However, these news are naturally important news that cannot be ignored for the princes and nobles of all countries.

However, for those small people in the market and the tycoons who travel around the world, they have nothing to do with themselves and hang on high.

Except for those talented heroes who are interested in the world, they always pay attention to these things that affect the fate of the world, and smell the breath of opportunity from them.

Trying to emulate Su Qin and Zhang Yi, Bai Qilian was quite ordinary, rose from it, and gained his own great glory.

But for other civilians, or ordinary people without such high aspirations, another matter that is somewhat less important than the previous two news deeply attracted their attention, and even caused the prying eyes of various countries. .

His Majesty the emperor of Yuguo, the most powerful person in the world, needs countless people to look up to and admire him, a supreme existence.

After the previous reward order was issued, another reward order was issued, which affected all the interested people in the whole world and made them crazy about it.

The emperor of Yuguo released a message, calling on people all over the world to help him find a sword. Whoever succeeds will be granted a county with thousands of miles of land and hundreds of thousands of people.

Such a crazy news, under the order of the Emperor Yuguo, and the secret promotion of countless hidden guards, swept the whole world in an instant, and let countless villages and towns with residences above the first level know the news.

Chu State, somewhere in a remote town.

This is a simple town with only a few hundred permanent residents and few businessmen and tourists. There is only one wine shop in the town, so those who think they are high-ranking people in the town or local rogues gather here .

In this small wine shop, he talked loudly, bragged, and kept bragging about his insignificant heroic deeds.

But today, a business traveler ushered in this small town, and this business traveler brought an extremely important news.

There were only four or five people in this business trip, and there was only one bullock cart, and the cart was loaded with ordinary goods, which were not worth a lot of money, and what they earned was just some errand fees.

At this moment, these four or five people were sitting in the lobby of the restaurant, surrounded by a table with some refreshments on the table, and they also held a tea bowl in their hands. They drank a little bit of cold boiled water in one gulp, and breathed a sigh of relief. , as if borrowing their thirst.

"Is the news you said this time true? It's unbelievable to think about such a large amount of money just for a sword!" Soothing his physical fatigue, he sat in the wine shop to enjoy the cool and rested, with nothing to do A person in the business traveler opened his mouth to stir up the topic.

"Impossible. It's just a sword. Why is it only a county's reward? If it's true, wouldn't it be so ridiculous for the king of that country to kill and kill tens of thousands of soldiers? It's not as good as a sword. How ironic this is!" A person next to him immediately retorted, as if he was extremely disdainful of this topic.

"However, the emperor of the imperial kingdom openly proclaimed it to the world, and the whole world was full of uproar, so how could he openly break his promise? What's more..." A honest-looking man in the business traveler hesitated.

"What's more, Yuguo is not without precedent. Before, the Nuoda area in Yunzhong County was sealed off as it is! Now that another county is sealed off, what is it?" One of the merchants' eyes flashed, The rather skinny but sleek man said with anticipation.

"What? Do you still want to take this opportunity?" The person who was refuted glanced at the skinny man, looked at his small body, and shook his head.

"Why can't I think about it? That's a county. If I can get it, it's just the prosperity and wealth of the descendants, and it will last forever!" The huge temptation made this thin man ignore his own strength gap, or say He knew in his heart that his chances were extremely slim, but he couldn't help but take a chance on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The few people in the business traveler talked in a low voice, but the wine shop is so big, no matter how soft their voices were, they didn't try to cover it up, and everyone in the wine shop had heard them all.

When they heard a county, a sword, a reward, and the emperor of the country, no matter which one of these words was enough to attract everyone's attention, they had already felt itchy.

I just calmed down and listened for a while, but I saw that the words of the merchants were vague. Although I had a general outline in my heart, I couldn't grasp it. It was like being scratched by a monkey's paw. It felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey, let me tell you that you are a man anyway, can you stop talking like a woman, hesitate like a woman, and say it loudly with your voice!" The man patted the wine table, stood up and cursed.

The few people in the business traveler, when they first heard this insult, they were all furious and their faces flushed. They were insulted so much that they were called daughters. As a bloody man, they naturally couldn't bear it.

What's more, they are all wandering merchants who have been wandering around the world for a long time. Everyone has one or two skills in martial arts. Although compared to those sects, they can't get on the stage, but they are still capable after all.

It's not that they haven't encountered robbers along the way, but they were repelled by their brothers together. At this moment, they were insulted, so they immediately drew out their long swords and turned their heads to look in the direction of the voice behind them.

But when they saw the man, Qiqi's heart trembled, and their anger was extinguished, and the long sword that was tightly held in their hands slowly lowered.

This is a master, at least a master of internal strength. Seeing his temples slightly bulging, it is obvious that he has a certain level of cultivation.

This kind of person, even if he was an undisciplined person from the wild, was not something that a small person like himself could deal with.

Immediately, the faces of the few people changed into a respectful and flattering expression, and they smiled and said to the big man in front of them: "My lord, forgive me, my brothers and I are blind to Mount Tai, offended you, and I hope you don't see me." !"

The demeanor was humble and respectful, and the tone was so cautious that it was cowardly, enough to see a few people to be careful. How many years have you been walking in the rivers and lakes, even if you are at the bottom, you still have to rely on doing small businesses to survive.

But they are very aware of the dangers of the Jianghu.

It's just a trivial matter to disagree with each other and draw swords to face each other.

If you don't like it, I will give you a knife, and that is just a common thing like eating and drinking.

The real dangers of the Jianghu are far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Now seeing such a person with internal strength, he still has malice towards them, how can we not make them feel scared, let alone showing hostility towards that strong man before?

This is not a good sign.

Today's update is a bit slower, and I'm really flattered that someone urged me to update it. It made me feel that my book has a little value and people care about it for the first time. I would like to thank the book friends for their support. Especially [Lonely] [Boring World Without You] The author was flattered by the reminders from two readers, so I would like to thank you here. There is also [a lonely patient], thank you for your bubbling at the end of my chapter, letting me know that I am not alone in the single machine, which gave me a lot of comfort and motivation. Finally, I would like to thank those book friends who have been silently supporting and never giving up. Your support has given me strength and the courage to persevere. It's three o'clock today, it's a bit late, I hope to forgive me.

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