During the period when the five gods and the will of heaven appeared outside, they didn't know what happened in the mist due to the cover of the fog. Even the will of heaven and earth lost control of this area because of the isolation of the formation. detection.

I saw the original territory of the Eight Kingdoms, with the appearance of the giant pillar reaching the sky, covered by the endless fog, it fell into a dark blood red.

Countless people who were awakened suddenly by the war, before they had time to taste the panic and suffering brought about by the war, were confused by this sudden abnormality.

However, before they recovered from the astonishment and calmed down their fear a little, even greater changes occurred spontaneously.

I saw endless black and red colors covering the entire sky and everywhere, as if the sky and the earth have been like this since ancient times, and there will be no changes in the future.

But at this moment, a cyan breath appeared.

This cyan is very rich, so rich that it is almost black, but as long as people can see it, they will definitely say that it is cyan.

The cyan fluttered and turned into a series of silks, entangled with each other, flying around with the surging clouds.

But when these people looked at these blue colors curiously, and even reached out to touch them, a change occurred.

The person who was touched by these black threads was quickly entangled with the whole body along the touched place by those threads, spreading to all parts of the body.

After that, the person entangled by the blue hair underwent an indescribable change under the horrified eyes of others.

First of all, the skin of the body gradually changed from yellow to black, and the whole body expanded several times, and then shrunk down to a child's appearance, the process was extremely fast and strange.

Immediately afterwards, the teeth in the mouth became sharper and sharper, and finally formed a bloody mouth with sharp teeth, like a wild beast.

The hair all over the body grows at an abnormal speed, covering the whole body, and even the clothes cannot cover it, like a long-haired creature.

The whole process took less than a minute, and a living person turned into a ghost with a green face and fangs, how could it not be frightening.

What was even more frightening was that the man's transformation into a ghost hadn't ended yet. Instead, he followed the smell of blood and headed towards the gathering place, as if he was hunting for food.

Before several people had time to react, their limbs were bitten off alive by the green-faced ghost, and they were directly flayed and eaten alive.

The rest of the people screamed and scattered in fright.

These auras in the form of cyan threads that can induce mutations are the result of Zhong Yu's massacre of his own eight kingdoms and gathering the soul essence and blood of countless creatures. When those creatures died, a ray of resentment often fell on those soldiers and never dispersed.

Originally, if these grievances were not dispelled in time, even with the strength of those soldiers, their bodies would be exhausted after a long time, their qi and blood would decay, and finally they would end up in a tragic death situation.

However, these soldiers were originally disposable items, and they were created for the current situation, so Zhong Yu would not care about the hidden dangers of these soldiers.

And with these grievances, it can add a bit of power after the formation. Just like now, being able to induce those civilians to mutate and turn into ghosts will add a bit more efficiency to his killing effect.

However, no matter how terrifying these mutations are and how many lives are lost, this is not the final form of the formation and its greatest power.

Although the power of resentment is strong, if you want to use it to wipe out all the millions of lives in all the formations, no more than one day is fundamentally insufficient.

Although the current formation has gathered the power of the eight active earth veins, plus the 50,000 troops sacrificed by the blood of millions of living beings as the formation base, the power is incredible.

But Zhong Yu dared not expect to be able to block the attacks of Heavenly Dao and all the gods in this world for more than a day.

Although the formation is strong, it also has a limit. If it exceeds this limit, it will not work.

Just inside the formation, when countless blue-faced evil spirits are chasing and killing those who survived, the endless sky outside the formation, the Eye of Heaven in it, has already condensed enough With the strength, he started his first wave of attack.

A black tribulation thunder bombarded down, the speed seemed to be slow, but it crossed countless distances in the blink of an eye, and came to the formation in an instant.



Two consecutive voices sounded, almost indistinguishable from each other, but the difference could be clearly heard.

I saw that when the tribulation thunder fell just now, the 81 pillars of heaven did not move at all, but at this moment they condensed into a light spot, facing the direction where the tribulation thunder fell.

A white light curtain appeared under the light spot, covering a radius of thousands of miles, directly concealing the entire Fa-rectification, and defending without any gaps.

Although the white light spot was powerful, it was wiped out in less than a second under Jielei's attack.

Afterwards, the Jielei shrank in a circle and bombarded down, hitting the white mask.

The mask trembled a few times and shook violently, but there was no major problem in the end, but there were a few cracks on the point where the thunderbolt fell just now.

Zhong Yu, who was inside the formation, had already sensed the aura of heaven when the tribulation thunder fell. The majestic and majestic, vast and infinite, and all the only auras all showed that he was the supreme heaven in this world. The most powerful existence, none of them.

And according to the aura emanating from Dao that day, Zhong Yuyu suddenly felt the aura of the eighth level, that is, breaking through the boundaries of gods and mortals, and reaching the power of gods.

"Huh——, fortunately, I didn't act rashly before. As expected, the heavenly dao in this world has reached the level of a god, and I can't fight against it. Fortunately, a formation was arranged as a buffer, which bought me enough time. Otherwise, I acted rashly , the consequences are unpredictable."

There was a look of rejoicing in Zhong Yu's eyes, full of the feeling of the rest of his life for his own preparations for a rainy day.

Although he has already got in touch with his own small world, he can leave this world at any time and return to the original coordinates. He can advance or retreat, and has the strategic initiative.

But after all, this connection is extremely weak, the distance is too far, and Zhong Yu's strength is too low, this weak connection may be interrupted and broken again at any time due to powerful forces or inexplicable changes.

The Heavenly Dao in front of him, with his god-level strength, coupled with the personality of the Heavenly Dao in this world, can mobilize the power of the whole world, and it is very likely that he can block the space and disconnect himself from the small world. When he wants to escape, Then there is nowhere to go.

But now with this formation, everything is different.

The formation can not only block the attack of the Heavenly Dao for a period of time, but also has a huge effect, not just killing the creatures in the Eight Kingdoms.

Formation also has one of the most important functions.

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