This Taoist priest invited everyone to eat pears, which seemed to be grown by himself, but in fact, he just used a trick to distribute the pears that the peddler wanted to sell to everyone, in order to retaliate against the peddler for his miserliness.

The people around are all mortals with naked eyes. Even if they have some cultivation, they are not as high as that Taoist priest, so they can't tell.

But who are Zhong Yu and these people? The strong Zhong Yu has a seventh-level cultivation base, and people like Gai Nie have a sixth-level cultivation. .

Such a small trick has caused dissatisfaction among Zhongyu, Donghuang Taiyi, Gai Nie and others.

Originally, he was entangled and aggressive, causing noise in the downtown area and disrupting the surrounding order. He had already violated the laws of the empire and should be punished.

But because the Taoist priest has some cultivation, and the peddler is really stingy, it doesn't matter to give him a little punishment. Zhong Yu came out to play this time, and he didn't have the intention to take care of it. He planned to take a look and leave.

But Taoist priests are now openly acting in public, using Taoist methods to seize other people's money and confuse pedestrians. The crime is much heavier than disrupting the order of the street.

In order to stabilize the order of the empire, Zhong Yu had already issued several orders to prohibit any cultivator from displaying his power in the city, and those who violated it would be severely punished.

This order has been emphasized several times, and it has been implemented all over the country, and a large number of law enforcement teams have been arranged to patrol, intending to force those lawless practitioners to obey by strong means.

And Jiangdu City, as the capital of the empire, had stronger enforcement. In the past few months, countless troops patrolled the city, arresting countless people who dared to commit crimes by force. At the entrance of the vegetable market, there are still dozens of corpses of criminals who resisted and were killed on the spot.

Now it's just after some rectification, the order has been restored a little bit, the number of people who dare to be presumptuous has decreased, and the patrolling has been slightly relaxed.

There is even this Taoist priest who dares to act openly, using Taoist methods to seize other people's property in the downtown area, simply ignoring the laws and deterrents before the empire, and despising the majesty of the empire.

This kind of daring act, how not to make Zhong Yu feel angry, is ignoring what he said before and provoking his authority.

"What a daring Taoist priest, he dared to use demon magic in the downtown area. Have you forgotten the thousands of demon people who were executed before?" Zhong Yu shouted sharply, awakening the passers-by who were confused by the blindfold.

When the people around heard Zhong Yu's yell, a chill came out of their minds, and their thoughts immediately came to their senses.

At this time, I turned my head and saw that there was no pear tree in front of me. There was only a long pole erected on it, and two pear baskets were hung on the pole. Take it away and eat it, nothing.

Who doesn't know now, what the Taoist gave them just now was the pears that the peddler in front of them picked for sale.

The peddler looked back at his car, only to find that the few baskets of pears he had picked up from the car were gone, and even one of the handlebars of his car was broken, and the hole was newly cut.

He didn't know that he was being teased by the Taoist priest, so he was out of breath, and rushed to stop him, demanding compensation from him.

The Taoist priest was entangled by the peddler, but he just sneered to himself and ignored him. Instead, he stared at the source of the sound, looked at Zhong Yu and the others, and said, "What a bold man, he dares to meddle in my affairs, and he is so impatient." ?"

"Now, you still dare to be so rampant, do you really think that the laws of our empire are not in place? Not long ago, His Majesty the Emperor issued repeated orders, strictly ordering practitioners to use demonic methods in the city, and those who violated it will be punished. Now only a few months have passed, Caishikou There are still dozens of monster corpses hanging on the wall, you, a Taoist priest, dare to practice demon law openly, disturb the order of the street, and take other people's property, you deserve to die." Zhong Yu reprimanded.

"It's nothing more than a traitor. Stealing the throne of the emperor, he dared to pervert, openly oppressed us and other moral figures, and aroused the anger of the public. The time of defeat is not far away." The Taoist spoke not weakly, and took the initiative to fight back.

The pedestrians around heard the Taoist's rampant words, the content was extremely rebellious, their expressions suddenly changed in fright, and they quickly retreated away from here. Even the peddler who felt sorry for his belongings didn't dare to stay longer, he quickly let go of the Taoist priest's hand and backed away.

This is the foot of the emperor, the imperial capital, and the awe of the people in the city for the imperial power can be said to be far higher than that of people in other places. Moreover, his sense of glory as a citizen of the imperial capital is also rising day by day, and he gradually has a sense of superiority compared with people from other places.

Now hearing that the Taoist almost said that he was going to rebel, everyone was shocked. Especially for those who ate Sydney pears, they were afraid that one of them would be implicated, and they themselves would be arrested by the government to punish them for the crime of implicating them.

"What a rampant and ignorant person, dare to say such wild words in the imperial capital. He is really a person with evil intentions, and his intention to plot rebellion is clearly revealed." With a few laughs, Zhong Yu was also irritated by the arrogance of this Taoist priest .

Although Zhong Yu knew it long ago, because of his identity as a rebel, he was not recognized by the aristocratic families and powerful sects in various places. Except for a few forces who want to gain a chance to get ahead, there are very few big families and sects that have truly passed down the millennium.

In addition, the officials sent by Zhong Yu severely cracked down on local annexation and punished many wealthy gentry and poor people who did evil, which seriously offended the interests of the local grassroots and aroused their dissatisfaction.

Now that the regulations prohibiting the use of extraordinary power in the city have been issued, it has offended those famous sects with high-end power and caused their dissatisfaction.

Since ancient times, these sect disciples with high strength have always relied on their own strength beyond ordinary people, backed by powerful sects, and wantonly acted according to their own preferences, completely disregarding the laws and regulations of local governments and ordinary dynasties.

What's more, they even take the initiative to attack court officials, which is almost the same as rebellion, and it is one of the sources of chaos everywhere.

From the audacity of the Taoist priest in front of him, it can be seen that the children of these sects, the Buddhist Taoists, have no scruples.

"It seems that the imperial court's control over you people from outside the country is too lax. It should be severely rectified and dealt with a group of rebellious people like you, so that the world can be peaceful and there will be less turmoil. " Zhong Yu's heart was full of anger, and he had already made up his mind to punish these people from outside.

Previously, because of the scruples about the powerful power held by those sects, they did not dare to take the initiative, for fear of arousing their dissatisfaction and setting off a rebellion in the empire.

After all, most of those sects have a sixth-level powerhouse in charge, and there are even a lot of seventh-level powerhouses, so it is not so easy to deal with.

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