The final goal is to use these 50,000 troops to rush to the special nodes in the eight countries, and to imitate those local tyrants in Shinano who ambushed Tomita Yoshinari before, and set up a monstrous formation, using the formation to imprint the power of the earth's veins, in one fell swoop Bury all the lives in the Eight Kingdoms.

This is Zhong Yu's ultimate goal.

Before that, those so-called sacrifices were just a cover. Attacking the Eight Kingdoms is also a pretense, and it is true to set up this super-heavy formation.

After all, with an army composed of 50,000 extraordinary strength, although it is easy to destroy these eight countries, time is very tight.

If you want to kill all the people in the Eight Kingdoms within two hours, you can only barely meet the time to travel, and it is impossible to complete this arduous task.

If human beings can't do it, then they can only use the power of heaven and earth.

The 50,000 army has been prepared, and they are all elites.

Even if one of the lowest-ranking soldiers is placed among other local tyrants, he is a small general who controls tens of hundreds of people, each of whom has several village fiefdoms, and his status is distinguished.

Today's 50,000 army is equivalent to 50,000 generals, so it goes without saying about its strength.

When all the preparations were completed, Zhong Yu concealed the secrets of the sky, and the vision of many gods had reached the limit. This layer of fog was about to be cleared gradually, and when all the great powers were about to discover its layout, the action began.

The 50,000 army was like a torrent, carrying unstoppable power, rolling in, and swept the eight countries in one fell swoop.

All the local tyrants in the Eight Kingdoms were shocked to find that although the army facing them still only had 50,000 people, its essence had undergone earth-shaking changes.

A legion composed of 50,000 third-tier troops is enough to set off a storm in a world where this level is not too high, and it is located in a medium-power city.

Anyone who dares to stand in front of him will push Ping over, even if it is a demigod aloft.

All the defenses of the powerful and famous in the frontier are useless. In the past, they were proud of it and regarded it as an insurmountable fortified city, which did not stop it in the slightest.

It is only three or four meters high, and the whole body is made of wooden walls, mixed with some mud for defense. For a master whose strength has reached the third level, it can be turned over in just one jump.

As for the stronger city defense, it is composed of some soil embryos, even mixed with some bricks and stones, reaching a height of more than ten meters.

For those powerhouses whose strength has reached the fifth level, it is just a blow, at most it will take some extra effort, and it will not have any defensive effect at all.

Therefore, under the storm of 50,000 troops, any obstacles that stood in their way were reduced to dust.

As long as it prevents them from reaching the node, they will all be given the fate of destruction.

Compared with the vast territory of the Eight Kingdoms, although 50,000 people are quite a lot, they are scattered on every node, but they are extremely sparse.

The 50,000 army pushed forward all the way. Apart from the initial turbulent offensive, after solving most of the enemies not far from the border, some troops were consumed.

Then arrange their own nodes in these places. There are many of these nodes, fully occupying 1/3 of the entire formation. After 50,000 people were scattered, more than 10,000 troops left the team.

Although there are still many people left and their strength is strong enough, the momentum and speed of the attack have gradually become insufficient.

By the time the central area has been fully arranged and pushed to the hinterland of the back area, it is difficult for the remaining more than ten thousand people to wipe out there, and the essence of the entire country has already gathered.

While it shouldn't be a problem to wipe them all out, it will take time.

But after this long journey and fighting, two hours and a half have passed, and there is only half an hour left to eliminate these people and rush to their corresponding positions, but there is nothing they can do.

The last steadfast place of all countries, the gathering place of the essence of the Eight Kingdoms, countless powerful names summoned the warriors under their command one by one, brought them into their own city, and prepared to defend it to the death.

After experiencing the encounters of big names and powerful people from various countries in the past, they have already clearly and clearly understood their situation.

The enemies facing them were not the benevolent big names and powerful men in the past, but the demons who took everything away from them, and even refused to leave their lives behind.

In this desperate situation of life or death, with no way out, they would rather die in battle, dragging a few enemies to meet Amaterasu before dying.

He is also unwilling to just let it go and let the enemy slaughter him.

"The glory of the Wu family cannot be desecrated. A true warrior dares to face life and death."

This is the awakening of all warriors in the troubled times.

The suicide of these people was not useless, they severely blocked the attacking footsteps of the remaining ten thousand troops in the dojo, and blocked them from their respective strongholds, making it difficult to advance an inch.

Those nodes outside the city are okay, although bypassing these cities and going to the nodes behind them is a bit embarrassing and suspected of being greedy for life and afraid of death.

But as long as the goal can be achieved, the people in front of the city who are rejoicing for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe will also be unable to escape the fate of death, and they will still turn into luck and serve as the food for Zhong Yu's competition.

What is really tricky is where those nodes are in the city, and that is the really hard nut to crack.

If the dojo wants to arrange a perfect formation, then the nodes in the city must be in the hands.

But the powerful and famous in the city want to survive, and the city they are defending is the only bargaining chip, and they will never give up.

After all, these powerful and famous people don't know that Zhong Yu just wants a certain place in the city as the foundation for arranging the formation.

They always thought that the large-scale attack that came to the scene this time was with the idea of ​​destroying them in one fell swoop.

Although they don't know why the gods signed the contract with the heaven, earth, humans and gods that they guaranteed before, why the commander of the opposite army didn't care so much, and just violated it so openly, it seems that it doesn't lie in the subsequent consequences.

I don't know why all of a sudden, the army on the opposite side suddenly became the third rank of 50,000, and the number of masters of the fourth and fifth ranks is even more unknown.

However, according to their past experience, where these dojo troops have passed, powerful and famous locals with profound strength and influence like them will not survive at all. Those enemies who can give a decent death be kind.

That's all they need to know, so they know where to swing their weapons.

As for the dojo explaining to them what their purpose is, let's not talk about the hatred between each other, can we make each other understand and understand.

In other words, the time spent on explaining is not something the dojo can bear.

After all, in the eyes of those powerful and famous, each city is the foundation of a family's prosperity and decline, how can it be abandoned at will.

Every well-known city is formed by the accumulation of decades or hundreds of years of a family through the unremitting efforts of generations. It entrusts the wish of the whole family to cultivate people, and it cannot be easily discarded.

Therefore, with these conceptual conflicts and fundamental contradictions, wars are inevitable.

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