The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2119 Treasure Hunt

"Unnies, stop arguing, come and try the food I made!" As she spoke, Yoona added a large spoonful of paste to everyone's bowls, and then looked like she was eager to be praised.

Pani smiled at Yoona quite against her will. It is estimated that this smile must not be as friendly as in the past, because she didn't want to eat it just by the smell.

In this case, just wait for Kim Taeyeon. She is the captain anyway. She is the first to speak when receiving awards, so she should also lead the charge when suffering.

Although there is a part of Kim Taeyeon's handiwork in this paste, she just wanted to make the unpalatable food edible, but judging from the results, it seems to be counterproductive.

In fact, Kim Taeyeon should understand what it means to do evil with good intentions. Besides, she and Yoona are both "liberal" chefs, but they themselves can't guarantee that the food they cook will taste the same twice.

As a result, the two of them now want to "combine their swords". It is only a small probability event that they can make delicious food. Now it is just for her to recognize the reality.

Under the watchful eyes of Pani and Yoona, Kim Taeyeon slowly turned the paste in the bowl with a spoon. It was dark red and nothing could be seen clearly: "Why is it this color?"

"Where's the soy sauce that Ernie put in, don't you remember?"

"Uh... more soy sauce will taste better!" Kim Taeyeon gritted her teeth and silently affirmed, she couldn't make trouble for herself.

Since the ingredients cannot be distinguished with the naked eye, Kim Taeyeon can only rely on her own memory to recall. It seems that she really put a lot of good things in it. After all, there are a lot of ingredients at home.

It's just that there is no essential difference when the best ingredients turn into mush, but at least I can comfort myself. With so many top-quality ingredients mixed together, it shouldn't be unpalatable. Isn't that what Li Menglong always does.

If she could ask Li Menglong, he would probably put forward his own opinion. Even if these ingredients are steamed, boiled, and mixed together in the simplest way, they won't be unpalatable, but they need to be prepared separately now. said.

She took a deep breath, mainly to close the tip of her nose to breathe. This was a trick she used when taking medicine to help reduce the retention of strange smells.

She was almost completely prepared, but after actually putting the food in her mouth, Kim Taeyeon still looked as if she had opened a dyeing workshop.

How should I describe the taste? At least Kim Taeyeon has never tasted a similar taste. If she had to let go of her thoughts, it was probably a pair of socks worn for a full month in the hot summer and then boiled in a pot. The smell comes out!

Originally, Kim Taeyeon thought about swallowing it, but many times her body's reaction was more honest than her brain's, and she ran straight to the bathroom and vomited it out.

Pani on the side was almost dumbfounded. Although she already thought the food would be unpleasant, she didn't expect it to be so unpleasant. This is not simple. I can only say that Yoona is very long today. It worked, or else she and Kim Taeyeon joined forces?

Originally, she wanted to give Yoona some face by eating a few bites. After all, the little girl also had good intentions and couldn't let Yoona sweat and cry!

It's just that Pani really doesn't have the courage now, and she's not the only one who has this idea. Yoona is obviously more confused than she is.

According to common sense, even if the food you cook is unpalatable, you still have to bite the bullet and eat it. This involves a face issue.

Just looking at Kim Taeyeon's appearance just now, it didn't look like she was pretending. This made Yoona very doubt her ability to bear it. What if she vomited it out too? Wouldn't that be embarrassing!

Just when Yoona was struggling, Kim Taeyeon over there had already walked back with a pale face. She had used a full bottle of mouthwash, but the magical taste still remained in her mouth, making her occasionally retching. few times.

After all, as Girls' Generation's captain and their eldest sister, it's okay to joke around and have fun watching each other's misfortune, but I can't watch my family suffer like this.

So without waiting for Yoona to speak, Kim Taeyeon carried the pot of mush directly to the trash can. Yoona couldn't bear to watch the next scene. No matter how ugly the child is, it's still the mother's pet peeve. Yoona So distressed!

Looking at Yoona's miserable expression, Pani couldn't bear it. After all, she was the second youngest member of the family. She worked so hard to make breakfast for them, but ended up feeding them into the trash can. How frustrating it must be. ah.

It would be impossible for Yoona to regain her confidence. Pani herself was not a god of cooking. Besides, she firmly believed that even the best chef would never be able to teach Yoona. This is the ultimate limit of talent. The collision!

However, Pani can make Yoona happy. No matter how bad it is, it can still fill her stomach: "Yooner, are you hungry? Ernie will find something delicious for you!"

"Do you want to do it for me yourself?" Yoona was a little confused, whether to refuse directly or to be more tactful.

Fortunately, Pani was self-aware and gave an answer that Yoona had never thought of: "Ouni will take you to dig for treasures!"

"Digging for treasures? Food?" Yoona asked subconsciously, but what kind of brain did she have? She knew everything about pranks.

For Pani to answer so affirmatively, there must be a cause and effect. Thinking of the scene where she was eating burritos on Li Menglong's bedside, it was obvious that there was a second portion.

Once she figured this out, Yoona looked at Pani with a playful look. You Huang Meiying, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, has to hide something delicious. Is it true that she, Lin Yoona, will only eat it when she is full? take it out?

Of course, Yoona didn't dare to say these words. She just had reasonable doubts. Now she still expected Pani to take her to eat.

Little did they know that this was an injustice to Pani. Although it was not impossible for her to do such a thing and the possibility was quite high, this time it was really different. She really relied on reasoning.

"Wow, is today April Fool's Day? Our Pani has started to engage in reasoning? Who are you studying under?"

"Don't you know how to introduce yourself first?"

"I'm not talented, I'm self-taught, but my teacher and I are close friends. My teacher is Detective Conan! Hahaha, you should be scared!" Kim Taeyeon put her hands on her hips and smiled arrogantly.

Yoona silently rubbed her temples. You can see the pride in watching any cartoon. How lacking in spiritual life is this? Besides, how many episodes has Kim Taeyeon just watched? If we really want to calculate it this way, she, Lin Yuner, is the top disciple!

"That elementary school student who never grows up and dies wherever he goes? Scumbag!" Pani waved his hand in disgust: "I am an authentic reasoning school student. I studied under the great detective Sherlock Holmes. I am better than your master. I don’t know where to go!”

Seeing that the center of the dispute was about to turn into a battle between Conan and Holmes, Yoona had to step in to bring the topic back. Otherwise, let alone dinner, she might not even be able to keep up with her schedule.

Since Yoona had asked questions sincerely, Pani was not stingy about telling them his reasoning, and it all started with the small piece of paper on his door.

"Yeah, don't make up stories here! I don't know if it's true or false yet!"

"Do you listen? If you don't listen, I'll go up and take a rest. Who wants to stay with you here?" Pani is also a little impatient. Can you please be quiet?

"Listen! Come on, Unnie, what's behind the note!" Yoona felt very tired and hoped there wouldn't be any more quarrels.

Fortunately, Pani also speeded up. The note was specially left for her by Li Menglong, and the content was to tell her that there was breakfast hidden under the bed. But why was it so complicated?

Pani's conclusion is that in order to take revenge, Li Menglong will leave breakfast to those who supported her last night, and as punishment, Kim Taeyeon and Jessica Jung will have no share. From the reasoning process alone, it is quite reliable.

"Then why didn't I see the note? I seemed to support him last night!" Yoona immediately suffered selective amnesia. Anyway, she didn't remember helping to bully Li Menglong.

Kim Taeyeon touched her chin. She couldn't embarrass her teacher. Pani had made it very clear. If this conclusion was true, there should be food hidden somewhere in the house.

In this case, the three of them went straight to the second floor, but couldn't find any additional notes, which made Kim Taeyeon doubt the authenticity of the whole thing: "Huang Meiying, it's not too late for you to confess now, otherwise if I find out You are kidding me..."

"Look for it or not, if I find it myself, just don't eat it!" Pani said forcefully, she was a rare smart person, why did Kim Taeyeon always doubt her?

Little did he know that because he was too smart, this did not fit in with Pani’s daily appearance. After some hesitation, he chose to suppress his doubts. Firstly, the food was indeed very attractive, especially after eating the paste. Secondly, it was a treasure hunt. It’s so interesting!

The second floor was basically ruled out. After all, Li Menglong couldn't enter their room, so the three of them began to search extensively on the first floor, but after searching for a long time, they couldn't even find a hair.

This was already a bit suspicious, and Kim Taeyeon was even more so at this moment. She was scratching Pani's soles and asking her about the so-called truth. Was she entertaining her?

Of course, Yoona couldn't go over to help, so she could just cheer on. Besides, she was very tired both physically and mentally this early in the morning, so she needed some rest.

She found the seat and lay down directly on the sofa, then silently murmured Li Menglong's name. She almost couldn't help but call Li Menglong, but she was still a little reluctant.

Just when Yoona was hesitating, she smelled a faint aroma on the tip of her nose. At first, Yoona thought she was so hungry that she was hallucinating.

But although the smell was very light, it lasted for a long time, which made Yoona couldn't help but turn over, facing the sofa cushion and constantly inhaling.

"Isn't this child hungry and planning to eat the sofa cushion?" Kim Taeyeon had already stopped harassing Pani, mainly because Yoona's actions were too scary.

"Sofa cushions need to be stir-fried to taste delicious. If you chew them dry, they will have no taste!"

Does Pani intend to fight fire with fire? But Yoona is not crazy. She is very sure that there is something wrong with the sofa.

Ignoring the sarcastic remarks made by the two people over there, Yoona directly lifted up the thick sofa cushions. Naturally, a puff of dust filled the air, but the smell became more real.

It's just that the sofa cushion cannot be opened. What kind of magical structure is this sofa? How did Li Menglong put it in? It can't be magic.

Now Kim and Taeyeon also gathered around, and soon discovered the problem. The sofa was integrated under the sofa, and it was a large sofa that was as long as one person.

Wanting to stuff something inside, they actually had to lift the entire sofa. After coming to this conclusion, the three of them were a little dumbfounded. Pani finally understood where Li Menglong's revenge was. She seemed to be able to see Li Menglong lifting the sofa. ’s smile.

The delicious food is clearly in front of you, but you can't eat it. This feeling makes Yoona quite crazy: "How about calling a second-hand collector over and selling the sofa directly!"

"Selling a sofa just for breakfast? No one is as prodigal as you!"

"Then what should we do? Or split the sofa?"

The three of them were stunned here for a long time, and finally Kim Taeyeon came up with an idea. She jumped to the back of the sofa, forced her feet into the gap between the wall, and then supported the wall with her hands and leaned against her whole body. He kicked the sofa backwards with all his strength!

This action is really reliable. Unlike Li Menglong who used his strength to lift the sofa, she used her brain. The only thing that was inappropriate was that she couldn't clean up the mess.

The sofa was completely upside down on the ground. The three of them did not have the strength to turn it over, but who could care about that now? The large plate full of burritos on the ground was their goal. This was enough for the entire sofa. The people in the dormitory ate it.

Looking at the high pile of pancakes on the plate, Pani seemed to have guessed all of Li Menglong's plans. It turned out that her burrito was a bait, but how could he be sure that they would be fooled?

Xu Xian also asked this question when he was wrapping burritos in the morning. Li Menglong's answer was naturally very confident: "Just like your bunch of unnies, they all do what they want to eat. It's normal to be fooled. If you don't fall for it, then That’s the problem!”

"Hey, don't say that to Unnie. They are actually very kind." Xu Xian said with a slight guilt: "That was all the result of impulse last night. Otherwise, let's stop hiding it and just give it to Unnie directly." Let’s eat!”

"How can that be done? We can't give them any advantage!"

Xu Xian couldn't really do anything except curl her lips. She had already said good things about her Ernie, but Li Menglong didn't seem to buy it.

The movements in the opponent's hands were becoming more and more chilling. When he saw Li Menglong squeeze the hottest mustard into the middle of the burrito, Xu Xian felt like he wanted to shed tears. Wasn't it too crowded? Too much? And which unlucky guy will eat it?


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