Yuguo's invasion was so sudden and so natural that the local warlords in South Korea were not given any time to prepare.

How can South Korea's warlords stop them from being prepared to deal with the unprepared, and to deal with the unintentional?

After the 5 million troops captured the northern part of South Korea, they took advantage of the trend and marched into the central part.

The vassals in the central region had just heard the news of the invasion of the Imperial Kingdom, and thought that the war was now limited to the north and would not reach the central region so quickly, so they are still discussing the joint matter.

That's why when the army of Yuguo appeared in front of Xinzheng City, the imperial capital of South Korea, all the princes who were discussing the alliance in Xinzheng City were stunned, and then panicked.

The current princes are not ready to confront the Yu Kingdom immediately, especially in the current imperial capital, because the princes are on guard against each other and do not trust each other, so there are not many garrisons, and each prince leads him hundreds of times. Qian's guards and his entourage together formed the defense of the imperial capital.

These guards are not many, and the total number of entourages of more than 30 princes is only about 100,000, which is not enough compared to the huge imperial capital.

The 500,000 vanguard army of the Royal Kingdom outside the city has arrived, and the 100,000 troops in the city are really hard to resist.

Therefore, the coalition forces of these princes struggled for the last time, killed tens of thousands of vanguards, and then they were all suppressed.

Taking advantage of the annihilation of the entire army of the princes in various parts of South Korea, the local defenders have no leader, and a brief gap in power is formed.

Zhong Yu ordered the army to disperse in time, and divided into more than a hundred groups to march towards various parts of South Korea.

After the separation of the army, although the number became smaller, there were only 20,000 to 30,000 people each.

But these armies are all united, with high morale and a unified command. They can cooperate with each other, and can unite together when necessary to fight a large-scale battle.

And the enemies they faced were not affiliated with each other, and even had extremely deep contradictions. Even the army within the same force was divided into several factions.

These factions are now competing for the vacant leader position because of the death of their own leader. They are fighting each other, and it is impossible to unite.

Under such circumstances, it took less than a year for Zhong Yu to pacify all areas of South Korea, kill all the princes, and bring all the territory of South Korea under his command in less than a year.

From the moment when South Korea was completely destroyed, the Liniao flag that belonged exclusively to the Yu Kingdom was hung on the top of the city, Zhong Yu had such a feeling in his heart.

Zhong Yu understood that the bottleneck of the eighth-order celestial being, which had troubled him for several years and could not make any progress in his cultivation, had already loosened at this moment.

Now Zhong Yu has such a feeling that as long as he slowly advances towards the eighth-level realm, it will only take about 30 years to completely step into the eighth-level, thus lifting his 100-year lifespan limit.

Zhong Yu was overjoyed by this discovery.

Zhong Yu made countless efforts before, wanting to break through the eighth level, but tried countless methods, but still saw no results.

Now relying on the expansion of the territory, the bottleneck has actually loosened, and the eighth-level gate of heaven and man has opened to him, how can he not be happy.

"However, it takes 30 years to break through the current level of cultivation. The time is too long." Zhong Yu felt a little dissatisfied.

"It seems that the progress of the strategy is going to be accelerated!" Zhong Yu thought that now that he only destroyed one South Korea, he would be able to break through the bottleneck of the eighth level. If he destroyed two or three countries, he would take all their territories under his control, and then break through to the eighth level. Wouldn't the level be within a few years?

Now South Korea has been destroyed, and the south and west of South Korea are the original territory of the Tang Dynasty, the north is the Yu Kingdom, and the east is the Great Wei.

The land of Tang Dynasty in the east has been destroyed by Ji Kingdom, the remaining three countries with the power of celestial beings. Only the south side, because it is too far away from the three countries, the tentacles can't reach that long, so it remains.

Then the Datang area in the south of South Korea can take it, which is almost the territory of a country. Taking down this area can shorten the time it takes for Zhong Yu to break through the eighth order in any way possible.

And Wei Guo in the east can also start preparations for the Raiders.

The situation of Wei State is a bit better than that of South Korea. To the east is Fang State, which is not very powerful and is one of the lowest-level countries among the countries on the mainland.

This time, the melee between the Tang Dynasty and the Allied Forces of the Six Nations did not affect Fang Guo, so Fang Guo's only eighth-level immortal, Fang Guo's founding emperor, the Taizu Emperor, survived.

Moreover, strictly speaking, Fangguo belongs to the southern region and does not belong to the southern region, so it should be classified as the southeastern region.

It's just that the southeast region is mostly high mountains, which are not suitable for the human race to live in, and there are many monsters in the mountains, so the power of the human race has almost stopped in the southeast region.

In the entire southeast region, the power of the human race is only such a small Fangguo.

Due to the barren land, too little output, and the haunting of demons, Fang Guo could hardly develop with peace of mind. Therefore, the national strength is poor and weak, and there are only 15 provinces in the whole country. Calling it an empire has some praise.

If it weren't for the fact that it is a human race in the southeast region, expanding its power a little and retaining a survival point, no one would call it an empire at all.

Moreover, Fang Guo's Taizu, who founded the dynasty, had a very low level of cultivation. He belonged to the lowest group among the celestial beings. I heard that he was able to break through the realm of the celestial beings at the beginning.

Basically, as long as a person who breaks through the Heavenly Immortal normally can hang two or three Fang Guo Taizus, the weak ones can't do it.

But even if this Great Ancestor is weak, he is still a celestial being, and he cannot be resisted by ants under those celestial beings, so he established Fang Guo in the southeast region, and no one dared to jump out to resist.

With such a weak strength, Fang Guo dared to intervene in the life-and-death battle between the Allied Forces of the Six Nations and Tang State. I heard that more than a dozen angels died in that battle. Even a strong man of the level of the founder of the Tang Dynasty was killed, and the Taizu of the Fang Kingdom was so frightened that his heart was torn apart, and he was afraid that the war would come to him anytime.

It was precisely because of this cowardice that when he heard that the war was over, all countries were severely injured, and they no longer had the strength to start a new round of war.

He didn't even dare to send his own country's army to take the opportunity to annex the territory left by some countries, so as to expand Fang country's power.

Instead, they restrained the domestic army and strictly ordered them not to cross the border and go to other countries to take the opportunity to loot and cause trouble, so as not to transfer the disaster to their own country.

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