This is not a concubine's love, a lingering love, but a result full of political choices and exchange of interests.

Choosing the princess of South Korea as his imperial concubine not only matches his status, but also firmly binds South Korea, and puts him on the chariot of Yuguo, waving the flag and shouting.

As for South Korea, it can also use this to further stabilize its position among other countries. It is a common sense in the world to sing a big show.

"Princess Honglian..." Cao Cao muttered to himself, repeating the name constantly.

"This is indeed a good match!" Cao Cao said this word flashed in his mind.

Among the countries, South Korea is the weakest, and urgently needs to find a backer to rely on! And there is no backing, compared to the distance, it is impossible to annex the territory of South Korea, and the powerful Yuguo is the most suitable.

Moreover, the relationship between the two countries is extremely close, with frequent political and military exchanges between them, and a basis for cooperation. If they can marry, it will make the relationship between the two sides go further.


Xinzheng City, which has a circumference of more than 20 miles, has resumed its prosperity after half a year of recuperation.

Vehicles coming and going at the gate of the city were constantly transporting supplies from all over the world, but some of them looked awkward and ruined the bustling and noisy scenery.

The servants who accompanied the caravan to transport the guards were mostly gray-haired old men or youngsters. Except for the caravan master and a few personal guards, there were few strong and capable men in their twenties and thirties.

Not only the caravans, the pedestrians entering and leaving the city at the gate of the city are mostly old people and children. Even women of prime age can be seen everywhere, doing menial tasks that should have been done by men.

The pain of this war has not been healed after all.

But today's city gate has ushered in a group of chariots and horses.

This team of horses and horses consisted of more than a hundred carriages, all of which were loaded with goods. Packs and boxes of things were piled up, and the heavy carts were sunk deep in the road, being pulled by those strong horses with great difficulty.

These vehicles are not the main point. Although the size of the fleet is relatively large, it is not uncommon to see Xinzheng, the capital of South Korea, in the past six months. After all, there are still two or three trips.

What is really surprising is the members of the team. These people are all able-bodied men who look to be in their twenties, and judging by their breathing and the bulging temples on their foreheads, it is obvious that they have profound The cultivation of internal strength is in the body.

However, with such harsh guards, this convoy has nearly a thousand people. And these men are all dressed in mighty and gorgeous armor, with a fiery red war robe on their shoulders, and a tall and mighty war horse riding on their crotches, they look like elites on the battlefield.

This can't help but surprise people.

You know, based on the knowledge of these passers-by merchants and city gate guards, the entire South Korea today, even their aloof King Han, the ruler of a thousand miles of South Korea, cannot gather such a group of elites.

Leaving aside the weapons and horses equipped with these elite equipment, just saying that there are more than a thousand strong people, it would be difficult for South Korea to cobble together.

According to South Korea's household registration statistics, there are only 13,000 men of the right age in South Korea between the ages of 20 and 40. Among them, it is not difficult to extract 1,000 strong people. The real difficulty is that these 1,000 people still have some masters with internal strength, which makes it difficult for people to die.

Of course, South Korea has more than 1,000 masters with internal strength, but these people are either nobles, or generals and officials of one side, or the leaders of some local dark forces, or simply some lone rangers.

The ones who could really be mobilized by the King of Han were the palace guards and some elite soldiers with lower cultivation levels in the army.

However, these people are all in important positions, protecting the safety of the royal family. Naturally, this importance goes without saying. The stability of South Korea depends on them.

And the elite in the army cannot be mobilized.

South Korea's 100,000 army is supported by these people as the branches and the cannon fodder as the wings. If they are missing, then South Korea's 100,000 army will be abolished, and it will really become ashes that will turn into ashes with one shot.

Now that such an elite team has come to South Korea and appeared at the gate of Xinzheng City in South Korea, how can this not surprise everyone?

But their surprise didn't last long. When the convoy was about to reach the gate of the city, a cavalry team hurriedly came from the direction of the palace in the city. The leader was the guard commander of the palace, the well-known General Han An in the whole city.

This General Han An is nothing special, he is a distant relative of the royal family of South Korea. Although the bloodline is sparse with the current King Han's lineage, he still comes from the same lineage after all, and the relationship is naturally very close.

And because of the relationship between the clan, Han An and the King of Han belonged to a relationship of sharing weal and woe, one prospers and one loses, and loyalty is still guaranteed. The most important thing is that Han An will not betray South Korea, but he has no basis for usurping the throne. His thin blood with King Han is doomed to have no legal inheritance.

Therefore, with such a two-tiered relationship, King Han trusted and reused Han An extremely.

But now for some reason, King Han unexpectedly dispatched the shadow of Han An to the gate of the city. It seems that the target is this convoy.

Han An's cavalry team galloped quickly, and soon, before the convoy arrived, they arrived at the gate of the city, pulled the reins, dismounted, combed the crowd at the gate, and waited.

The crowd next to them were discussing and speculating about Han An's purpose. Han An is waiting for that convoy to arrive. There is no need to ask. It can be seen by looking at it. What really makes them curious is what is the identity of this convoy that can make Han An come here and quietly Wait at the gate of the city.

Others may not know it, but as the guards and ordinary people who have lived in Xinzheng City for generations, they know that Han An has never greeted others before.

Among other things, let's talk about Ji Wuye, the former general of South Korea, who has now accepted the canonization of Yuguo and went to Jiuyuan County to be the lord of Yuanguo. When there was no joint vertical alliance before, he led his troops to repel the invasion of Qin State and captured more than ten thousand heads.

This is an amazing victory!

You must know that at that time, with Qin's arrogance and South Korea's decline, it can be said that it is absolutely outstanding and can shock the whole world.

But even with this kind of credit, the King of Han did not send Han An to meet him, but sent the prime minister Zhang Kaidi to lead a hundred officials to meet him.

Now, Han An was welcoming someone else, and he seemed extremely respectful, so the identity of this person couldn't help but let everyone guess.

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