when the Qin army is defeated in the end, the final casualties of the Qin army will definitely be greater.

And it will not be like now, there are still 30,000 Qin troops who fled back to the camp, were gathered by Wang Jian's army, slowly recovered their morale and fighting spirit, and continued to prepare for the war.

Today's battle was extremely tragic. It can be said that the Qin army returned home in a big defeat. The loser even pawned his pants, which was beyond the expectations of everyone in the world.

It is said that after the news reached Xianyang, QHD threw the memorial he was reviewing on the ground on the spot, drew out his long sword, cut off the tables and chairs, and remained silent in anger.

Even above the court, many senior officials and nobles of the Qin State were frightened by this news. It was hard for them to imagine that the invincible Qin army turned defeat into victory by a group of retreating troops, and even killed them to death. A, a piece of A is not left.

The rear of the Qin State fell into panic, but after all there was no trouble. They understood that Qin State still had a great advantage in the central battlefield, even though Qin State lost 170,000 troops this time.

But counting the 30,000 who fled back, plus the 150,000 troops that the Qin Army's camp originally stayed behind and did not dispatch, the Qin Army still had 180,000 troops. Such a military force is still very powerful and cannot be ignored by everyone.

As for the coalition forces on the opposite side, even if they won the victory, their own casualties were still very heavy.

After all, the coalition forces received the reward order when they were defeated and retreated, so they turned defeat into victory and defeated the Qin army in one fell swoop.

Before receiving the reward order, the coalition forces suffered heavy losses, almost losing 100,000 troops, which caused them to be on the verge of collapse.

Immediately afterward, even though the coalition forces turned defeat into victory after receiving the reward order, their own casualties cannot be ignored, and nearly 20,000 people were killed or injured.

The remaining coalition forces, counting minor injuries, barely retain more than 30,000 combat strength.

So now, the combined army of the coalition army is actually only barely 100,000 people. Even though their morale is very high now, and the survivors are all elites, their strength is still nearly double that of the Qin army. gap.

The difference in numbers of 80,000 people cannot be ignored casually. If the coalition forces want to win, they must make plans from other aspects.

The only advantage of the coalition forces now is probably that the Qin army coincided with a big defeat, their morale was low, and they didn't have the slightest heart, right? This can give the coalition forces some respite.

After all, the main purpose of the coalition forces now is not to defeat the Qin army on the opposite side, but to delay the time and wait for the arrival of reinforcements from the north and south.

At that time, the six countries will join forces to drive away Wang Jian on the opposite side together, and completely beat the forces of the Qin army back to Hangu Pass.

If possible, the coalition forces would not mind taking Hangu Pass and invading the basic territory of Qin State, which is Guanzhong Xianyang, to completely destroy Qin State, a terrifying war machine, and a deformed creature to the world.

So now, whether it is the coalition army or Wang Jian's Qin army, they all have a tacit understanding and have chosen the road of recuperating and staying still.

The Qin army needed this time to restore their sluggish morale and reinvigorate their fighting will, and the coalition army also needed this time to recuperate. The long war made them linger on their last legs, and they were a little out of breath.

Moreover, among the large number of wounded soldiers in the coalition barracks, 20,000 of the 100,000 people were injured. Even the seriously wounded were given a good time, but the rest of the lightly wounded still needed a week or even a week. Only after two months of recovery can he continue to go to the battlefield.

Therefore, the Han-Qin border, which had been smoldering for more than two months, finally ushered in a brief period of peace, and the people who fled into the mountains around them breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, that's right, even if the army is fighting, there are still some people living around.

However, these people did not live in the plains, but plunged into the border mountains, hid in the deep mountains and old forests, to escape the war.

Because they understand that if they continue to stay where they are, they will not be forced by Qin and the coalition forces, or willfully humiliated, robbed of food, or even killed directly. Rather than choose this outcome, it is better to escape into the mountains. Even if the life is a little bit bitter, and the life may be violated by wild beasts at any time, it is much better than those humanoid killing machines.

So those ordinary people, taking advantage of this period of rest and recuperation of the army, folded their wings, and when there were no troops around, some escaped and searched for some daily necessities, such as clothes and iron pots, in the deserted villages and towns.

Or other weapons or something, as well as salt, these things must be used even if they escape into the mountains and isolate themselves from the world.

Although there was a break in the war, the top leaders of both the Qin army and the coalition army had no chance to rest.

There are too many things to deal with when the army is on an expedition, whether it is post-war pensions, rewards for meritorious soldiers, logistical support, punishment for violating discipline, or even dealing with the censure of those countries behind you, you need too much. Energized.

Among other things, the current coalition forces are facing a very serious problem.

The reason why the coalition forces were able to explode with unprecedented fighting will was not the temptation of the land's reward.

But now that they have won and the Qin army has retreated, it is time to talk about rewards.

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