Not long after returning, the respective armies of both sides began to mobilize frequently, and strange brilliance lit up in the army formation, and powerful forces surged in the brilliance, this is the power of the army formation.

As long as there are enough troops, and through the kneading of formations, the power of these troops will be connected together, and the resulting power will be enough to cross countless classes and fight against the strong.

This is also one of the confidences of the current dynasty to form countless armies to deter the major sects.

Although masters from various sects appear frequently, as long as they are surrounded by the army and cast formations, as long as they do not exceed the upper limit of the formation's power, they will all be suppressed obediently, and they will hate it.

Just like the Demon King of Huangshan, if you want to deal with him, you only need 30,000 third-tier soldiers to form a large formation to surround him and strangle him.

If the formation is more subtle, even 10,000 people can surround him and kill him, which shows the subtlety of the formation and the strength of the army formation.

"Spell attack!"

Chen Wu shouted loudly, and hundreds of rays of light instantly lit up behind him, each of which was incomparably bright and contained the power to destroy everything.


All of a sudden, hundreds of rays of light slammed towards the opposite monster clan camp.

"Damn it, attack me!"

After seeing it, the leader of the monster clan on the opposite side changed his face and ordered.

Afterwards, the 5,000 demon soldiers moved, following a special pace, with extremely fast speed but without breaking the rules, they rushed towards the imperial army swiftly and fiercely.

The monster race is physically strong, and even reached a certain level, able to awaken their own innate supernatural powers.

But correspondingly, it becomes extremely difficult for them who lack intelligence to practice spells. In addition, the monster race lacks inheritance, or there is no one at all, which is far inferior to the human race who can practice systematically.

In terms of combat, remote input is too far behind, far inferior to humans with system inheritance.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of the earth breaking up sounded, and with the blow of the spell, countless pieces of the earth split open, and the shattered gravel shot in all directions, piercing the bodies of the monster soldiers around.

What's even more frightening is the shock wave brought up by a series of spells. The powerful air current fluctuations smashed their defenses at once, hit their bodies, and directly tore the whole body apart.

Even the internal organs in the body with strong defenses couldn't bear it, they were directly shattered, and followed in the footsteps of their predecessors.

Just like that, those monster clan lost nearly a thousand people, and the camp, which was not very huge, was cut down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hahaha, it seems that these monster soldiers are not very good, the so-called monster clan is nothing more than that!"

After Chen Wu saw the effect of the technique on his side, he laughed a few times and joked to the lieutenant beside him.

The lieutenant quickly nodded yes, and began to compliment, the atmosphere on the podium suddenly became lively, with a bit of the spirit of pointing the country, talking and laughing, and the mast and oar were wiped out in ashes.

After being impacted by this counting method for a while, the monster soldiers on the opposite side did not slow down at all, but continued to gallop forward fiercely, and their momentum became a little more fierce.

However, no matter how fast they are, they still have half the distance from the army in front, and this distance is enough for the imperial army to launch another wave of attacks.

Boom boom boom!

It was another wave of magical attacks, which once again took the lives of thousands of monster soldiers and reduced the waistline of the monster camp.

At this moment, the long-range strike effect of Chen Wu's army has completely disappeared, and the next step is the tough battle on the frontal battlefield.

The imperial army below was ready. Two thousand armored soldiers stood in front, holding a huge iron shield as tall as a man in their left hand, and a three-meter-long spear in their right hand, stabbing forward obliquely.

Behind them were about 3,000 sword and shield fighters, all holding an arm shield and paired with a Bailian sword, forming the second wave of attacks.

As for the 3,000 fighters holding sharp swords in the rear, each of these fighters has superb swordsmanship skills, and each of them has a small-scale formation attack technique with each other. It is a sharp weapon for roaming against the enemy and fighting on the battlefield. .

As for the 2,000-strong magic-casting legion at the rear, their prototype is Zhong Yu in the Mingyue World of Qin Dynasty, who summoned many talented and brilliant people, combined Yin-Yang School and Taoism together, and added some Shushan Strategists and so on. The quintessence of a hundred schools of thought derived a cultivation system that he named Xuanshu.

Practitioners who practice this system are called mystics, also known as warlocks, and the best of them are recruited to form a legion to help Zhong Yu conquer the heavens.

These warlock corps not only have advanced martial arts cultivation, but also mastered all kinds of strange and weird spells. They can be called fellow practitioners of martial arts and martial arts. Their strength can be called strong among the same level, and they are the most powerful force under Zhong Yu's command.

Among other things, let's say that the 10,000 Tier 4 legions in Zhong Yu's hands are all powerful mystic masters who have mastered the power of mystic arts.

Those monster soldiers rushed up quickly, and some of the monster soldiers in the lead were even stronger, with rough skin and thick flesh, and they were the main force in the monster clan to attack the city.

They just rushed forward, relying on their huge bodies and powerful defensive forces, they rushed the first line of defense consisting of 2,000 people full of holes, and they couldn't do it even if they hindered it.

Half of the 2,000 front-line soldiers were killed, and the remaining 1,000 people were scared out of their wits. In addition, the dense defensive formation had been broken, and death was not far away.

However, because of the sacrifices of these people, more than 500 demon soldiers were killed in battle. These are the elite of the demon soldiers. Now that they have suffered so much damage, it is enough to be called a broken bone.

You know, fighting is all about momentum. Although there may be some gaps in other strengths and equipment, the most important thing is that there are soldiers on your side who are not afraid of death to lead the charge, so that you can inspire the courage of your soldiers and charge along with them.

Now that there are so many people who are not afraid of death at once, the entire army will be timid when fighting, and will gradually be consumed and swallowed by the enemy.

After breaking through the first line of defense, due to the death of too many elite veterans, the Yaozu's offensive inevitably slowed down. Although they were still brave, they were a little less aggressive than before.

At this time, the sword and shield hand who greeted them was ready.

These sword and shield players not only have a certain defensive ability, but also are a little more flexible than the spearmen just now, and can deal with the monster clan's attack more skillfully.

As soon as the two sides fought, these demon soldiers felt the essential difference between these sword and shield players and the spearmen just now. Not only did their strength increase a bit, but their flexibility was also greatly enhanced, which was much more difficult to deal with than the heavy spears just now.

Especially now that they have lost those elites who dare to fight and can fight, it is even more difficult to deal with it.

In a short while, hundreds of demon soldiers died in battle, and they could only pass through the battle formation that had just touched the target, and they couldn't even be called a disturbance, let alone a breakthrough.

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