The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2701: Simultaneous Punishment for Several Crimes

Li Menglong was ready to explain, but after waiting for a long time, Yoona's voice was almost hoarse, but no one came down. What's going on?

Li Menglong was not the only one who was confused. Yoona was not much better than him. She even felt a sense of betrayal. These women must not say that they didn't hear anything.

Although they are on the same floor, the soundproofing in the dormitory is not that good. On weekdays, anything you cook in the kitchen can float to the second floor. Now you pretend that you can't hear it?

These women must have done it on purpose, but why? Aren’t they good sisters?

If Yoona could go upstairs and ask at this moment, then these women would give a response: It's not that they don't want to help Yoona, it's just that they have been going back and forth many times this night, and they are also very tired.

Besides, what are they going to say when they come down? They managed to escape by deceiving Li Menglong before. Are they going to throw themselves into a trap now?

And although they still don’t know what exactly happened, based on their understanding of Yoona, it’s probably this little girl who took the initiative to cause trouble.

In this regard, they still have to praise Li Menglong. Although he occasionally speaks venomously, he rarely takes the initiative to provoke.

Since the responsibility is all on Yoona, then they, the unnies, shouldn't be too biased. Li Menglong is not an outsider either.

So let Yoona learn some lessons today, I believe she will be grateful to them later, they are really all for Yoona's good!

Of course, these words were just repeated in their hearts. Regardless of whether Yoona downstairs would believe it or not, they had comforted themselves anyway.

As for Yoona specifically, she really wanted to rush forward, but she just wanted to see how those women would explain.

It's just that her physical condition didn't allow it. As soon as her feet touched the ground, she screamed, and then fell in the direction of Li Menglong again.

Want to use the same trick a second time? Although Li Menglong's condition is not very good at the moment, there is still no problem in rolling around on the ground twice.

So he looked almost face to face as Yoona fell down. Yoona's eyes were full of disbelief. This man actually hid?

The moment he looked at Yoona, Li Menglong made a judgment that the little girl really didn't do it on purpose this time, and he should try to catch her.

But it was too late to say anything now, especially with the bang, Yoona's screams immediately echoed on the first floor.

However, from the director's point of view, compared with the last time, the sound this time is much more real. People who are really in pain will not have the strength to shout out, but they will just hum in a low voice.

It's just that while Yoona was humming, she almost kicked her with both hands and feet. She didn't know what she was thinking. Did she know that her feet were in pain?

So Li Menglong didn't do anything, just tensed his muscles, but Yoona cried directly: "Everyone bullies me, I can't live anymore, I want to go home!"

Yoona did have reason to cry. After all, the scene at this moment really seemed like everyone was targeting her, especially Li Menglong in front of her.

But Li Menglong also had something to say. What did he do? The most that can be blamed on him is that he avoided it before, but why should he sacrifice himself to save Yoona? It hurts even if it gets hit.

But there is no need to say these words to Yoona for the time being. This little girl obviously can't listen to them. What she needs now is comfort and appropriate treatment.

Although there has been no specific inquiry, judging from the way Yoona is holding her ankle at this moment, she probably sprained it when she stepped on him before.

Although it was difficult to say it out loud, Li Menglong really said hello secretly in his heart. Sure enough, God is still fair.

He was lying down and sleeping here, but he suffered such an unreasonable disaster. Now Yoona is also reaping the consequences. Isn't this retribution?

"You're still laughing? Li Menglong, you bastard, you can still laugh, you..." Yoona is really angry, the person opposite is so inhuman.

Although she couldn't completely blame the other party, she was so wronged, but any normal person would know how to come over and comfort her, but he was laughing?

How could Yoona endure this? It was just a foot injury. A slight injury could not leave the line of fire. This did not affect Lin Yoona's fighting ability!

Today she was going to tell Li Menglong that gloating about misfortune would never end well.

But Li Menglong's reaction made Yoona even more angry. This bitch actually took advantage of her two legs to circle around her crazily.

It was already very difficult for Yoona to jump around on one leg, but she ended up spinning in circles, and she was defeated in just a few circles.

Yoona fell to the ground again and slapped the floor angrily. She hated it!

In fact, Li Menglong is not that happy, or in other words, no matter how low his emotional intelligence is, it will not be this low. He really doubts that he really laughed before? Could it be that Yoona saw it wrong?

But it's understandable. He's just a director, not an actor. He may not be so pure in controlling his expressions. Yoona also needs to see that his efforts are not that good.

As for spinning around in circles, isn't this because I'm forced to have no choice but to lie there and let Yoona hit me?

It's not that he cares about his life, but he has done this before. What's the result? Isn't Yoona even more irritable? If there are some new injuries, wouldn't it be blamed on him?

In short, everything he does seems to be wrong now, at least in Yoona's eyes, so it's better to find professionals.

"Just lie here and don't move around. I'm upstairs helping you call people down." Li Menglong said to Yoona from a distance.

He really didn't dare to get close to her. With Yoona's current state, if she really caught him, it wouldn't be unusual to bite off a piece of meat from him.

Without waiting for Yoona's response, I guess it was her acquiescence. Li Menglong quickly ran to the second floor, but who should he look for?

The first choice was naturally Xu Xian, but because he felt sorry for this little girl, Li Menglong still didn't want to bring this trouble to her.

Besides, Xu Xian had been at work all day and did fitness in the afternoon, and she was already very tired. Shouldn't it be the people who have nothing to do at home to come forward at this time?

After making up his mind, Li Menglong went directly to Li Soonkyu's room. There were two eldest sisters in the room, who had the responsibility and obligation to take care of Yoona.

Secondly, it was night after all, so he had to be a little careful about the impact, in case the other girls did something strange in the room, which would embarrass each other.

But this problem does not exist here with Lee Soon Kyu, but why is there no response after knocking on the door? Is this because he wants to pretend that no one is in the room?

This idea is very naive. He doesn't dare to break into other people's rooms, but Li Shunkyu can test it here.

As for Kim Taeyeon's existence, this woman must have slept like a pig now, but when he tried to push the door open, why could he faintly hear a scream?

Soon the second floor became lively. Yoona's screams from the first floor failed to attract the attention of these women, but it was different on the second floor. This was closely related to them.

I don’t know if Yoona will lament the reality and cold-bloodedness of these women after seeing this scene.

Li Menglong was surrounded by everyone so he didn't panic. After all, he had a legitimate reason to come up. But why did Li Soonkyu walk out of Jung Soo-yeon's room? Who was screaming inside now?

"You didn't rest in the middle of the night. You ran upstairs and secretly opened the door. What do you want to do to Kim Taeyeon?" Lee Soon Kyu asked with confidence, because his identity is here.

If it were Li Menglong in the past, he might have apologized directly at this moment, but after all, he had been taught by Teacher Yoona, so he had to make some progress.

"I wanted to do something to you, but who knew you weren't inside."

Li Menglong said quite calmly, everyone is an adult, and girls should be able to understand. This is not a shameful thing.

But Li Shunkyu opposite him obviously didn't think so, and her cheeks turned red at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

She actually pays great attention to her interaction with Li Menglong in the dormitory. After all, they are not the only two living together here, and it can easily arouse the resentment of the girls.

And what should I say? Lee Soon Kyu thinks it’s good to keep some distance. Distance brings beauty.

She believes that the reason why the two of them don't quarrel and their relationship has always been in a good state is because of this. She is a woman of great wisdom.

As a result, Li Menglong actually said such words in front of everyone. How will she get along with girls in the future? Do they think of a lot?

No matter what they were thinking at the moment, Li Shunkyu felt that he had to take the toughest attitude. Can Li Menglong come to her room just by asking?

"You farted, and I was the only one who allowed you to go down. Who allowed you to come up to me?" After Li Shungui finished speaking, he felt that there was an ambiguity in his words, and immediately added: "I have never gone down either!"

But this explanation was very redundant and sounded like a cover-up. The girls subconsciously distanced themselves from Lee Soon Kyu, trying to see the truth clearly.

It's just that they have forgotten something. They were not attracted here in the first place because of the gossip of these two people.

"'ve gone too far!"

A weak voice came from behind the door with a trembling sound. The girls hurried over to push the door open, only to hear another scream.

The girls were also confused now. If they wanted to put the blame on Li Menglong, they would all understand, but would they also do the same thing with others?

At the same time, she offended Li Menglong and the other girls. Is Kim Taeyeon going to commit suicide in the dormitory? One person taking on everyone else?

Fortunately, the misunderstanding was soon resolved. It turned out that Kim Taeyeon had been behind the door, and they bumped into each other when they pushed the door open.

But why is she hiding here again?

"You saw it, I'm innocent, I was just pushing the door open normally!" Li Menglong immediately defended himself.

It's just that Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon are on the same side at the moment. They can only be said to be roommates, with perfect tacit understanding.

"Push the door normally? The moment you step on the floor of the second floor, you are no longer innocent!"

"Are you innocent? I came here to open the door for you, but you bumped into me maliciously?"

Faced with the questioning of these two women, Li Menglong didn't know how to explain it. Teacher Yoona had never taught him how to make a comeback in this situation.

In his opinion, what both of them said was reasonable, but there were some flaws. For example, it was just that he bumped into her when he knocked on the door, but why could the girls still bump into her? There was a lot of time in between.

"Nonsense, don't you know the intensity of my exercise in the afternoon? I can't feel anything in my legs anymore. I crawled over to open the door for you!"

Kim Taeyeon really shouted at the top of her lungs, making Li Menglong feel like a bastard. Is he that bad?

The matter seems to have been clarified. Anyway, all the mistakes are Li Menglong's fault. He can't let the girls stand on his side in front of Kim Taeyeon, right?

Seeing that this group of people had a vague tendency to surround them, Li Menglong slowly backed away, wondering if it would be better to run away.

And at this moment, Li Shunkyu was still trying to clear herself. She couldn't accept Li Menglong's previous slander: "Hurry up and confess, what did you do here?"

In fact, as long as the answer given by Li Menglong is not to come to her, then Li Shunkyu can accept it, but this guy just hasn't opened his mouth yet. What is he trying to do? Will it ruin her reputation within the team?

This method is really vicious. Lee Soon Kyu cannot sit still and wait for death. She is about to take the lead in the charge.

As for why Li Menglong didn't speak, of course it wasn't because he had forgotten, and if he said it now, it wouldn't be providing ammunition to these women.

But Yoona downstairs didn't think so. Li Menglong had been up there for so long, but no one came down. What did those women want to do?

She even complained to Li Menglong. Didn't this guy just hide in his room to rest? Are you so happy with Jessica by your side?

In this case, Yoona couldn't let these people have a good rest. She climbed directly to the stairs on the first floor and howled at the top of her lungs.

At this time, it was obvious that Yoona had good physical strength. She also did exercises with Kim Taeyeon. As a result, the woman was slow to open the door, but Yoona was full of energy at the moment.

The group of women who were originally preparing to attack Li Menglong heard Yoona's screams, and now they couldn't pretend they didn't hear anything anymore.

But why did Yoona scream so miserably? It stands to reason that Li Menglong is already upstairs, who else can bully her downstairs?

But I went to take a look anyway. Once it is confirmed that this matter is related to Li Menglong, he will be punished for several crimes. I am afraid that Li Menglong will not end up well.

What the girls could foresee, he could also see.

Although he thought he was quite innocent, these women didn't give him a chance to defend themselves, and even if they said it, they probably wouldn't believe it.

This made him very embarrassed. Could it be that he had to stay at home and be beaten up by them?

No matter how you think about it, it's not appropriate. Otherwise, why don't you just run away?

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