Akita County next to Yamamoto County, in a small village in the county.

At this time, the village was in flames, and a ferocious-looking demon was wantonly slaughtering the panic-stricken villagers in the village, with a piece of bloody thigh in its mouth, which was very ferocious.

The villagers in the village cried helplessly, and people kept running away from the village with big and small bags on their backs, while the demon was chasing the villagers aimlessly.

Killing whoever they see is very contemptuous of life.

Seeing that this originally peaceful village was about to be completely destroyed under the ravages of this monster.

At this time, a roar came from a distance.

"How dare a monster do this, look at the sword."

At the gate of the village, a man dressed in a blood-colored yin-yang robe and holding a samurai sword ran quickly.

The man's movements were light, and with a slight movement of his footsteps, he crossed several meters in a flash. It seems that he should be practicing some kind of superior lightness kung fu.

The man's roar did not attract the demon's attention, and he continued to chase and kill the villagers on his own.

The man's roar, to that monster, was just an inconspicuous sound amidst the wailing everywhere.

"Damn it, you dare to despise my lord like this, damn it!"

The man in the bloody yin and yang robe saw that the monster ignored him, gritted his teeth at the corner of his mouth, and cursed secretly.

This kind of situation has never happened since he entered the dojo, practiced the supreme magic method, and his strength took a leap.

This is not only due to the fact that he is a disciple of the dojo, has a noble status, and is treated with courtesy by many powerful people around him.

What's more, his own strength is not weak, and he has reached the second level of cultivation. The whole body is full of blood energy that reaches the meridians, and the steps are light when the blood energy circulates, the whole body is comfortable, and the strength is much greater.

It is precisely because of his strength that this man has made a name for himself in the surrounding counties and has been heard by countless people.

With all these honors, wherever a man goes, he receives endless boast and attention. To be ignored by this demon now undoubtedly made the man so proud of his extreme dignity that he was severely trampled on.

This is also the disadvantage left by the exercises passed down by Zhong Yu and the people who chose to rest the exercises.

Because the practice itself has a kind of demonic nature, it is very easy to confuse people's hearts and make people become paranoid and completely become a murderer.

Moreover, people who practice exercises are extremely paranoid in a certain aspect, and they can easily go to extremes.

Therefore, under the combination of the two, those dojo disciples after practicing the exercises, more or less have some personality defects.

But to Zhong Yu, these personality flaws are completely worthless compared to the power they bring after practicing the exercises. It can be suppressed abruptly and with strong force.

After the man felt slighted, he quickly rushed to the monster, swiped the long knife in his hand a few times, and chopped the monster whose strength was no more than one level.

Afterwards, amidst the gratitude and boasting of the surrounding villagers, the man slowly returned to his original complacent expression.

At the beginning, Zhong Yu selected 56 disciples, these disciples, after he stayed by his side to teach them practice for three months, he assigned some tasks to them respectively.

Go to the surrounding counties to fight demons and eliminate demons, and deal with some demons with only first-level strength.

Although these disciples are strong and weak, they have all practiced with him for three months.

Teaching with Zhong Yu's vision as high as the sixth level, he quickly aimed at their respective characteristics, allowing their strength to increase rapidly.

Coupled with the strangeness of the cultivation technique, and Zhong Yu spared no expense in his cultivation, some blood-refining divine weapons sent from his own world were assigned to them.

In this short period of 3 months, the cultivation bases of these 56 people have all been promoted to the second level, and their strength is still a powerful one within the second level.

This speed of improvement was extremely appalling, not only the disciples were frightened, but even the powerful landlords and ordinary villagers around them were horrified when they heard about it.

All of a sudden, many people mourned and hated.

These people were the ones who participated in the selection and were rejected in the end.

However, because of the speed of improvement of this cultivation base, many people's awe of Zhong Yu couldn't help but increase a level.

And after these disciples went down the mountain, they continued to slay demons and demons. After beheading those monsters and saving the villagers.

By the way, the prestige of Lingtian Dojo spread to the surrounding counties, and it became well-known in the entire Deyu country.

All of a sudden, there are countless wandering warriors, poor and lowly villagers who are trying to change their own destiny, or high-ranking and powerful children.

They all swarmed like flies smelling fishy smell, and all of them rushed to the dojo where Zhong Yu was, begging to be included.

In this chaotic world, strong strength represents the supreme status and the power to determine one's own destiny.

Faced with any opportunity to have this kind of power, no one will let it go.

Since they have proved Zhong Yu's powerful strength from various facts, as well as his miraculous exercises, which can quickly increase a person's strength, this is enough for them to pursue desperately.

Three months have passed since these disciples went down the mountain. That is to say, half a year has passed since the first recruiting of disciples.

During this period of time, countless people came to beg to join the dojo.

During the period, some people left, and some people joined at the bottom of the mountain where they are now present. Surprisingly, a full 3,000 people surrounded them. These were all young and middle-aged, and there were many powerful warriors among them.

If such a force gathers together, it can overthrow the power structure of the entire Yamamoto County in an instant.

From this, we can see Zhong Yu's current influence.

This also made the tyrants of Yamamoto County more respectful and dare not neglect Zhong Yu.

However, in view of the fact that there are too many people studying, and half a year has passed, and the original 56 disciples now, there are only 36 left.

It turned out that 20 people were damaged, which is a terrifying damage ratio.

In order to restore the strength of the dojo, it is time to recruit the second batch of disciples.

So Zhong Yu launched the second selection of incoming students.

The same thing made people unable to find a lower illusion. Many of the 3,000 people were eliminated, and in the end only 400 people remained and became official disciples of the dojo.

But they were not as lucky as the first batch of disciples, they could get Zhong Yu's personal teaching.

Their course practice will be guided by the first batch of disciples who have already graduated from the teacher. Zhong Yu just starts an open class occasionally to explain some problems to them.

As for the rest of the time, Zhong Yu was quietly cultivating alone, slowly recovering from his injuries.

After the disciples slayed demons and demons during this period, Zhong Yu also gained a lot of luck through them. Coupled with his own influence, he has increased in this world, and a lot of luck has emerged.

Therefore, Zhong Yu's overall strength recovered very quickly, and now he has reached the fourth level of cultivation again, and it is not far from the fifth level.

According to Zhong Yu's estimate, if he wanted to completely recover to the fifth level, he would have to kill all the monsters in the entire Deyu Kingdom.

Even so, there may still be a little bit of strength.

It may be necessary to unify the entire Chuyu country and completely become the lord of the Chuyu country, so that it is possible to restore to the fifth level of cultivation.

This is the last one today, plus this one, I wrote a total of more than 38,000 words today, nearly 40,000. The author who wrote it was tired and tired, unable to continue. The update will be a little later tomorrow, it may not be until eight or nine o'clock.

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