Although the battle in the Kanto theater is urgent, it is not the only battlefield where the dojo expands.

There is also a more dangerous and more important battlefield that determines the fate of the world is also quietly breaking out.

This world has never been an ordinary world, but a world of immortals and demons with extraordinary power to destroy the world.

In the previous wars, it has been clearly shown how great the impact each extraordinary person has on the war.

The power to massacre thousands of people at every turn, the power to destroy a city, destroy mountains, and cut off rivers are no longer illusory, but true and innocent.

The reason why such a high-level power did not appear in the previous Japanese Warring States Period was because each had certain constraints and took into account the destruction of the mortal world, so they restrained each other and agreed not to make a move.

However, ever since the army was dispatched, experts of the fourth rank and above have frequently joined the battle. Even the rare fifth-level masters who are at the top of the world are no longer maintaining a detached posture. Instead, regardless of their identities, they shot those ordinary soldiers without any regard for any impact.

This result has caused a sharp increase in the number of soldiers and the increase in the killing of civilians, resulting in a sharp drop in the population of all war areas in Japan, serious damage to infrastructure, and complete ruins.

Since even those mortals have such power, as the high gods, even if there are no real gods in this Japanese world, the most powerful are some demigods, but they are also unstoppable forces for mortals.

In Japanese mythology, the destination of all sentient beings, the place where the high gods live, Gao Tianyuan.

Today's Gaotianyuan no longer has the majestic appearance of the gods in the past. Instead, it was full of gunpowder smoke, one sentence after another, and corpses full of terrifying power were scattered everywhere, among them were humanoid, humanoid, or simply beasts and monsters.

In short, the existences that existed in the myths turned into dead bodies and placed here, and the scene of everything being burned and turned into scorched earth next to it seemed to tell that a rather tragic war had broken out here.

"Susano, don't resist anymore, you are doomed to fail this time."

Zhong Yu, who had been full of infinite majesty all his life, was floating in the air at this moment, exuding an infinitely noble purple aura all over his body, and said to a man opposite him with a firm tone.

On the opposite side, a man dressed in bamboo armor, wearing a bamboo hat, and dressed as a samurai was glaring at him while holding the famous artifact Amazono Cloud Sword in his hand.

"The shameless bandit not only covets the mortal world of my Dongpu world, but also dares to reach into Gao Tianyuan and interfere with the sacred authority. Either you die today, or I live."

Susanoo's face was filled with resentment, and he ignored Zhong Yu's advice at all.

Originally, when Zhong Yu had just retreated to the Dewa country, he was just spreading the dojo, and did not take the initiative to intervene in the struggle for hegemony in the whole of Japan, so Susanoo, the supreme god of Japan, didn't care.

However, as the dojo unified the three northeastern countries in an instant, and inserted its hands into the Kanto and the central part, preparing to check the location of the people in the world, it immediately attracted the attention of these supreme gods.

In Japan, the position of the people of the world has always been inherited by the blood descendants of Susanoo, Tsukiyomi, and Amaterasu, the three noble gods in Japan, and no one else has ever been able to get their hands on it.

Now it is suddenly discovered that such a powerful force is actually challenging the position of the people in the world, and judging from the current situation, it is very likely to be realized.

How can this discovery not frighten these high-ranking gods, so Susanoo, who is the most irritable and fiercely fighting among the three noble gods, stepped forward.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he personally directed a good show that wiped out the 50,000 troops in the dojo.

First of all, the chief general of the Shinano Front Army, Tomita Yoshinari was secretly influenced by his methods, became eager for quick success, and made various stupid moves, which halved the strength of the army.

Then he ordered his subordinates to enshrine his own shrine, dispatched the extraordinary power he cultivated, and combined with some local tyrants, he directed the ambush of Mount Iizuna, completely destroying the power of the dojo in the Shinano country.

In the end, if Zhong Yu hadn't sent reinforcements in time, arrived before the forces were completely expelled from Shinano country, stabilized his footsteps and advanced gradually, maybe it was still a question of whether Shinano country could win.

In addition to the most important target of the Shinano country, the other four countries were more or less obstructed by some local gods or other forces under the command of the three noble gods.

Under this series of obstacles, the Five Kingdoms Raiders, which should have been quite smooth, unexpectedly experienced several twists and turns. In the end, if it was not supported by the deep foundation of the dojo, it might really be destroyed.

So, in order to deal with this situation and fight against the harassment from Shinto, Zhong Yu personally led a group of elites he had carefully cultivated to invade on a large scale the residence of the gods and the destination of the soul in Japanese mythology, Gao Tianyuan.

This time, Zhong Yu gathered more than half of the high-level elites, and at the cost of the high-level forces on the frontal battlefield being at a disadvantage, finally assembled three fifth-level members, 37 fourth-level members, and more than 200 third-level members to form a team. This time the crusade against the army.

Although this army is small in number, it is extremely elite.

Compared with this, although Gao Tianyuan claims to be 8 million gods, this is just an imaginary number. How can there be so many gods in a small Japanese world, even more than humans, this is just an exaggeration.

In fact, in the entire Gaotianyuan, all the living beings added up are only more than a hundred thousand people.

All of these people were worshiped as gods by those ignorant and ignorant Japanese and made offerings to them, but most of them were just ordinary demons who hadn't even reached the first level.

There are no more than 30,000 people whose strength can reach the first level or above, among them there are no more than 10,000 people who have the second level of cultivation, and as for the third level, there are less than 5,000 people.

There are no more than a thousand people who have really reached the fourth level of cultivation that is derailed from mortals and possesses inconceivable power.

As for the fifth level above it, there are no more than a hundred people. As for the existence above the demigods, there are no more than ten people in total, which is extremely rare.

And two of them are the supreme gods of Japan. Izanagi and Izanami, the legendary creators of the world, have already lived in seclusion in nothingness and have not been born at all.

The remaining demigods who are still active in the world, including the three noble gods, are only five people, which is very rare.

This is the accumulation of the entire Japanese world for thousands of years, from the creation of the world in mythology to the frequent activities of the gods in the world, and finally living in seclusion in Gao Tianyuan, the accumulated power of countless long rivers of history.

Speaking of this kind of strength, if you say it is strong, it is also very strong, but if you say it is weak, it is also very weak. It depends on how people perceive and divide it.

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