The appearance of standing soldiers quickly broke the deadlock on the battlefield, or saved the crisis of extinction.

Well, it is the crisis of those cannon fodder.

The original cannon fodder, led by the warriors of the coalition army, was constantly retreating and was about to disappear.

But after joining these warriors, the decline of the battlefield was suddenly restored, and even pushed the front line back.

The battlefield at this time is located in the center of the two armies.

In front of him are naturally the dojo army that came to attack the city, and behind him are the defensive coalition forces.

In the previous war, the coalition forces sent 10,000 archers for the first time, and there were 5,000 temporary farmers and soldiers outside to resist, which was their first wave of troops.

Then the dojo army sent out the 8,000 cannon fodder, which successfully disrupted the more than 10,000 coalition forces.

Subsequently, with the support of the 5,000 standing army dispatched by the coalition forces, the originally chaotic situation stabilized again.

This means that in the entire battlefield, the coalition forces have invested a total of 20,000 troops. However, after the chaotic battle just now, the 20,000 people lost more than 6,000 people, but they were all militiamen recruited temporarily, and the strength loss was not too great.

Now 5,000 first-tier legions have been invested in the dojo, making the situation of the war begin to balance again.


Yamashitaro let out a roar, swung the samurai sword in his hand vigorously, and killed the coalition peasants and soldiers with terrified faces in front of them.

As a samurai promoted from a pariah, Yamashitaro cherishes everything now.

Not only did he now eat the rice that he had dreamed of before, but he was also promoted to the position of the team leader, with 20 cannon fodder under his command.

Everything now is like a dream to him, as if he will wake up at any time, which fills Yamashitaro with a kind of fear in his heart.

So in order to dissipate this fear. Every time he goes to the battlefield, he takes the lead and fights on the front line, and he is unstoppable when he charges into battle.

That's why he was able to become the squad leader with a mere first-order strength.

You must know that according to the practice of the dojo army, the position of this small captain is usually taken by a samurai with a strength as high as the second level, and it is impossible for a small person with low strength like him to do it.

But it was because he was brave enough to die on the battlefield several times, and rushed to the front every time he fought, so after less than three battles, Yamashitaro beheaded seven heads, because this kind of credit was also promoted to the team leader It can be regarded as an exceptional promotion.

So for all of this, Yamashitaro is very grateful, and on the battlefield, he behaved more bravely, wanting to use the blood of the enemy to repay the dojo for his kindness.

Today is no exception.

It has been three hours since he acted as the frontline cannon fodder. During the long battle, the samurai sword in Yamashitaro's hand has cut off the heads of five enemies, and the blade has several gaps. covered in wounds.

And he also became a little overwhelmed due to the long-term battle, he was panting, and the white air from his nose could shoot far away.

But for the kindness of the master and to safeguard his current honor, he abandoned all physical exhaustion and rushed forward brazenly.

Encouraged by him, the remaining three or four subordinates behind him also cheered up, howled a few times and rushed forward.

All of a sudden, four or five of the dozen or so enemies standing in front of him were cut down and knocked to the ground, and the rest were also washed away. They were scared and fled to the rear.

Seeing that the eyes were suddenly empty, and there were no more enemies within a range of more than ten meters, Yamashitaro couldn't help but relax, and he felt infinitely tired, and he couldn't hold the long knife in his hand.

But the current situation does not allow him to rest. Although his eyes and hands are heavy, he still holds on and keeps up his spirits to continue to deal with the coalition soldiers who are slowly surrounding him.

However, before these coalition soldiers surrounded them, there was a burst of screams from around them, and some soldiers in blue military uniforms with a thin layer of leather armor on the opposite side came to kill them.

These soldiers moved quickly, wielding the long knives in their hands like flowers, making people only see a flash of white light, and it was impossible to see the trajectory of its movements.

A row of white flowers lit up, and then the coalition soldiers in front of them couldn't help flashing blood, making the flowers even more beautiful.

After a while, Yamashitaro, who originally thought he was about to die at this moment, returned to the embrace of Amaterasu Great God, his face suddenly brightened. The long knife in his hand was originally intended to fight to the death, but he couldn't help but relax, and the anger immediately vented .

Tired all over, he nodded towards the group of soldiers in blue leather armor, and then fell to the ground, breathing heavily, unable to get up anyway.

After the group of blue-armored soldiers saw it, they didn't say much, just passed them, and killed the coalition soldiers who started to counterattack again.

These soldiers formed a human wall in front, and repeatedly fought and crowded together with the coalition forces on the opposite side, capturing a temporarily safe open space for Yamashitaro and others.

The same scene keeps appearing on the battlefield, but perhaps many people do not have the luck of Yamashitaro to be rescued before dying.

However, with the addition of these 5,000 first-order soldiers, the situation on the battlefield has indeed reached a balance point.

With the warriors of the coalition on the opposite side, plus some standing support, plus a large number of cannon fodder peasants and soldiers, it is still very difficult for these 5,000 first-tier soldiers to really fight. They can maintain the front line without being defeated, even if they really Very dedicated and powerful.

In view of the current stalemate, Tomita Yoshinari could not help but order again to send 5,000 first-tier soldiers here to open a breakthrough at one time.

Soon, another 5,000 densely packed soldiers pressed on, and the coalition soldiers who were in the melee couldn't help but feel great pressure after the 5,000 joined.

The battlefield, which was originally able to maintain a tie and even have a slight upper hand, suddenly fell into a precarious situation.

There are even small-scale defeats in some places, as if a major event is about to fall.

However, although these people couldn't stand it anymore, it was impossible for the leaders of the coalition forces behind them to sit idly by.

This war is related to the survival of their forces in the future, so how can they give up so easily.

Then, another 10,000 cannon fodder was put up. For these coalition forces, such a cannon fodder that could be recruited at any time would not feel bad if they died.

Although there are not many cannon fodder on the entire battlefield, there are still countless untouchables behind them, and tens of thousands can be recruited again at any time.

So even if all the cannon fodder on the battlefield died, they were not in a hurry, at most they felt a little distressed.

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