Hecheng is just a small county, and it is located in a wild frontier. The development of the whole area is not far behind the prosperous and prosperous areas in the interior of the Ming Dynasty.

But even so, the entire Hecheng County has a population of more than 100,000, and the county seat has more than 30,000 people. Compared with the dynasties that Zhong Yu has seen in other worlds, it is not known how much stronger.

Naturally, with such a large population and corresponding cultivation methods, even if the inheritance of the barren land declines, there will always be some lucky ones who have obtained the mantle of casual cultivators.

Coupled with the inheritance of some local wealthy families and the power of the government, the entire county still gathered a pretty good force when it was facing a dying situation.

Led by the people from the government, with various other folk forces as the wings, Hecheng gathered an army of 5,000, all of whom were Tier 2 with extraordinary strength.

Such a background can be called terrifying.

You know, this is just a small border county of the Ming Dynasty among countless dynasties in the entire Liaozhai world.

A small county in a barren land has such power, and if you push it carefully, you can know the horror of the whole world.

But that's also a good thing.

The stronger the power of the world, the higher the upper limit of his power, at least the power of the god level is no longer in the legend, only the high heaven can achieve it.

What's more, the stronger the background of the world, the more luck that can be plundered. This is the accumulation that Zhong Yu's cultivation method relies on to break through. How can he not make him feel like a fish in water.

"Then, next, it's time to think about how to gain a foothold in this world."

Zhong Yu thought deeply.

The technique he practices is that the larger the territory he occupies, the stronger the boost he can receive, and the more terrifying the strength will be.

So if he can command the entire Liao Zhai world, then his strength will be enhanced to an incredible level. The eighth-level god is not the end, the ninth-level is not false, and even the tenth-level power is not a legend.

And all of this needs to take root in this world and have a piece of land of its own as a foundation.

And based on this, it gradually expanded, and finally formed a major event that swept the entire world.

"This place is not bad, and I should take it as my foundation."

Zhong Yu looked at the county town full of twilight in front of him, and said thoughtfully.

The breath of despair diffused in the midair of the entire city and could not be dissipated, and it could be seen by a person with a high cultivation level at a glance.

At the same time, a corner that belonged to the Da Ming Qi Luck Golden Dragon was cut off by a layer of black smoke. Of course, compared to the huge body of the entire Qi Luck Golden Dragon, such a small corner is not even a hair on him. not on.

But even a little corner, compared to an individual, is extremely huge. This is the manifestation of the luck of more than a hundred thousand Li people. If you can get it, it will be of great benefit to your cultivation.

However, few practitioners dare to use it. After all, no matter how scattered the luck is, there is no master to restrain it.

But that is also the food that belongs to the existence of the level of heaven and humanity. If you want to take food from their mouths, even if it is an insignificant point, you will be tired of living and looking for death.

Of course, this is not a fatal situation. If you can give greater benefits to the Dao of Heaven and Dao of Humanity, at least you must exceed these luck.

Then if you are a little willful, they will still be very generous and will not pursue it.

This is the karma in the legend, but it is actually just a transaction.

If you take what is natural and humane and return more to them, then you can get a good result.

If you can't pay it back, then I'm sorry, let's take you as a mortgage!

To be able to snatch the food in the mouth of heaven and humanity, no matter what, he is also a person with a successful cultivation base.

The luck contained in his body is quite considerable, at least equal to the luck that was snatched by him, and there may even be more.

In short, no matter what, the agglomeration of these meanings of heaven and humanity follow the instinct of the supremacy of interests, and no matter what you do, you will not let yourself suffer.

Now the luck of the entire Hecheng is scattered, turning into golden clouds, constantly churning in the air, changing these forms, beautiful and indescribable.

These lucks are very sufficient. According to Zhong Yu's estimation, the total amount of luck is about 1 million, which is extremely impressive and even more terrifying.

You know, Zhong Yu destroyed 1/3 of the Japanese world, which is equivalent to the territorial population of about 20 counties, and at the cost of destroying a small half of the world, he only got about 57 million luck.

In other words, if the part that destroyed the world is not counted, if Zhong Yu slaughtered an area of ​​about one prefecture in Japan and fished in the dry land, he would only get about 50,000 of his luck, no less.

But in this world, there are only about one million people in a small county who unconsciously radiate luck.

If you were more ruthless and fished in a dry place like Japan, it is estimated that you could get more luck, about two million.

This is quite scary.

In other words, the background of this world is 50 times stronger than that of Japan in a small county, and this is not counting the vastness of the entire world and the more luck in more densely populated areas.

In fact, the background of this world is more than hundreds of times that of Japan, and the two sides are not at the same level at all.

It's no wonder that the Japanese world is nothing more than a demigod level, and the only god level is nothing but the Dao of Heaven. How can it be compared to walking around here with demigods full of gods, and only immortal gods can shake.

"So much luck is really intoxicating."

Infinite greed flashed in Zhong Yu's eyes. For him, as long as he has enough luck, it will be much easier to break through the realm of cultivation.

Unless faced with the bottleneck of a large realm, otherwise the same rank, small realms will come naturally without any hindrance.

The strength of this world was beyond his imagination, and it almost made it difficult for him to maintain a stable state of mind.

"It's like this in a small county, so if you can occupy Guide Mansion, Dongjiang Province, and even replace Daming, what kind of scene will it be?"

Zhong Yu's eyes shone brightly, and the future became extremely clear all of a sudden. Through the long time and space, he seemed to see the rise of an incomparably brilliant fairy dynasty on earth.

Zhong Yu is not like those local aborigines, he has no scruples about absorbing luck, he is afraid that he will be contaminated with karma and will not be able to pay back.

With the particularity of this technique, coupled with the cover of the function of the small world, it is enough to blind the eyes of heaven and humanity in this world, and inadvertently, a large amount of food is diverted from their mouths.

And with the origin of the world like luck, a group of powerful subordinates were trained, and they relied on them to conquer cities and seize resources for themselves.

Then use these additional resources to train new strong men, so that a virtuous circle is formed, and the world seems to have stepped under Zhong Yu's feet.

"But for all of this, let's take down this small town first."

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