Cao Cao watched like this, watching the person in front of him slowly change from humble, to arrogant, and from arrogant to uneasy. In this short moment, this person experienced great emotional changes.

There was still no sound from his mouth, and the expression on his face did not change in any way. His eyes were equally indifferent, and he was hanging on to Jones, who was kneeling and kowtowing constantly.

After a long period of silence and depression, the sweat on Jones' forehead continued to rust, and his complexion became paler, but he didn't know how to make the person in front of him forgive his sins.

I can only kowtow hard again and again, keep saying begging for mercy, and use the most humble and kind-hearted actions I can think of to touch the heart of the person in front of me.

Finally, after measuring Jones for a while, Cao Cao spoke up. After all, he didn't really want to kill the person in front of him, and Jones' previous arrogant actions would not be taken into account by a hero like him.

The reason why he treated him like this was because he wanted to severely suppress him, which was full of arrogance and psychology. Only in this way can I use it well for myself, and I dare not give birth to two hearts.

Or in other words, he has two hearts, and he is not afraid of complaining. How to suppress him with his own mighty virtue, so that he is always full of fear of himself, and he does not dare to be secretive, or he can do anything in front of himself. .

A qualified ruler will never use his hobbies, likes and dislikes, gratitude and hatred to influence his decision in his heart. He may use the measure of everything, whether it is beneficial to him or not, as a code of conduct.

As for the subordinates who are loyal to him, he does not need whether he is sincere, whether he has good moral conduct, as long as he can use it for himself and earnestly complete each task assigned by him is enough.

"Get up, I forgive your sins and ignorance, but the chance is only this time. If you do it again next time, it won't be so easy to talk about!"

Before the high-level generals like Cao Cao set off on the expedition, they finally specially let the system equip them with proficiency in barbarian languages ​​and proficiency in the common language of the mainland. Just for those hundreds of high-level generals, Zhong Yu's luck points for this are not as many as he counts. thousand.

These thousands of luck points are used to exchange for those second-order soldiers with extraordinary power, and they can directly summon thousands of them. This shows how important it is to learn a foreign language at certain moments?

At least it can save you the money for translation at a critical moment. Anyway, Zhong Yu felt distressed for such a move for several days, and kept muttering that he must build a language school so that they can all go to study. .

However, although it costs a lot of luck, the value it brings is also huge. On this journey, the reason why Cao Cao can quickly sweep away those small tribes, force is a crucial factor, but the mutual Communication is also very useful.

Otherwise, if you can't even communicate with those barbarians, how can you make those barbarians trust you? Don't worry, you will be direct. After accepting the surrender, you turn your face and don't recognize anyone!

At this moment, the language proficiency of this barbarian plays a very crucial role at this moment. Cao Cao can use it to communicate and communicate with the barbarian leader Jones in front of him.

Jones was also a little surprised that the leader in front of him could speak the language of barbarians, which surprised him a bit. Then he thought about it, these people want to rule barbarians, so it is not necessary to learn some barbarian languages ​​in advance. How strange.

"Yes, my esteemed lord, the humble servant will definitely swear allegiance to the death, and he will not dare to offend in the slightest. Please accept my sincere and sincere allegiance!" Jones used his incomparably respectful tone again, said cautiously.

"Don't be so restrained, don't worry, since this commander has promised not to take anger on you, he will naturally not regret it. Your safety rate is absolutely guaranteed, as long as you obediently surrender and give up any resistance!" Cao Cao reassured for a while. , and did not forget to prompt the threat.

"The villain will never dare to have any offense, so I will go back to open the gate of the tribe and lead the whole village to surrender, hoping that the adults will take it in?" Facing such a huge opportunity, Jones, who is not very stupid, of course, He will not give up, and immediately show his loyalty and express his kindness to his potential boss in the future.

"If that's the case, then you can go back and open the door early to save the suffering of ordinary swordsmen, and all beings in the world will be able to find peace as soon as possible!" Cao Cao's words of compassion and compassion came out of Cao Cao's mouth.

If he ignores the person in front of him, and if he follows the trajectory of his fate, he will kill his uncle in the future, saying that he would rather me be a victim of others than others.

Ignore that this man slaughtered half of Xuzhou in order to get his father's revenge, and nearly a million civilians died because of his own selfishness. He ignored that he had enough rations for his army, and ordered all his men to kill those unarmed people, make jerky, and serve as rations.

Those who don't know the situation may really regard Cao Cao as a good person. Under Cao Cao's acting skills that are close to that of an actor, they are confused by him. Dong Zhuo is not just confused by his superficial acting skills, and the incident of Cao Cao's assassination of Dong happened. ? It can be seen from this that Cao Cao's acting skills are quite high!

Others don't know if they believe it, but the barbarian patriarch Jones in front of him believes it. Even though he can be the head of the clan, he does have several clever tricks in his mind.

But his so-called tricks are usually only used to deal with those savages who don't even have their own separate literary culture.

Under the cultural heritage of my Great Celestial Dynasty, with thousands of years of experience in political struggle, Cao Cao's intrigue and black belly is not the one that seems very simple compared to those politicians, and the naive Jones can handle and understand. arrived.

The Jones in front of him was fascinated by Cao Cao's subsequent rhetoric, and returned to his camp in a daze.

Before leaving, he still patted his chest, constantly expressing his loyalty to receiving it, and he would definitely persuade everyone to open the city to surrender. If anyone dared to disagree, he would pick up the big sword in his hand and let them understand what is the authority of the patriarch.

Seeing the stupid barbarian patriarch in front of him, Jones was betrayed, and he happily ran back to the camp. Cao Cao felt disdain in his heart.

As expected of a barbarian, even if he possesses a powerful force that far exceeds that of ordinary people, he still has an uncivilized beast mind. Only at this level can he be the leader of a large tribe of 5,000 people.

And it also governs more than a dozen tribes around it, and its status is equivalent to a county in the Han Dynasty.

And Jones, who was returning to winning here with a smile on his face at the moment, recalled the promise of the commander-in-chief he had just met, and couldn't help feeling a burst of relaxation and relief.

As for his shameless, almost servile actions and words, he didn't care at all. At least he achieved his goal and kept his status, life and the survival of his tribe. This is not enough. Yet? Is it really necessary to care about everything else?

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