So, what exactly does the system say? To be able to make Zhong Yu so excited, and to dance in his study regardless of his image, lost his majesty as a lord.

If people around him see it, he will definitely be very surprised. He thinks in his heart that the lord, who is so serious and cruel on weekdays, can actually behave like this. It's really surprising!

In the end, he will definitely tremble, afraid that everyone he sees has such a side, and he will be ordered to kill by the lord.

Excited for what? It's because the system said a word to him just now, "Now your authority is still insufficient, but if you can increase your population to 10,000 people. To establish a minimum national standard. Then you will face a A choice, a choice that allows you to decide your future life, and in this choice, there is also a method that allows you to be a master and a monk at the same time.”

Hearing this answer, Zhong Yu's heart was full of excitement, and he wanted to ask the host, what is the choice of the system? any solution? But all of them were rejected by the system due to insufficient permissions. This inexplicable answer was rejected.

And the system is still obscure, this choice will be crucial, and even endanger his future life safety.

But Zhong Yu said that he doesn't care about everything, as long as he can practice longevity, even if it may be more than 100 years later, or hundreds of years later and thousands of years later, what is there to be afraid of?

If I can't cultivate, then I may die of old age in just a few decades, or at most 100 years. Now that I have a chance to live for hundreds or thousands of years, what should I be afraid of?

Even if he would die later, he would have earned it himself. What's more, with the system of himself, his strength would definitely improve by leaps and bounds, at that time. Really encounter danger, who will kill who is not necessarily!

In short, the future will be discussed later, Zhong Yu only wants to think about the current problem. Since the system has already said that he can cultivate, then he must prepare quickly and reach a population of 10,000 as soon as possible.

Jianguo, I can finally establish my own country. Although there are only 10,000 people, it is also an official country. My foundation has finally taken root here. It is really exciting to think about it.

Let go of the issue of cultivation and stop thinking about it, Zhong Yu began to concentrate on dealing with the current problem. The territory has been upgraded, and I still have a big gift bag to draw, so let me see what I can get!

"System, open the spree, I want to draw a lottery!"

As soon as the words fell, a blue screen appeared in Zhong Yu's place, and on the screen was another dazzling and colorful turntable that was spinning rapidly.

After a while, the rotation stopped and pointed at a place marked with a human head icon. Zhong Yuding looked forward and found that it was a gift package of talents.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get a gift package of talents!"

Talent spree, Zhong Yu looked at his introduction, um, it turned out to be this! Also, I have just established a few gathering points, and I am in need of talents to manage them. It is only natural to open them now. It seems that the system really gives a big gift package according to its own needs.

Getting up and walking out of his study, Zhong Yu brought a few maids to the government affairs hall. He waved them out and told them not to come in if there was nothing to do.

"System, open the spree, I want the talents in it."

"Yes, the gift package is being opened, it has been opened."

As soon as the system's voice fell, a familiar white light appeared in front of Zhong Yu. There were a few figures in the light and shadow. Looking closely, there were about twenty people. The light slowly dissipated, and those figures also condensed. Realizing it, he appeared in front of Zhong Yu.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained 25 junior scribes. These scribes have their own second-order literary strength."

Scribes, or junior scribes, what's going on? And there was even a second-order ambience, Zhong Yu hurriedly looked at the introduction of the system.

Scribes are rich in talent through reading poetry and books, and gain a kind of literary spirit from it, which can control the literary spirit, suppress evil spirits, appease people's hearts, and kill Xiaoxiao.

Wenqi is condensed by reading poetry and books and comprehending a certain truth. You can improve your literary spirit through reading, or practicing your own way, teaching and educating people, and becoming an official, especially the latter.

Scribes are divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced, top, and national. A junior scribe can handle affairs below the county level for the head of a township or as an auxiliary officer; a middle-level scribe can handle affairs below the county level as the head of a county or as an auxiliary officer; and a senior scribe can be the head of a county or as an auxiliary officer to handle government affairs The following matters; top scribes, can handle matters below the state for the head of a government or as an auxiliary officer; no restrictions on state scribes.

Seeing the introduction of those scribes, Zhong Yu was in a surging mood, thinking that he would have these scribes in the future, and these scribes were not just the scribes who were powerless in his imagination.

Or he can go into battle with a sword and govern a country with a pen. This kind of talent who is both civil and military. It's really powerful, isn't it? As long as you have these talents in each of your territorial administrative divisions, you will have no worries about turmoil in your territory. These scribes are 100% loyal to themselves!

There are 25 people, and I have 25 people now, so if I calculate it like this, let me take a look at how many talents I need in a county? In terms of text, um, the magistrate, the magistrate does not need it for the time being, that is, the magistrate's deputy, the magistrate, the chief clerk, who is responsible for helping the magistrate to handle affairs, and there are only two people here.

Officials, households, rituals, soldiers, punishments, and workers are six rooms. The official room is in charge of the appointment and removal, performance appraisal, promotion, etc. of officials; the household room is in charge of land, household registration, taxation, finance, etc.; the ritual room is in charge of ceremonies, imperial examinations, schools, etc.; the military room is in charge of military affairs; the punishment room is in charge of criminal law, prison litigation, etc.; , construction, farmland, water conservancy, etc. The six departments of the county government correspond to the six departments of the central government. These six departments are essential, so it takes six people.

Plus a censor who is in charge of supervising the county officials.

On the military side, there is a county commander in the city defense battalion who is responsible for defending the county town and suppressing rebellions; a patrol room for arresting thieves and exiles; a guard room chief for guarding officials and their families; One of the inspectors of the patrol room on the trip. Four people are needed here.

In this way, there are about ten civil servants, including county magistrates, and four generals. Within a county seat, there are fourteen important officials.

Then there is the next township pavilion supervisor. The three old masters are instructed; the stingy husband listens to lawsuits and collects taxes; wanders around and bans thieves. If there are more than 5,000 people, there will be no one, and if there are less than 5,000 people, there will be a stingy husband. In this way, there are three chief officials in a township, and there are also the chiefs of each pavilion.

in your own planning. A county has three to ten townships, a township has three to ten pavilions, and a pavilion has three to ten li.

In this case, one official must be set up from the beginning of the pavilion, then a county needs at least 32 officials, and more than 74 officials. Twenty-five people of my own are simply not enough!

When I think about myself, I have laid down so many places without anyone to guard it, and I feel embarrassed in my heart.

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