The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2375 Give me some face

"Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you there?"

Li Menglong stood by the car and asked Xu Xian, although there was already a company behind and Xu Xian was familiar with the surrounding environment, as a star she was still not suitable for acting on her own.

"Don't worry, I still have my mother with me. Besides, this area is protected by the landlady. What's there to worry about?"

Xu Xian answered very confidently. Li Menglong nodded and said nothing more, because what Xu Xian said was the truth.

But Xu's mother clearly didn't quite understand. After Li Menglong turned around and walked into the company, she took the initiative to ask Xu Xian aside why it sounded like a gangster.

"No, the boss lady is very kind. Not only to us, but also to the surrounding merchants, everyone is quite convinced by her!"

There was still a little admiration in Xu Xian's words. In fact, Xu Xian had always thought that the proprietress's ability to open a shop here alone was an understatement.

Regardless of her character or ability, she should be in a higher position!

It's just that the starting point is too low, so the boss lady doesn't have much ambition in this regard, or in other words, she is already very satisfied with her current life.

Xu Xian couldn't say whether this mentality was good or bad, but as long as she was happy, this should be the best life state.

Besides, even if she really wanted to say these things, it was Li Menglong who had to say them. Given her relationship with the boss lady, it would be a bit provocative to say these words.

It's just that her family knows her own affairs, and the boss lady's positioning of her abilities is still very accurate. Xu Xian obviously overestimated her.

If nothing else, let's just say that everyone around her sells her face. This may be partly due to her character, but mostly she does it out of necessity.

After all, the surrounding merchants have to look at SW's face to some extent to eat. Because the existence of the company has brought a lot of people around, this is all true.

Of course, SW didn't care about these trivial matters, but the higher-ups above couldn't see it, but the boss lady below could have access to it.

Although there is no specific jurisdiction, it is not that difficult to cause trouble for the other party. After all, the extra customers are fans of SW. It is not too easy to boycott a store.

Of course, the landlady never thought about it this way, but those who run small businesses couldn't think about it, so Xu Xian came to know her, as if the landlady was the talker in this scene.

In fact, even if the proprietress didn't exist, the store owner here would still take care of Xu Xian, but she didn't know it.

Fortunately, this can be regarded as a beautiful misunderstanding. Xu Xian's mother doesn't think there is anything wrong. Everyone has something worthy of admiration from outsiders, and it does not differ based on social status. Xu Xian did this It’s really great!

Xu Xian was a little embarrassed after being praised by his mother. He hurriedly pointed to the shop across the street and said, "This is the store. Their bread is very delicious. Mom, please take some home soon!"

Xu Xian's intention of coming here is already very obvious. This is the small gift she chose. Is there anything that goes better with coffee than bread?

Of course, Li Menglong himself didn't think so. He really wanted to pay for the bread himself, but it was a pity that Xu Xian didn't give him this opportunity at all.

Xu Xian stubbornly wanted to pay for it himself, and it was useless to let Li Menglong say that it would be useless to spend it. As for the one million in Li Menglong's hand, he could only find a solution by himself.

Fortunately, Li Menglong still has a way, and there is more than one. The reason why he repeatedly persuaded Xu Xian here is not that he has money and cannot spend it, but why should he buy so much food for those people? Do they deserve it?

Xu Xian and her mother had already brought coffee and bread, but he continued to buy food for these people without conscience. He was really afraid that these people would die in the company.

With this strong resentment, Li Menglong directly opened the door and walked in. Instead of going to the second floor, he came to the cashier on the first floor.

"What are you doing? It's just that you don't come to work and you want to drink free coffee from me when you come here?"

The proprietress was naturally not polite when speaking to him. Basically, she said whatever she thought. As for whether it was too unpleasant, that depends on what Li Menglong thought.

"Are you, the owner of a fried chicken restaurant, so lenient? Tomorrow do you want to ask the president what days of the week he has off, and do you want to get your permission?"

"Don't tell me these useless things. After all, if you have money, you will have coffee. If you don't have money, you will have no coffee. Do you understand?"

We have known each other for so many years, but Li Menglong still can't even get a cup of coffee. It's not embarrassing enough to tell him.

The girls always said that he was stingy and they should really bring them to chat with the boss lady more often. Besides, he seriously suspected that his personality was influenced by the boss lady!

But it’s not tiring to get along with this kind of person. After all, they are so candid. So as long as there are corresponding coping methods, the conversation can become much gentler.

So as Li Menglong slapped the big bills on the table, the landlady's expression immediately became much kinder, and her rather business-like smile appeared again.

"Tch, you are the one who talks about money!"

"Otherwise? Do I have to show this expression when I see you? Besides, you don't think you are better-looking than money, do you?"

There is no way to continue the conversation. Although Li Menglong is narcissistic, he is not narcissistic to this extent. Girls dare not say this, so he should be more honest.

"Why are you still standing there, why don't you give me a cup of coffee first?"

"I'm sorry, let's make it clear first. Are you going to use the money for consumption in the store? If not, it's meaningless!"

"Nenei, a whole million, buy all the chicken legs and send them to those bastards later!"

Faced with Li Menglong's complaint, the proprietress first chose to accept the money, and then started to care about what happened. This was all for the sake of a million dollars, and it was definitely not her curiosity!

"With coffee, there is a story. Without coffee, there is no story. Do you understand?"

Li Menglong came to learn a trick and sell it immediately, and the effect was naturally quite good. The coffee was quickly served.

Although it was just the most common instant coffee in the store, when Li Menglong drank it, it was no different from the sky-high-priced coffee in the previous coffee shop.

There was even no charge for this cup. The proprietress indicated that it was an extra gift from her. She bought a million fried chicken in one go. This was considered a big customer!

It's just that Li Menglong, a big customer, is not so happy. If possible, he hopes that the money can fall into his pocket, but it is no longer possible!

If the money belonged to the girls, he could be bolder in his operations, but just because it was Xu Xian's mother's money, he didn't even dare to ask for a kickback now, which really hurts his heart.

At this moment, several colleagues from the second floor also walked in outside the door, and Li Menglong immediately became energetic: "Hey, you guys come here, what time is it? You just came to work, right? I won't come for you." Can you be so casual?"

"not us……"

"It's not what it is? It seems like I have a really good temper. You started lying in front of me, right?"

"Can you……"

"Can I not do anything? You can do it, but I can't say it? I don't even have such rights in the company, right?"

As Li Menglong started to become hysterical, some colleagues were also attracted: "What's going on here? Has anyone offended him?"

"I don't know. It looks pretty serious. What's going on with these guys? Did they really just come to work?"

"How is that possible? They are out to see off clients. I think they are here to talk about movie sponsorship!"

The people across from him soon realized that everything they said was just excuses, so they simply stopped talking and just lay down and let him ridicule him.

"Speak, tell me why you came so late!"

"Can you tell me? We are just going to see off customers. If you don't believe it, go check the surveillance. We came here very early!"

Since you have the confidence to say something like this, it means that the person was really wronged, and wouldn't it be embarrassing now?

If it were in an ordinary company, Li Menglong, as the absolute top executive, would be wrong if he was wrong. Anyway, he didn't take action. Just saying the last two sentences means that he values ​​you!

But here in SW, this method doesn't work. Instead of taking the initiative to ask Li Menglong to step down, the people on the opposite side stayed there. What they were doing was not waiting for Li Menglong's apology. Bar?

In fact, there were more than just a few people watching the fun, there were also many people around taking secret photos. This is a rare and famous scene. If you don’t record it, you will regret it!

Li Menglong really has no choice. This is the corporate culture cultivated by him and Li Enxi. Although the benefits are countless, there are occasional regrets.

Just when Li Menglong was thinking about how to apologize to make himself more decent, Xu Xian walked in with his mother, carrying several huge bags in his hand.

"Is everyone already waiting for me here? I'm too polite. I just brought you some food!"

Xu Xian thought so after seeing this, otherwise she really couldn't figure out why everyone surrounded Li Menglong in the center. Could it be that he had caused some trouble again?

Although it was only a small possibility, Xu Xian still looked at Li Menglong cautiously, and finally received his look for help.

In other words, there are bread in his hands, otherwise Xu Xian will definitely cover his forehead. What happened to Li Menglong today? Is he learning from the girls? Or does she want to show her mother a different side?

However, even if she felt 10,000 reluctances in her heart, Xu Xian still had to stand up, otherwise she would be sorry for Li Menglong's care for her in the past.

"Don't you guys come over to get some food? My mother and I bought this specially for everyone!"

While Xu Xian spoke, he pretended to turn sideways, as if he was carrying Xu's mother: "My mother is here today, everyone, give me some face!"

I have to say that Xu Xian is really too cute at this moment. How can anyone care about Li Menglong? It is the right thing to help Xu Xian, an angel in the past.

"How can Mr. Xu say that? We are just intoxicated by your beautiful face and can't extricate ourselves!"

"Mr. Xu, it's already the best gift for you to come. Why do you still want to buy something?"

"Mr. Xu, why don't you wait a moment and we can go up and lay out the red carpet for you?"

Xu Xian really couldn't help laughing. Although her original intention was to save Li Menglong, these people spoke so nicely, which really made her look good.

"No need, you make a big fuss every time and make it very difficult for me!"

"Mr. Xu, what you are saying is, why don't you hold a meeting for us so that we can also learn from your advanced ideas?"

Li Menglong looked at these sycophants over there and was really filled with hatred. How could they treat him so differently? Is that why he didn't buy anything for these people? But he bought it!

Li Menglong soon realized that this must be because everyone didn't know. If they knew the news, these people would also be filled with tears, right?


Li Menglong coughed twice at the tactics here, but no one seemed to care. Besides, it was not easy for him to say this himself. In that case, he would just find a way.

Soon the waiter on the first floor received a request from Li Menglong. Although the landlady could ignore him, ordinary waiters could not.

It's not that he can affect the personnel transfer on the first floor. To be honest, his face is not that big with the landlady.

The reason why everyone accepted his request was naturally because they hoped to get the signatures of some girls from Li Menglong.

Don't really think that you can get these just by seeing the girls occasionally. Even if the people on the second floor have been working with Xu Xian for so long, there are still many people who don't have Xu Xian's signature.

After all, the closer you get, the more you have to worry about your own image. If everyone is the same as the fans, what kind of chaos will the company be like?

After getting Li Menglong's promise, the group did not delay and walked out directly with fried chicken: "Mr. Li Menglong invites everyone to eat fried chicken. Everyone has a share, don't miss it!"

Xu Xian was not surprised at all by this incident. In fact, if Li Menglong had not made this choice, she would not have chosen to buy bread.

After all, when treating guests, we give priority to the fried chicken from our own store. This is already an unwritten rule here at SW.

As for the consequences of not doing this, it's hard to describe. Anyway, don't try it easily. Many new young people have been warned like this.

There is nothing wrong with just asking for fried chicken, but is Li Menglong too high-profile, making people shout so loudly that they feel a little embarrassed when they can't see him?

As for the reaction of the people who were "being treated as guests", it's worth pondering. The expressions on their faces were indescribably weird. Could it be that they wanted to fight Li Menglong to the end, right?

Fortunately, someone who stood up for him soon appeared, and this time it was not Xu Xian!

"Why are everyone looking so sad? Is the fried chicken in our store unacceptable to you? Do you want to change it to something else?"

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