The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 269 My daughter, are you willing to sacrifice for South Korea? (first update)

In the Chengde Hall, many ministers who had been waiting for a long time and gradually became a little irritable began to discuss in a low voice.

The humming, lonely and empty hall can accommodate thousands of people, but now only hundreds of people are placed. These are the most honorable people in Korea.

But now these noble people no longer had their original elegant demeanor, they turned their heads and whispered.

"Why hasn't Her Royal Highness come yet? It's really rude to make the Royal Envoy wait for so long!"

"That's right, if the delay continues, what should I do if it arouses the anger of the noble envoy of Shangguo?"

"Shhh, you two keep your voice down. Her Royal Highness is about to become the imperial concubine of the Emperor of the Yu Kingdom. Her status is beyond words. How can we and these humble people be able to comment and discuss!"

"Extremely extreme, thank you for reminding me, my lord, I will make a slip of the tongue!"

Countless similar voices resounded from all corners of the hall, making the originally solemn and sacred hall become like a mortal vegetable market, chaotic.

Regarding the comments below, although his voice is low, as a world-class expert, Han Wang, how can he not hear it? However, he also blames his daughter in his heart. It's just a reprimand.

Therefore, Han Wang could only look at Chen Lin with somewhat apologetic eyes, as if explaining to him silently.

However, Chen Lin didn't care much about it. Instead, she nodded towards King Han with a smile on her face, and comforted him.

How could Chen Lin care, or how dare she care!

The woman who was waiting for hundreds of people in the hall was about to become the imperial concubine of Yu Kingdom, that is, Chen Lin's mistress.

According to Chen Lin's estimate, although His Majesty has let go of the concubine's acceptance, it can be predicted that within a year or two, he will only marry such a red lotus princess, and he should not touch other women.

Thinking about His Majesty's previous performance, he is not a rushing emperor, and he doesn't even care about female sex.

This is such a terrifying phenomenon. If his predictions come true, it means that within a year or two, His Majesty the Emperor will only have one person at his bedside, that is, Princess Honglian.

If he shows dissatisfaction now and Princess Honglian really becomes his mistress, then as long as he reveals a little bit of targeting at him, and then blows the pillow wind to His Majesty, then his future will definitely be in jeopardy, and even his life will be in danger .

Chen Lin has a deep understanding of the powerful power of the pillow wind.

In the eyes of all those who play with power, as long as they are not the most powerful people in the world and stand at the top of everything, then in their hearts, the wind beside the pillow is probably the most powerful wind in the world.

However, all these quarrels and all the noise, with the opening of the gate of Chengde Hall, suddenly fell into silence, as if this place was not a vegetable market before.


Countless heads turned to the door, and countless pairs of eyes full of majesty looked at the girl in pink at the door. Their expressions were full of glances and examinations, as well as flattery and awe in the depths of their eyes.

They understood that this woman, whom they despised in the past and was only used as a marriage tool that could be consumed at any time, was about to become the person who could dictate their destiny.

Although he obtained all these powers only because of the marriage, what she obtained can make them feel in awe, isn't that enough?

Similarly, among these gazes, there was the King Han who was sitting on the high throne in the hall, his face was full of gray hair, and layers of dimples had already appeared uncontrollably on his face.

Han Wang looked directly at Honglian with sharp and majestic eyes, as if piercing into his heart, seeing everything about him. Honglian who was staring at her felt faintly afraid, and lowered her small head slightly.

Finally, just when Hong Lian felt uncomfortable all over her body and trembled slightly, obviously unable to bear the gaze of hundreds of people, Han Wang spoke.

"Honglian, my father called you here this time because there is a matter related to my fate in Korea, and even the safety of the world is in your hands, so I came to ask for your opinion!"

King Han didn't say anything, and when he said it, it was such an earth-shattering word.

Hong Lian opened her dark eyes wide, her bright red eyes rolled with a hint of intelligence, her bright red cherry mouth was slightly opened, and her creamy little hand covered her mouth with an unbelievable look!

How can it be?

Are you kidding me, father?

These two words kept flashing in Honglian's mind, the towering plumpness that kept rising and falling due to the rapid breathing, and the slight trembling all over her body showed that her heart was not at peace at the moment.

Before that, even before stepping into Chengde Hall, he was just an ordinary girl. Under the protection of her relatives, she is still full of curiosity about the outside world. Although she faces some dark sides of the world, she is still so innocent and so inviolable!

Maybe it can't be said that she is an ordinary girl, she has a perfect face, which is enough to make many people in the world fall in love. She has a not-so-weak cultivation, and being able to have a second-rate cultivation at this age is enough to envy many people, and she can be called a genius.

The most important thing is her identity, as the princess of Korea, the blood flowing in her body, the dignity brought by her is enough to disdain most people in the world.

However, even with all kinds of glory that ordinary people can't reach, Honglian never thought that she could change the fate of South Korea and affect the rise and fall of the world.

That's too imaginative, how can a mere woman like her be able to influence this kind of family and country affairs.

But now, her father, the king of Korea, one of the most noble people in the world, actually told her this, which made this girl who lived an ordinary and innocent life feel a pressure.

"Father, are you kidding me? I'm just an ordinary weak woman, how can I have such ability to influence the world!" Hong Lian's weak voice sounded, and she looked at her timidly. His father looked a little scared.

Seeing Honglian's weak appearance, King Han's tense face finally eased, and the sharpness in his eyes faded, and some tenderness was replaced by tenderness.

After all, this is his daughter, and if the marriage really happens, she may never see each other in this lifetime. Thinking about this, and thinking that Honglian made sacrifices for South Korea, even if her heart is as hard as King Han's, it is still true. Inevitably, there was a little pampering and guilt.

Therefore, Han Wang showed a benevolent face he had never seen before in Honglian's inconceivable eyes, and said in a doting tone: "Honglian, my daughter, are you willing to marry Yuguo for the sake of Korea? His Majesty the Emperor?"

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