The leader shrouded in black mist didn't pay attention to the begging gazes of his subordinates around him, instead he fixed his sharp gaze on the ground below.

In his eyes, countless figures walked around and slowly passed under the mountain where he was standing. Soon, many troops passed through this mountain, and they were about to walk out of this mountain range.

Finally, when more than half of these armies passed through this hill, and the most powerful part in the middle was at the foot of the hill, the leader's calm eyes flickered for a moment.

"The time has come, let's do it."

The dozen or so shadows surrounding the black room were all moved when they heard the words, obviously they had been waiting for this order for a long time.

At this time, after receiving the order, a black shadow quickly dispersed, and came to several surrounding hills one by one, and separated them according to a seemingly mysterious formation.

At the same time, these black shadows were quickly pinching seals one by one in their hands. With the pinching of the finger seals, the air around the black shadows continued to fluctuate, and a force so powerful that it was difficult to match emerged in it.

With the release of the power of each black shadow, a force emerged from the position under their feet to match him. Through the connection between the various directions, more than ten black shadows also combined with the same force, gradually forming a Indescribably powerful.

Down below, Tomita Yoshinari, who was in the middle of the long dragon and was in charge of the Chinese army, suddenly had an ominous premonition.

For some reason, ever since he walked into this mountain range, his heart was faintly filled with unwillingness, and an ominous premonition enveloped his entire heart.

What made him feel even more horrified was that his right eyelid was constantly twitching, his left eye was jumping for money, and his right eye was jumping for disaster. This was a prediction of danger and fortune for ordinary people.

After becoming a strong man, this kind of direct physical reaction is rare, because there is a stronger and more direct perception of the warrior's danger, which replaces this kind of physical prediction.

But now his eyelids started to twitch, which meant that even his premonition had been overshadowed by this kind of crisis, and it was directly reflected on his body.

This kind of direct expression makes his heart jump, what kind of terrifying danger is it that makes him feel so uneasy.

"Could it be that the legendary God Amaterasu has appeared and wants to attack a mortal like me?"

Tomita Yoshinari speculated in his heart like this, he couldn't help becoming more and more frightened, and didn't dare to think about it further.

It was precisely because of this fear that he urged the soldiers to get out of this mountain range as soon as possible. Ever since he arrived in the mountains, he had this ominous premonition.

Out of this premonition, he thought that as long as he got out of this mountain range, even all the dangers should fade away. Even if not, to get out of this narrow area, you only need to gather a large army and form a formation.

Then even if Amaterasu really came down with the strength of the army, Tomita Yoshisei would have the courage to fight him twice.

Suddenly, while riding a horse, his worried eyes couldn't stop looking around, and Tomita Yoshinari's sense of crisis became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, his heart moved, and his frightening eyes fixed on the top of the mountain, which was the leader's direction.

He mobilized his internal energy and poured it into his pupils, so that he could see very far away, and he could clearly see the dense forest on the top of the mountain hundreds of meters away.

This look only caused him to lose his mind and almost fell off his horse.

In the mountain forest, there was a black mist, and an extremely frightening aura emanated from it, causing Tomita Yoshinari to feel a great crisis in his heart.

It seems that the omen in my heart was caused by these black mist.

"This black mist suddenly appeared here, and it seems that someone is manipulating it. It must be plotting something wrong. Could it be that they want to deal with my army?"

Tomita Yoshinari thought secretly in his heart.

Judging from the aura emanating from the black mist, Tomita Yoshinari's strong sense of crisis could be aroused by the unthreatening appearance. It is obvious that the strength of the person opposite him is a fifth-level master like him.

In the world, although there are many fourth-tier masters, each country has more than a dozen or dozens of them, even if you think about a small marginal country like Chuyu Kingdom, there are still five or six fourth-tier experts.

However, there are very few who can reach the fifth level of cultivation. There are often some small and declining countries, none of which are not very outstanding in military force.

It can be said that if the entire Japanese Warring States period is added up, it is estimated that there are only thirty or forty people who can reach the fifth level of cultivation, and the number is extremely rare.

From the looks of it, this Tier 5 master should be a native strongman of Shinano Kingdom.

The Shinano country has been in war for many years, and it is surrounded by many powerful countries. There have always been wars, and it is easiest to give birth to a strong man in this environment.

Now that the fifth-tier master took action against him, it seemed that he was persuaded by those local tyrants with some reason, or his actions aroused the anger of that master.

Tomita Yoshinari thought of the continuous burning, killing and looting of his army since he entered the Shinano country, resulting in the death of tens of thousands of Shinano civilians, and he couldn't help but secretly guess.

At this time, in Japan's Warring States Period, the war was focused on defeating wars, and there were very few annihilation wars.

In other words, those local tyrants and daimyos often fought to defeat the elite of the opposing army, and then dispersed the cannon fodder composed of ashigaru farmers, thus winning a war.

Like the previous war between the Dojo and the Allied Forces of the Shinano Kingdom, the means for the purpose of killing the other party's vital forces rarely appeared on this land.

The reason why it was able to reach such a tragic level was not because the dojo forced too much, it was completely a goal of putting those powerful people to death, and frightened these powerful people by the way they were beaten to death.

It is even more unheard of for those tyrants to abuse local peasants and civilians.

To do so is really called a demon.

Coupled with the policy of implicitly rejecting the beliefs of those gods and Buddhas, it made the natives of this world feel disgusted.

Therefore, Tomita Yoshinari was not surprised at all that a fifth-level master could come out to deal with him, but felt very normal.

At the same time, he also breathed a sigh of relief. The danger was hidden in the dark before, which caused him extreme panic. The unknown is terrifying.

Now the person who caused his crisis has emerged. Although his strength is strong, he is at the same fifth level as himself.

But Tomita Yoshinari has this self-confidence, and he is also a top group of fellow practitioners, so he may not be at a disadvantage when facing the enemy hidden in the fog of the dark house.

What's more, there are countless troops around me, and there are more than 20 Tier 4 powerhouses around me. Given the superiority in numbers, I'm afraid I won't be able to take down that hidden enemy.

However, Tomita Yoshinari's heart was not yet settled down, and he raised it all of a sudden, which made him even more horrified this time.

I saw strong fluctuations erupting from the breath in the opposite black screen, and suddenly, a beam of light connected the sky and the earth.

Afterwards, the same beams of light poured out from several surrounding hills, counting them carefully, there were as many as 18 of them.

The aura emitted by each beam of light is extremely powerful, and it is even more harmful when they are connected together. Even Yoshinari Tomita has a feeling of being unstoppable.

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