Rows of bamboo rafts were pulled into the river. Not long after, with the concerted efforts of the 20,000 troops, more than 5,000 bamboo rafts suddenly appeared on the wide river.

Each bamboo raft is loaded with 4 dojo soldiers, besides the ordinary first-order ashigaru and some cannon fodder, there is also a samurai leading it as the commander of the bamboo raft.

The coalition forces on the opposite side suddenly saw the dense bamboo rafts on the river surface, covering half of the river surface. They had never seen such a large-scale coalition force with such a speed and scale, and couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

The entire Qianqu River is not wide, only about 100 meters wide, and this is the widest river surface in the entire river, and the narrow one is even only more than 30 meters.

The bamboo rafts laid down by the dojo army covered half of the river at once. When the number reached a terrifying level, they were densely stacked together, and the shock was hard to add.

Therefore, many people are afraid of the coalition forces that are not very elite and have a weak will to fight.

There was a commotion in the originally not very neat army formation, and discussions were buzzing everywhere.

"Give me peace, silence, you pariahs."

Allied soldiers in samurai uniforms with katanas in their hands kept wandering in the army formation, staring unkindly at the recruiting untouchables who were full of fear and whispering to each other.

Under their coercion, out of natural fear of the samurai masters, these untouchables who were forcibly recruited to fight for the coalition army couldn't help but keep silent and never dared to speak again.

As the dojo army continued to catch up with the bamboo rafts, some of the front row bamboo rafts had already started to swim, and they quickly reached the center of the river, almost reaching the other side of the river in a few minutes.

This speed couldn't help but startled the coalition forces, and their commander Murakami Yoshikiyo couldn't help but panic and urged in unison.

"Quick, quick, archery team, shoot me an arrow."

Without Murakami's instructions, the low-level samurai below the coalition forces were already urging their soldiers to start resisting.

Following the urging of these samurai masters, each of the archers couldn't help stretching their crude bamboo bows, put on their extremely rough arrowheads, and began to aim at the army on the river, and then kept throwing them out.

The archers of the coalition army belonged to different camps, and there was no strict simultaneity with each other. Each bow and arrow formation may have dozens or hundreds of people, each according to the urging of their respective leaders, crossing each other to shoot arrows.

This kind of shooting is extremely chaotic, and it cannot maximize the most powerful attack method of the archer, which is to launch a wave of dense arrows to strike the enemy in a large scale.

Although the sparse bows and arrows were powerful, they caused great trouble to the dojo army crossing the river, and many people fell directly into the river and were submerged.

But with the addition of more bamboo rafts, this attack, weak witness, became weaker and weaker, and it became difficult to stop the coalition forces from crossing the river.

"Iron Cannon Team, let me go."

Seeing the weak resistance of those archers under his command, Yoshiki Murakami gritted his teeth fiercely, hating these useless archers extremely in his heart.

He secretly vowed in his heart that he must rectify it in the future, or simply abolish these useless units.

But now is not the time to talk about this, Yoshiki Murakami couldn't help but look at the very elite iron artillery team in the coalition army that he was looking forward to.

To put it bluntly, these iron cannons are simple matchlock guns, and they are also extremely crude and primitive. The effective range is about 30 meters to 50 meters, and there is no guarantee of accuracy.

And this kind of iron gun also has a very fatal shortcoming, that is, the reloading is very slow, and it usually takes a minute or two to reload one round, and there are often incidents of jamming and misfiring.

And the iron cannon can't be used in rainy weather, otherwise it will be very easy to get damp.

But despite these iron cannons having various flaws, it cannot be denied that the iron cannons are extremely powerful.

As long as he is hit by an iron cannon, even if he is a powerful samurai, it will be a result of death.

Moreover, the wound caused by the iron cannon was extremely large, a single shot could create a bowl-sized wound, dripping with blood, and the surrounding flesh would burst open, basically it was difficult to heal.

Moreover, Iron Cannon still has some infections. If it is not treated in time, it will soon suffer from tetanus and other problems, and then die in pain.

The number of these iron cannon teams is not large. Even if the entire coalition army grits its teeth, it will add up to about 2,000 people, but this is already an extremely powerful force.

After the iron artillery team of two thousand people joined the battlefield, they quickly formed a queue, forming three rows.

This is the classic three-stage shot.

During the long Warring States Period of the Wa Kingdom, this classic shooting formation has long been explored, and it was quickly developed and accepted by the powerful families of various countries.

More than 2,000 people form three arrays, and each row can be distributed to seven or eight hundred people.

The seven or eight hundred people in the first row quickly raised their iron cannons and aimed at the dojo army rushing over from the opposite side.

bang bang bang.

As bursts of black smoke filled the air, a thunderous sound sounded, covering up the entire noisy battlefield.

On the other side, the dojo army who had crossed more than half of the river and was about to reach the river bank could clearly see the joyful expressions on their faces.

But before they were happy, a cannon shot destroyed them.

Countless blood spattered, and with the sound of the cannon, more than a hundred strong and healthy soldiers fell to the ground, and the blood was stained red.

Then the soldiers in the next row stepped forward and there was another bang bang sound, and the army in front continued to fall, and the defense line that could not be maintained became stable.

"As expected of the Iron Cannon team, which has high expectations, it has produced such a big effect just after its appearance. It seems that this line of defense will be stable for a long time."

But they ignored the determination of the dojo army on the opposite side to capture the river.

Even with the entry of the Iron Cannons, the dojo army lost more than 2,000 people in a short period of time, but under the pressure of their coach, more troops were present.

Under the attack regardless of losses, even if the Iron Leopards continued to exert their huge power, they could not resist the seemingly endless offensive of the dojo site after all.

There are many people in the iron cannon team, but there are more people in the dojo, and their bullets can't stop their flesh and blood.

Finally, when half of the iron cannons of the Iron Cannon Team were scrapped.

That is, when the first batch of coalition forces set foot on the river bank, the coalition forces' crossing of the river was completely declared over.

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