Listening to Kobayashi-kun's urging and looking at him, his originally peaceful expression became anxious again. Tomita Yoshinari finally stopped being silent and let out a long breath.

"Order, the second right-wing army supports the central battlefield."

Tomita Kazuyoshi's voice came out.

Then Mr. Xiao Lin looked at the messenger around him, who seemed a little dazed, and before he could react, he couldn't help but glared at him.

After being stared at, the messenger hurriedly woke up, he couldn't help answering, then quickly turned around and left, conveying his order.

The second right-wing army is composed of another 5,000 first-level soldiers, and the entire dojo army has 20,000 soldiers of this strength.

Before crossing the river, some damage was done, and the troops just sent to support lost some more. After careful calculation, more than 5,000 first-tier soldiers had been killed before they knew it.

However, although it was heavy, they caused several times the damage to the opposing coalition forces, and it was considered to be the best use of everything.

With these regular military support, the battlefield in the central region should be able to restore stability again, and even gain the upper hand again.

The enemy army in the central battlefield, after several consecutive fights just now, under the attack of the elite dojo army, even if there are more people and there are second-level warriors joining, the loss is still great.

From the beginning of the war to the present, all the fronts and backs of the central battlefield have been added up. These coalition forces have dispatched about 30,000 troops.

After continuous fighting and loss, these armies are now only in the early ten thousand, and the losses are not insignificant.

Moreover, these people have been fighting for so long, their physical strength is exhausted, the weapons in their hands are much blunt, and many of them have some injuries on their bodies. The remaining 10,000 remnants are absolutely unable to hold on, and I am afraid they will collapse in a short time.

"As long as the coalition forces on the opposite side will not send reinforcements again."

Mr. Xiao Lin couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, and then he laughed at himself.

How could it be possible without sending coalition troops? This is a battle of life and death, how can the outcome be sloppy.

While Mr. Xiao Lin was in a trance, a voice came from his ear, which woke him up.

"Mr. Xiaolin, after fighting for so long, I don't know if you have discovered something?"

Tomita Yoshinari asked suddenly.

"Things? My lord forgives my sins, but I will be ignorant in the end, and it is difficult to guess what my lord means."

Kobayashi-kun racked his brains for a while, but finally found out helplessly that he didn't understand what Yoshinari Tomita was talking about.

After all, in this battlefield, the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people are decided here, and too many things happened, how could he know what Tomita Yoshinari was talking about.

"After such a long battle, both the enemy and the enemy are constantly adding reinforcements to support the central battlefield.

But have you noticed that after such a long time, the enemy has lost 20,000 troops, and our side is also close to 20,000, and the number of both sides has begun to tend to be equal.

Even, we have an advantage here, that is, among the remaining 30,000 people on both sides. We are all elites who have been recharging their energy for a long time, but there are more than 10,000 troops on the opposite side who are exhausted from long-term fighting, and most of them are injured. The situation is much worse than ours.

What's more, the rest of us are some elite troops, which are far from comparable to the mob on the opposite side. "

Seeing that Kobayashi-kun had been thinking for so long and still didn't know what he said, Tomita Yoshisei said.

"Yeah, my side does have the upper hand, and purely in terms of strength, all the elites on my side are combined, and their strength has reached 2 to 3 times that of the opponent. With such a huge gap in strength, the outcome depends on At this moment, it has been established."

Thinking of this, Mr. Xiao Lin couldn't help but completely let go of the worries in his heart, and his face became calm.

He also finally understood why his chief general had been refusing to send troops to support the central battlefield just now.

I just want those besieged remnants in the central battlefield to contribute their product value well, consume the physical strength and numbers of the enemy on the opposite side, and plunder a greater advantage for the army.

Now that all the layouts have been completed, even if all the soldiers in the central battlefield are wiped out, it will have a certain impact on the morale of their own side, but it is not fatal to the outcome of the entire battle.

Because with my own strength, I can completely disregard any negative factors and press the past upright. Although the loss may be a little bit more, the victory is within easy reach.

But the coalition army on the opposite side really didn't know this, because after fighting for so long, they found that although the dojo army on the opposite side was much elite, the soldiers all had first-order cultivation. But after all, there are too few people who can break through to the second level, and most of them are lieutenant generals.

This created an illusion for them. This time the dojo army has too little second-order strength, and most of them are ordinary first-order forces.

Although their strength should not be underestimated, the level of threat in their hearts is indeed great, and it has dropped several levels.

For the commanders of these coalition forces, the local rich could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. For the future danger, it slowly subsided unconsciously.

The reason why it can have such an impact on them is mainly because the dojo rises too fast, and it is impossible for them to have any deep foundation in their hearts.

The reason why he was frightened before was because the dojo had unified the Three Kingdoms in an instant and completely became a great name with a stone height of more than a million stones.

Moreover, the barrenness and backwardness of the three northeastern countries have always been famous throughout Japan. Although Echigo and Mutsu two countries are much better, but as the foundation of the rise of the dojo, Dewa country is really a barbarian country, far inferior to Japan's culture, and is despised by other countries.

So just after some trials, although there were a lot of losses, these local tyrants of Shinano Kingdom were greatly relieved, and the threat level to the dojo dropped several levels at once.

In their view, although this war has fallen into a disadvantage, and may even lose, it is no longer an unstoppable force for the entire Shinano country.

As long as the dojo army on the opposite side has the current strength, then even if they can defeat the coalition army on the battlefield today, their own strength loss will definitely reach nearly 2/3. As for the remaining 10,000 remnants, where would they find the spare energy to attack the entire Shinano country?

You must know that Shinano is a big country with a large population, about 400,000.

Even if 50,000 soldiers and horses are lost now, as long as they are mobilized in the rear, the 50,000 troops can be assembled again in an instant.

Although the strength of the 50,000 army is not very good, the remaining 10,000 dojo remnants can be killed by using the tactics of crowds.

Not to mention that there are many mountains in Xinano, and some of them are dangerous. As long as a few heavy cities are blocked and some troops are stationed inside, these remnant soldiers can look at the city and sigh.

Therefore, all the tyrants in the entire Shinano country are now relaxed.

It's just that although their hearts were relaxed, their mood did not improve, but they felt distressed.

Even if this battle can repel the invasion of the dojo and save the entire Shinano country, but with such a loss of strength, the Shinano country will become a small country.

If there is not more than ten years, I am afraid that it will not be able to recover.

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