The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 5 The foundation is gradually formed

Letting go of this question, I thought slowly in my heart, thinking about myself, whether this action is appropriate, and what to do next!

"System, open my quest options!" Zhong Yu said slowly, but in his heart he remembered that the main quest that the system said before has completed the first step, and what quests are next?

"The task option is open, it has been opened, and the host can view it." With the cold and ruthless voice of the system, a blue light curtain slowly appeared in front of Zhong Yu.

Main quest: Build your power and grow stronger!

Stage 1 Mission: Building a Territory (Completed)

The second stage task: upgrade your own territory, according to the seven titles of male, son, uncle, marquis, public, king, and emperor to upgrade your territory, and each upgrade will give you a corresponding lottery chance!

"How is the strength of these noble ranks calculated, and what requirements can they meet to improve?" Zhong Yu said with a sullen face.

"The system is calculated based on the population and military strength of the host, and the area of ​​the territory that can be controlled the most. For example, a baron controls a county of a hundred miles; a viscount controls a county of five hundred miles; an earl controls a county of five hundred miles. The land of three thousand li of the government; the marquis, the land of 5,000 li of the prefecture; the duke, the land of a state and the land of ten thousand li; the lord of the king, the land of a country and a region, such as China's Hebei, Central Plains, and Jiangnan. Region; Emperor, unlimited." The calm and ruthless voice of the system came slowly, making Zhong Yu think for a long time after hearing it.

Population, what I lack right now is population, but here is a barren and uninhabited place, where can I go to find those populations! Is it to rob those savages and plunder them as their own population. But even if he can rob all of his heart, there are not a few people, and there are only a few thousand people to die, but here is hundreds of miles away, and there are no people. How much territory can thousands of people control?

"Ding, in view of the host's lack of strength, the system has released side quests, task one, the first battle: the host wins a battle, victory in a war with more than 100 people, task rewards, and one chance to draw a junior spree. Task two, enrich the territory: each establishment increases by one The basic territory size is rewarded with a chance to draw a lottery. The local scale is five or six people per household, ten households are li, ten miles are pavilions, several pavilions are townships, and several townships are counties! After reaching the county to establish a country, the task will be cancelled!"

Hearing the sound of the system like timely rain, Zhong Yu couldn't help but feel joy in his heart. Could it be that the host is the roundworm in my heart? Can I know what I want?

It's really my timely rain. With these tasks, as long as I can complete it, then expanding my strength is just a matter of time. My lord's dream, the emperor's journey, everything is no longer a dream and is within reach.

Since there is a direction ahead, it is time to think about the next strategy. I have an army of fifty people. Although the weapons are simple and there is not much training, it is not comparable to the savage who does not know what discipline is. .

How can those who are still in the tribal age be compared with the army of the feudal age? Even if those armies are peasant armies, they are much stronger than them, and those who are still using stone tools in their weapons, how can they compare with my iron armies!

So what is your first step? Expand your territory! By the way, it is to expand the territory, first eliminate a few small tribes, not too many people, just a dozen or dozens of tribes, it is enough!

Then bring them all over, and make your own territory reach more than 100 households as soon as possible and become a pavilion-level territory, then there will be a system spree lottery draw.

It's a pity that the previous reward for building one was said by the system to be a lottery chance to redeem those soldiers before, and there can be no second one, which makes Zhong Yu feel a little depressed!

However, with the gift package of the pavilion-level territory, then one's own strength should be able to be greatly expanded. At that time, all the surrounding tribes will be eliminated, becoming a township-level territory, and there will be another gift package.

At that time, through this big gift package, you should be able to make yourself a county-level territory with more than 10,000 people! This kind of strength is enough to build a country. At that time, many things can be considered in the long run.

After thinking about the plan and thinking about it carefully, after there was no problem, I went to call Wang Daniu, who was still eating.

"Sir, what's the matter with your subordinates?" Wang Daniu walked over with an expression full of joy because he was full.

Sure enough, those people who were not born very high, although they were still officials, had not lived very well before. As long as they could have enough to eat, they would definitely be loyal to themselves and would not betray them. All they need to do is keep them fed.

Zhong Yu thought with contentment in his heart, and a slight smile appeared on his face. Facing him, Wang Daniu said kindly. "Da Niu, I found that there are more than a dozen tribes around our territory, which poses a great hidden danger to the security of our territory. If they are not eliminated, then if they attack our territory, they will definitely suffer very heavy losses. Yes, wait for you to arrange a few clever people to act as scouts to explore the strength of the tribes in the surrounding territories. At that time, we will gradually destroy them one by one from weak to strong, and expand our own territory. strength."

After Wang Daniu heard this, he felt some disapproval in his heart, but they were just uncivilized savages. What's the big deal, is it worth the adults being so nervous? Although my troops are not elite, they have undergone some training, and the weapons are not comparable to barbarians. In the Han Dynasty, all the people of the Han Dynasty generally despised all other races and regarded them as barbarians. Although Wang Daniu was just an ordinary farmer before, he also looked down on those barbarians. You must know that there was a saying at that time that a Han was a Wuhu, which shows the contempt for the barbarians at that time.

Zhong Yu saw Wang Daniu's contempt for those tribal barbarians. I don't care too much, just out of caution, I still carefully mentioned a few words to him. Although those people are not very effective in combat, you should also be careful. Avoidable casualties must be avoided as much as possible. If you are in the gutter It would be ridiculous to capsize.

After Wang Daniu heard it, although he didn't mind it, he still said seriously. "Yes, my subordinates follow the instructions of the adults, and they must not dare to underestimate those savages. They must investigate carefully."

After hearing Wang Daniu's assurance, Zhong Yu nodded with a smile, and said, "It's good that you can understand what I mean, I have no other intentions, I'm just afraid that you will suffer too many casualties. It's not a good thing"

Wang Daniu was very moved when he heard Zhong Yu's explanation. You must know that in ancient times when the hierarchy was strict and the system was perfect, the superiors could be said to be life and death for the inferiors. Killing existence.

Now, the lord is able to make an exhortation for their lives, and he secretly swears in his heart that he must be loyal to the lord in the future, complete the task of the lord, and repay the lord for the kindness and love of the lord. I thought so in my heart, but with a respectful face on my face, I said to Zhong Yu, "Yes, this subordinate must not forget the teachings of the Lord."

"Well, you can retire, and also, bring me a meal. After talking for so long, my stomach is a little hungry." Zhong Yu touched his belly and said with a smile on his face.

The new book is on the way, ask for support.

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