In the west of Zhao State, on the border with Qin State. A 300,000 elite Qin army is quietly crossing the natural barrier of the Yellow River and stepping into the Taiyuan area of ​​Zhao State again.

This large army was like a broken bamboo, and soon broke through Taiyuan County, where only 50,000 troops were left behind.

And these 50,000 people are already half of the army left behind by the entire Zhao State. After the loss, the entire Zhao State will be empty, allowing Qin State to wreak havoc.

early july.

After Qin took Taiyuan County, except for some people left behind, the rest quickly divided into two steps, going north to Yanmen County and south to Shangdang County.

As expected, wherever Qin Jun went. All the cities either surrendered in Kaesong, or were slaughtered by the Qin army after the city was broken. No city could stop the Qin army's footsteps.

The land of the three counties to the east of Zhao State, which was originally used to resist the barrier of Qin State, was lost and became the bridgehead for Qin State to invade Zhao State from the east.

And Qin State, in order to retaliate against the people of these three counties before, in the previous battle between the coalition forces and Qin State, they turned to Zhao State one after another.

The people of Zhao State in these three counties were massacred wantonly, anyone who had surrendered before. Beating and scolding at every turn, a little resistance is massacre, and constantly squeezing all the potential in it, and constantly insulting the people in the county.

The resentment of the people in the three counties was boiling and it was difficult to contain it.

But for these, Qin Guo doesn't care much.

After the previous wars, everyone in the Qin country understood a truth, that is, only the old Qin people are trustworthy.

As for the remnants of the Six Kingdoms in the recovered counties and counties of the Eastern Six Kingdoms, they are all unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, not worthy of investment and appeasement. It is the most suitable use for them to be squeezed as some coolie slaves.

At the same time, in the territory of Qi State, Zhao Jun at this time finally broke through the capital of Qi State and defended the empty Langya City after paying 50,000 casualties.

The king of Qi fled eastward with the ministers and nobles in the city, led more than 10,000 remnants of the army, and fled to Jimo City in Jiaodong County. He used this as the capital of the country and called on the people in Qi to gather under his command and gather strength to continue to resist. Zhao Jun's aggression.

However, Zhao Jun, who had just broken through Langya City, was too late to be happy, but suddenly received the news from behind him that Qin State had attacked Zhao State and had captured nearly half of the territory.

Zhao Jun, who had just enjoyed the fruits of victory, had to withdraw his troops back to the country before he had time to enjoy and digest them, and quickly supported the country.

Ever since, under the surprise and shock of the whole country of Qi, Zhao Jun obediently spit out the two counties that he had swallowed before, and took the remaining 120,000 remnants of the army, and left in despair.

Qi State regained the land of the two counties without a single soldier.

It's just that after this ravages, the population of Qi is even sparser, with only about 900,000 left. There are only 150,000 soldiers and horses, of which about 100,000 are elite. Nearly half of his strength was lost, and his vitality was seriously injured.

And when the Qin State completely recovered the three counties, it drew 100,000 troops from the rear of the country to support the front line, and used these ordinary soldiers to stay behind the three counties captured from the Zhao State.

So that you can free up your hands, continue to use the 300,000 elites as the main force to attack the remaining territory of Zhao State.

And after the buffer of the land of the three counties, it will take a lot of time for Qin to capture them, even if it is just to hurry.

It was this period of time exchanged for the territory that bought Zhao Guo precious life time.

The 120,000 remnants who came from the rear finally returned to the country. Then some soldiers and horses drawn from the country were gathered together to form an army of 150,000 and gathered in the Taihang Mountain area.

Relying on a series of majestic passes and some majestic cities in Taihang Mountains, it resisted the attack of Qin's 300,000 troops.

When Qin Jun and Zhao Jun completed their own momentum, a world-shattering battle began.

end of july.

In the Taihang Mountain area of ​​Zhao State, a war surrounding the hegemony of Hebei broke out under the situation dominated by Qin State.

Zhao Guo, who had already lost the land of the three counties and lost about half of its strength, was unable to support Qin's aggressive offensive. It is really hard to figure out how the fate will go, making Zhao Guo see no hope.

However, just when the state of Qin was excited, thinking that he was about to destroy the state of Zhao and complete the great cause of destroying a country.

Behind the Qin State, the newly established Liang State was ignored by the Qin State, ignored by the people of the world, and had almost no influence on the entire world.

It bared its fangs.

The 30,000 elite Liang army, under the personal command of Liu Bang, the lord of the two countries, took the general Fan Kuai and Zhou Bo as the vanguard, broke through Longxi, the frontier of Qin State, and captured most of Longxi County in more than ten days.

The Qin State Pass was terrified, and the Qin State Court was furious.

Especially Qin Wang Yingzheng, who just once again saw the hope of unifying the world and eliminating the six kingdoms. When he was happy, this inconspicuous clown at the back dared to stroke his beard, and he was extremely angry.

"Although the state of Qin is weak now, it is far from what it was before. But it's not a clown like you, a small country like you, who can come and provoke you!" This is Qin Wang Yingzheng's thoughts on Liang's invasion.

Therefore, Qin Wang Yingzheng directly sent 30,000 of the 50,000 Xianyang defenders to the front line of Longxi.

At this time, there were more than 20,000 defenders in Longxi, and there were a total of 50,000 soldiers in the society and the 30,000 reinforcements.

With the sharpness of the Qin army and the bravery of the Qin people, it is more than enough to deal with a mere 30,000 Liangguo army.

However, just when the 30,000 reinforcements had just arrived in Longxi County, they were preparing to join forces with the Longxi County defenders to launch an attack on the Liang country's invading army.

In Shangjun in the north of Qin State, a bad news suddenly came.

In this small place in Yunzhong, those five small countries formed a coalition army, and a total of 20,000 elite troops marched south, brazenly launching an invasion of Shangjun of Qin State.

How could the Shangjun defenders have thought that such a small country with one or two counties would dare to invade Qin's territory. Caught off guard, the mere 20,000 enemy troops captured most of Shangjun's territory.

Fushi City, the governor of Shangjun, is currently surrounded by 20,000 enemy troops, and there are only 10,000 defenders in the city. Shangjun is in danger and may be overturned at any time.

So Xingye, the governor of Shangjun, sent a messenger to ask for Xianyang's support.

However, one after another was affected by unexpected situations, making the real foundation of the Qin State, the defense force of Neishi County where Xianyang is located, constantly emptied. The external crisis has not disappeared, but it has continuously put Xianyang in danger.

Such a series of incidents gave Ying Zheng a sense of conspiracy. So he didn't agree to Shangjun's request for help, but let the county guard of Shangjun stick to the county.

After all, Fushi City, the prefecture of Shangjun, is a big city, and it has always been an important town for Qin to resist the invasion of northern barbarians.

Under the garrison of 10,000 defenders, it is really not an easy task for the mere 20,000 Yunzhong coalition forces to break through it. If there is no miracle, I'm afraid I don't even think about it.

So with 10,000 defenders, it is enough to defend the coalition forces in the cloud.

And Qin Wang Yingzheng was looking for the root of the conspiracy while waiting.

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