Lanruo Temple, isn't this the tree demon lair that their army will dispatch to encircle and suppress?

Moreover, the murderer Liu Yidao was chasing and killing a woman. In a place like Lanruo Temple where demons run rampant, where did the woman come from, and the murderer was also there, but he was not eaten by the tree demon.

What was even more surprising was that the weak-looking scholar in front of him actually said that he lived in Lanruo Temple for a few days and found a murderer chasing and killing women.

No matter how you listen to it, it feels incredible.

But the matter is very important, especially the three characters of Lanruo Temple have attracted the attention of the four guards, so they didn't make things difficult for the scholar.

They just led him into the county office, took him to a remote corridor and waited, and the rest of them quickly reported to Zhong Yu.

When Zhong Yu received the news, he naturally understood who this scholar named Ning Caichen was. Isn't he the protagonist of the story of A Chinese Ghost Story?

In the plot of the tree demon's grandmother in Guobei County, he can be called the son of luck.

Although the so-called luck is just the way of heaven, humanity and monsters, the degree of importance they place on their chess pieces is not a real miracle against the sky.

But since there is such a saying, there must be a reason for its existence.

In Zhong Yu's eyes, luck is nothing more than the accumulation of growth, the source of the plane that can be absorbed.

But in the eyes of people in this world, luck is what heaven values ​​a person, and it is an extremely important force.

If Ning Caichen can be mastered, it is very possible to use his luck to suppress the luck of the tree demon's grandmother if he is brought to the battle against the tree demon's grandmother, and from then on, it will form the original book to kill the tree demon and the old black mountain demon. The plot happens.

The deeper explanation is to use the favor of humanity and heaven to Ning Caichen to suppress the evil spirits behind the tree demon grandmother and the Montenegro old demon, so as to gain a certain strategic initiative, that is, to grasp the timing.

Although without such a layer of luck, Zhong Yu could still wipe out the clones of the tree demon's grandmother and the Montenegro old demon, but it was very likely that he would lose part of the army.

When there are bigger and better options, this unwise method of losing one's own strength will naturally not be adopted by Zhong Yu.

"Bring Ning Caichen here! I want to see him." Zhong Yu ordered to the people around him.

With Zhong Yu's orders, as the supreme ruler of the empire, his subordinates will always pay attention to and implement any orders he says and do. Ning Caichen was quickly brought here, and the whole process did not take more than ten minutes.

When Zhong Yugao was sitting in the county magistrate's seat in the lobby of the county government office, and was about to approach Ning Caichen, the anxiety on Ning Caichen's face outside had long since disappeared, replaced by fear nervous expression.

As early as on the way here, the attendant who came to guide him told Ning Caichen that what he was about to meet was that he now ruled the four eastern provinces of the Ming Dynasty, and was constantly attacking the six southern provinces. His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Yu Kingdom, please pay attention to his words and deeds, and be sure to maintain great etiquette and respect.

Although Ning Caichen knew that the so-called Emperor of the Great Yu Kingdom was nothing more than a traitor in front of the orthodox Ming Dynasty, he was especially cast aside by a scholar like him.

But facts are stronger than people. Seeing that the Ming Dynasty is in turmoil, it seems that it may sink at any time.

Instead, the newly-emerged Great Yu Kingdom in the past year has been in full swing. Like the rising sun, it has wiped out the cancer and disadvantages of the original Ming Dynasty in one fell swoop, and brought new vitality and vitality to all the people in the newly occupied land of the Great Yu Kingdom. hope.

With such an obvious contrast, everyone knows that the rise of the Great Yu Kingdom is unstoppable, and it won't take long for it to become a big country with ten provinces and millions of troops.

And with these strengths, Guo Zuo, who has been at least for decades, can't run away.

Under such circumstances, the original rebels naturally became orthodox, and became the court representing the people's hearts and righteousness.

So with enough knowledge, Ning Caichen was naturally very nervous about meeting an emperor, even the emperor of a small country.

"Grassman Ning Caichen has met His Majesty the Emperor, long live His Majesty the Emperor." Since he had not received any orthodox interest training, Ning Caichen could only learn the etiquette he had seen in the drama, kneel down and kowtow toward the emperor in a hurry. Zhong Yu saluted.

"Get up, I don't have so many red tapes here!" Zhong Yu looked at Ning Caichen who was panicking below with interest, and was very satisfied with his respectful attitude, so he smiled and asked him to get up.

Hearing this, Ning Caichen hesitated for a moment, and stood up, but he couldn't control the trembling all over his body.

"I heard that Ning Caichen lived in Lanruo Temple and met Yan Chixia."

"Yes, Your Majesty. The villain did see Yan Chixia, but he is the murderer Liu Yidao. Yan Chixia is just a pseudonym. Now Yan Chixia is committing murder in Lanruo Temple, chasing and killing a girl, please hurry up." Send troops to chase and rescue." Ning Caichen was asked by Zhong Yu, and immediately remembered what he was doing in the county government, and the original awe in his heart dissipated a lot with his concern for Nie Xiaoqian, and he begged.

"Okay, don't worry, Yan Chixia is not Liu Yidao, the murderer. Liu Yidao was hunted down by the county government a long time ago, and now he has been sent to serve in the army." Zhong Yu shook his head, and wanted to stop it. Ning Caichen who said something.

"But why did Yan Chixia chase and kill Xiaoqian? Xiaoqian is just a weak woman. When did she offend Yan Chixia?" Even though he knew Yan Chixia's identity, Ning Caichen still couldn't forget his concern for Nie Xiaoqian.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flew outside the county yamen, rushed into the lobby of the county yamen, and appeared in front of Zhong Yu and Ning Caichen.

"Who is it? There is an assassin. Come here, hurry up and escort!" Countless panicked voices sounded, and then the guards of the county government's guards rushed out, and immediately surrounded the county government hall tightly.

Yan Chixia stood in the lobby of the county government office with a surprised expression on her face.

As a sixth-level cultivation base, he has already reached what Taoism calls an earth immortal in his lifetime.

Now that he just broke into the county government office, he was discovered by the guards in the county government office, and they quickly surrounded him. How not to surprise him, this surpassed the capabilities of those government officials in his original impression.

However, he soon understood that the people surrounding him were not those yamen servants, but a well-trained soldier, and his strength was unexpectedly strong.

"Who are you, dare to trespass into His Majesty's palace without authorization, what should you do?" Zhong Yu's personal guard General Zhao Yun pointed his spear at Yan Chixia and shouted sharply.

"Your Majesty, he is the perpetrator that the Caomin said." At the same time, Ning Caichen's surprised voice echoed.

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