The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 280 On the Good and Bad of the Sanguang Policy

In the sixth year of Emperor Yuan Dynasty, at the end of April.

When most of the coalition forces have entered the territory of Qi State and rushed to Linzi City, sweeping most of Qi State.

Under the city of Linzi, after more than half a month of mobilization and gathering, an army of more than 500,000 people has quietly appeared.

These large armies are all well-equipped, and what they hold in their hands are armors that were carefully forged by Qi State. In terms of equipment, they have far surpassed the Allied Forces of the Six Nations.

Although the coalition army has a large number of people, after all, after years of war, domestic production has stopped retreating, and they can't even eat enough, so how can they guarantee the equipment of the coalition army!

Therefore, the number of coalition forces has reached more than 1.5 million, but they are all incompletely equipped, and even many of them simply hold a sharpened wooden stick and go to the rabble to fight on the battlefield.

However, although the weapons are simple, many people in the coalition army have experienced the harsh test of war, and they have enough psychological preparations for killing people in their hearts, and they have mastered certain killing skills.

So even though they looked like vulnerable rioters on the outside, they didn't even have a pair of neat and uniform clothes, and they were dragged into the army in tattered civilian attire.

But their combat effectiveness is still very guaranteed. At least one-on-one, the veterans of the coalition army are likely to win against the last well-equipped Qi soldier.

The coalition forces strode into the Qi country, and their movements did not slow down, but became more rapid.

However, their speed was not used to rush to Linzi City, but spread out, raging everywhere on the speed roads all over Qi State.

These coalition forces are all bitter haha. Before joining the army, many people were hungry and full, and they couldn't eat a single meal in a month. That is to say, after joining the army during this period, the food was provided by the coalition forces, and they could eat a few dry meals, but not much, only one meal every three days.

At other times, all day long, it was nothing more than some extremely thin porridge, which could fill the stomach at first, but it was digested in a short while, and they were so hungry that their chests were stuck to their backs.

Those who can really eat and drink are all the elites from all over the world who are fully supported, and they are all used to fight tough battles and fight to the death. The death rate on the battlefield is very high, and they also have a little force, so they are worthy of the training of the coalition forces.

Therefore, such a group of coalition soldiers who can't even eat enough, don't even have good-looking clothes, except for their little discipline and the murderous look in their eyes can prove that they are soldiers. In other aspects, it is no different from some refugees who wander around, eat and sleep, and look for food.

Now these refugees have gone to an extremely wealthy country. Every household in this country is full of food, and every household has what they consider to be extremely rich possessions.

And the identity of these refugees is an invader, a robber, and they still have a legal identity. These people who are envied by them do not have enough strength to guard these wealth. What will they do? One can imagine.

Death and disaster have inevitably come from the moment the coalition forces stepped into the territory of Qi.

A small mountain village in the state of Qi, peaceful and peaceful on weekdays, living a life of being acquainted with each other. There are not many outsiders in the village, and there is often no one in a month or two, so except for the official errand who came to collect taxes, there is almost no news from outside.

But now, it is such a small mountain village that lives in isolation and without disputes, ushered in their demons, and brought them death and flames.

"Kill, kill them all, and rob me of everything I can, those women too, take them back to the barracks, the brothers in the barracks have been hungry and thirsty for a long time!" Carrying a struggling young woman on his shoulders, and an officer of the coalition army with countless treasures and food on his waist, he smiled presumptuously.

In front of his eyes, there were also countless coalition soldiers with the same grim faces, although their clothes were ragged and their weapons were simple, they kept breaking into the rooms of civilians one after another.

The rooms of those civilians are all made of thatch or mounds of earth, which are so crude that they can't stand up to these wolf-like coalition soldiers.

But with two more kicks, the door panel they regarded as a life-saving thing was kicked open, and then the soldiers rushed in, and there were screams and exclamations in the house.

Then, the soldiers came out one by one carrying the women, carrying things they thought were valuable or able to fill their stomachs, and the house was also on fire.

But after a while, about two or three hours, this wealthy and peaceful mountain village was completely turned into a purgatory and a piece of scorched earth.

This kind of thing is not only happening in this small mountain village, but on the land that has fallen in all parts of Qi, except for some cities and local nobles' Wubao, which have some strength to defend, it is barely a difficult bone, and they have not fallen behind. .

Other villages and towns with insufficient defense forces have already been turned into ruins. Countless Qi people either fled into the mountains and forests, or were captured and driven by the coalition forces. Or just die on the spot and become a wronged soul.

However, the monarchs and generals of various countries did not restrain the behavior of these soldiers. Instead, they indulged and even encouraged them faintly. Even those generals with a bit of conscience are just telling his soldiers not to cause too much killing and abuse, and show mercy to those civilians.

It can be said that after this looting, the morale of the coalition soldiers was extremely boosted, and the soldiers who had been plundered at will and had enough wealth to make their eyes red had already been completely crazy in their hearts.

They had long since lost their fear of war and slacking off, instead they were impatiently looking forward to a big battle so that they could go to more places to plunder.

Because, the area occupied by the coalition forces is only 1/4, and there are no more than a dozen cities, and there are still many cities that have not been breached. The wealth they plundered is just some inconspicuous places in the countryside.

However, the wealth hidden in these humble rural places has already made many people in the coalition army jealous and amazed!

They lamented: "The wealth of the Qi country is worthy of being the best in the world!"

Of course, this exclamation is not envy, but jealousy. They are jealous and want to plunder more and richer places in Qi.

The morale of the coalition forces is high, from the king and general down to the soldiers at the bottom, all of them are thinking of a decisive battle with Qi. It can be said that the momentum of the coalition forces has been accumulated to the extreme, and there is only one battle away.

However, although looting can boost the morale of the coalition forces, it is not without some bad effects.

At least, after hearing these events, the local people in Qi State were shocked and fearful of the atrocities of the coalition forces. They actively responded to the call of the king of Qi State and contributed money, labor and food to join the war against aggression.

Hello, are you a demon spirit? Someone came to my house, murdered and set fire, my wife was robbed, my money was taken, my house was burned, what should I do? What? Your home was also robbed. Hey, hey, shit, it actually hung up. The legendary reader god, what do you think I should do? Waiting online, very urgent.

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