The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 293 Hidden dangers in various countries

There is such a state of Yue behind the state of Chu. Although its strength is not as good as that of the state of Chu, it is not much weaker. With the support of the antenna, it can continuously bleed with the state of Chu, and slowly drag the state of Chu into the abyss. .

In the north of Zhao State, there is Qin State in the east. Although Qin State does not dare to be violent, it is also a huge deterrent to Zhao State.

As for Wei State, although Qin State also threatened it, the pressure was not as great as that of Zhao State.

Therefore, it is necessary to find something for him to do, to involve Wei Guo's energy, to slow down his footsteps, and to keep bleeding him, so that it is in line with Yu Guo's strategic purpose.

And that target, the rebels who are now rebelling in Tao County, is perfect.

"It's time to create another Tao Kingdom!"

Zhong Yu was in the dark tent, with his forehead resting on his hands, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he had an idea.

Use Tao County to contain Wei State and hold back Wei State's footsteps, because Tao County is near the capital of Wei State, and the distance between the two sides is very close, which can endanger the foundation of Wei State at any time.

Therefore, Wei Guo will never let this great enemy go, and will definitely concentrate all its forces to wipe him out.

And the rebels in Tao County, for their own survival, will inevitably resist to the death, so that both sides will continue to consume until one side falls.

However, although he wanted to support the rebels in Tao County and let him fight against the Wei State, he could not let himself, an ally of the Wei State, come forward.

But Tao County is surrounded by either Chu State or Wei State, and the only bordering state is Qi State, which is being beaten very badly.

Moreover, in the middle of Qi State, there is still Xue County occupied by the coalition forces, blocking traffic, and contact is not easy.

Therefore, in order to solve this trouble, Zhong Yu planned to completely withdraw the defenders of Xue County and gather all the troops to the current front line.

As for the ownership of Xue County, Wei Guo will give it to Wei Guo if he wants, but it is estimated that Wei Guo does not want to take it. Now that he can't even wipe out the rebels in the country, how can he have the heart to do this.

And the rebels in Xuejun were even more afraid. A large army of Wei State would make them overwhelmed and difficult to deal with. How dare they take this hot potato and offend the coalition forces and Qi State.

So it can only be accepted by Qi.

Presumably the Qi army in Langya County, the local guards, should have some ideas about the credit for recovering a county!

This also happens to disperse the soldiers and horses of Qi State, and make those Qi State troops who are resisting themselves in the front become scattered and weak.

Sure enough, when the defenders of Xue County withdrew, the rebel army in Langya County who was resisting immediately separated 100,000 people, captured the entire Xue County, and regained the rule of Qi State.

However, the survivors of the Qi State who were hiding in the mountains and forests of Xuejun, who were hunted and hunted by the coalition forces, heard that the motherland had recovered Xuejun, and they were overjoyed, and ran out of the mountains and forests to return to their homeland.

Their appearance caused Xue Jun to be overjoyed and overjoyed that there was no one guarding how to govern the people in the land where Xue Jun was having a headache.

He quickly sent his men to settle them down, please return to their hometown, and resume production. However, after a month or so, the entire Xue County regained a bit of popularity and returned to a population of 40,000 to 50,000.

Although it is no longer the heyday of the previous 800,000 population, it is still much better than being empty.

In Langya County, the original coalition forces also withdrew, and half of the county they originally occupied were also handed over to the defenders of Langya County. To their surprise, the entire county was recovered without a single soldier, which is no small feat.

Well, with this, Zhong Yu also achieved his goal, using two counties to hold back about 250,000 soldiers and horses in Qi State, making them unable to move.

Unless they don't want the newly recovered place, otherwise, their 250,000 army will never be mobilized.

After evacuating all the coalition forces guarding the territory occupied by Qi and gathering them to the front line, Zhong Yu finally had an army of 300,000 on the front line. On the opposite side of them, that is, Linzi County, there are only 150,000 Qi troops.

With an advantage in numbers and morale, coupled with the looting in Qi country for so long, the equipment is not much different, Zhong Yu finally has enough confidence to start attacking.

Although it was mid-winter, ice and snow fell, and the earth was chilled.

However, most of Zhong Yu's subordinates are from the northern kingdom, and the Yan kingdom has also lived in the northern border for a long time, so they are quite cold-tolerant. So he picked out some of the more elite soldiers and horses, that is, most of them are people with deep internal strength and are not afraid of severe cold.

It became an elite army with a full 50,000 people.

Using the best armor and the best anti-cold clothes for them, they led them to brave the cold winter ice and snow, and launched a surprise attack on Qi State.

However, on the 3rd, all cities in Linzi County except Linzi City fell, and Linzi City was also surrounded.

As for this news, Xue County, Jiaodong County and Langya County in Qi State were all kept in the dark and didn't know anything about it.

The roads closed by heavy snow made it more difficult to transmit news. Zhong Yu estimated that it would take at least half a month for people in these counties to get news.

And if they want to mobilize troops and horses for support, it will take at least two or three months, and it will be useless by then.

Later, without any foreign aid, Linzi, which was completely isolated, ushered in a nightmare.

The coalition forces of 300,000 surrounded him tightly, and densely packed torches were set up on the outer corridors, forming a spectacle in the ice and snow.

In the whole city, from the princes and nobles to the common people, they all fell into panic.

King Qi was frightened, and sent envoys to ask for peace, and he could accept any conditions.

In this regard, Zhong Yu agreed to seek peace, but there was only one request, Qi State withdrew Linzi County and ceded it to Yan State. Otherwise, there will only be one battle.

But when the time comes, it will be difficult for him to guarantee the lives of the whole country, including King Qi.

For this condition, the state of Qi was very indignant, and the people in the court were passionate.

However, all of this came to naught with a siege by the coalition forces outside.

Zhong Yu understands that it is absolutely impossible for King Qi to give up his capital and his foundation with empty words.

Don't hurt him, let him understand that if he doesn't do this, the only way to go is death, and he will not give in.

So Zhong Yu directly sent troops to attack the city, even if it is extremely cold now, let alone fighting, ordinary people may freeze to death even if they walk around a few times outside.

But he still insisted on attacking the city, using the 50,000 elite with strong cold resistance as the main force.

Sure enough, these people have miraculous effects as soon as they play.

The defenders of the Qi State stood on the city wall and had the advantage of a good location for defense, and torches were lit around them to add a little warmth to them. But even so, he was still shivering from the cold, and couldn't even hold a weapon steadily, let alone fight.

So when they saw the actions of the coalition forces, they were all frightened.

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