The house in the middle of the small mountain village is also the only house in the whole village with a little earth structure.

The hut is made of clay and fired into mud bricks, and then stacked, and rows of tiles can be seen juxtaposed on the top, sheltering from the wind and rain.

This kind of dilapidated house lived in poor people even in ancient times if it was changed in China.

But in this Japanese Warring States period, only noble and powerful samurai can live there.

And not all ordinary samurai can afford to live, and only those samurai who own their own villages and can mobilize all the villagers to build their own houses can afford to live.

Among other things, let's just talk about the two warriors who were juxtaposed with the warrior leader at the gate of the village just now. The houses they live in are no different from those of the villagers.

They are all rotten boards and broken thatch, and with a little construction, they become a simple house.

This village is the only one in the entire village, and Lord Minzhu, the leader of the warriors, can live in such a luxurious house. Well, this luxury is in the eyes of those villagers.

However, this used to symbolize the majesty of the lord, and even ordinary villagers were not allowed to enter the house on weekdays. But a guest moved in, and quickly occupied Nestlé, completely occupying the house.

Zhong Yu sat cross-legged on the tatami of the former lord warrior. The zhenqi in his body was too weak to move slowly, moving along the meridians, slowly repairing the small wounds next to the meridians.

"Sure enough, in this world, only by killing can I recover my strength quickly. Only by killing can I subdue this chaotic world that has been in turmoil for a long time."

Zhong Yu breathed a sigh of relief, the circulation of true energy in his body slowly stopped, several purple awns burst out from his eyes, and he sighed.

Originally, he had completely exhausted some of the true energy remaining in his body because he forcibly activated his spatial powers. The potential of the body has also been completely squeezed out, and no more true energy can be extracted.

The whole person has become a useless person with no internal strength.

However, after Zhong Yu killed the monster that ravaged the village at the gate of the village. Suddenly, Zhong Yu felt an invisible energy rushing towards him.

This energy is very strange, full of grandeur, as if the origin of all things, the creation of heaven and earth, it is breathtaking.

However, ordinary people may not know what this energy is, but Zhong Yu, who is dedicated to chasing this energy, does not know.

This is obviously the luck that Zhong Yu has been in contact with for a long time, and based on it, he will continue to grow and develop!

As I said before, every creature in the world has more or less energy in its body, depending on the emphasis of heaven and humanity, and has different sizes of luck energy.

And the most convenient way to obtain the luck energy in their bodies is to kill them and plunder them.

Of course, there is nothing against the sky in this method, and it is impossible to overcome the powerful strength of the past and the present.

Therefore, the simplest method for ordinary people is to build a holy court, and by establishing a powerful country, absorb a little bit of luck from every living being in the country.

However, the efficiency of this method is extremely low, less than one-thousandth, not even one-ten-thousandth of the luck of absorbing a living being. It is far inferior to the method of casting the holy court given by the system, which can directly absorb 1/10 of luck.

However, even if it is one ten-thousandth of luck, as long as it can expand the empire to countless worlds, it is an extremely astonishing amount.

And Zhong Yu's cultivation method can use the first method, directly relying on killing people to plunder the luck in that person's body.

So when Zhong Yu killed the monster, a very subtle energy suddenly surged out of his body.

This energy is very subtle, so subtle that people cannot see it or feel it.

If it weren't for Zhong Yu being a semi-god-level powerhouse, he would have already mastered his own control in a subtle way, and he would be clear about any trace of energy in his body, and it would be really difficult to detect it.

However, this sliver of energy relieved Zhong Yu's urgency. The energy in Zhong Yu's body had already been exhausted, and his potential was completely drawn out, so he couldn't extract any true energy.

So even if he wanted to extract a little bit of internal strength, slowly recover from his injuries, and use this to protect himself, it would be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Because his body was really on the verge of collapse, and he could no longer provide him with a single ounce of energy.

At this time, the intervention of external force is required.

Either it is a holy medicine for healing, such as the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum or the ten-thousand-year ginseng. Or it is other rare and exotic fruits with special functions.

However, looking at this small mountain village, or even hundreds of miles around the small mountain village, it seems that this condition cannot be found.

And even if these rare treasures really exist, those who can own these rare treasures must have some strength.

This is not what Zhong Yu, who is seriously injured and weak now, can handle.

So the little bit of luck that the monster offered, for Zhong Yu today, really helped him a lot after a long drought.

Relying on this trace of luck, Zhong Yu turned it into the purest energy, and then slowly repaired the subtle wounds on his body, and slowly healed his body.

Now after an afternoon of true energy running through the meridians, the injury on the index finger of Zhong Yu's right hand has recovered a little, and he can gradually display his strength.

"However, this is not enough after all."

A sharp light flashed in Zhong Yu's eyes, and through the window of the house, he looked out at the villagers who were constantly mourning the loss of their relatives, exuding a burst of murderous intent.

In Zhong Yu's eyes, they are lucky enough to be able to walk around!

However, Zhong Yu pondered for a while, and finally put away his murderous intentions, and returned to that peaceful and harmless smiling face.

"After all, I have just come to this strange world, and I have more than one thousand strengths in my body, so I can barely protect myself. Without knowing how deep the water in this world is, I still don't make too much noise together, causing unnecessary trouble."

Zhong Yu thought to himself, but decided to temporarily spare the lives of the villagers in the outside village, intending to inquire some news from them to enhance his understanding of the world.

While meditating secretly, the door of Zhong Yu's room opened with a squeak, and a young woman with a slender figure and a delicate complexion came out of the door, dressed in a colorful kimono.

Although the kimono was wide, it was extremely loose, and it collapsed directly on the young woman's body, revealing her perfect figure.

Moreover, the shoulders of the kimono were not sealed tightly at all. Instead, the young woman's white, smooth, rather plump shoulders were exposed.

The young woman came to Zhong Yu's tatami, bent down and made a big salute.

"Hemiko thank you sir, thank you for avenging Hemiko's husband's murder."

It turned out that this was to thank Zhong Yu for helping him kill the demon and avenge her husband.

In fact, doing this with Miko is another way of showing favor and demonstrating one's own value.

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