The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3093 Private Accounts

The moment of revenge that Li Menglong was looking forward to came earlier than expected, mainly because he thought that the girls would not come over today.

After all, what should I say about their work attitude? To put it nicely, they need inspiration, but in fact they are just lazy.

After all, Li Menglong has no room to interfere in music matters. Does he understand this?

Even if he is quite successful as a director, he still has his limitations, which cannot be changed. It is a personal weakness.

Correspondingly, Xu Xian is much better than him in this aspect, and he has been a singer for so many years.

Although he hasn't shown much talent in composing so far, it's just that Seohyun has too much demands on himself.

You don’t think Seohyun really can’t write a song, do you?

There are many opinions here. In fact, many of the works of so-called singer-songwriters also have questionable parts.

It's not that the singer went directly to the gunman. This approach was too low-level. It is estimated that this simple and crude method was only used in the era when Li Menglong was a singer.

The possibility of this approach being exposed is too high. After all, there are too many interests involved, and someone might just blow themselves up on the spot.

Therefore, the entertainment industry is evolving, and corresponding "cheating" methods are also being introduced.

The creation of a song, from the initial demo to the final product, has to go through several levels, and there may be as many people as possible handling it.

The simplest ones, such as the steps of arranging, can almost turn a song into a completely new feeling, but the signature of the song is still the singer himself.

So if you want to create a few "original" songs, it's really not as difficult as you think.

As long as it is beneficial to fame, the company will do whatever it takes, and the corresponding singer-songwriter is a kind of personality.

The water here is very deep, and outsiders may not be able to fathom it for a while.

Xu Xian naturally didn't want to take such shortcuts, so she has been accumulating herself, and this accumulation is naturally reflected in her directing skills.

Generally speaking, she is better than Li Menglong in the selection of soundtracks, which is acknowledged by Li Menglong himself.

He didn't think it was a shameful thing, and even took the initiative to leave the soundtrack to Xu Xian.

This moved Xu Xian but also made her feel pressured. She had to live up to this trust.

Otherwise, on the day when the movie is released, everyone will feel that the soundtrack is a bit inconsistent, but they will not blame Li Menglong.

Instead, it will focus on Xu Xian. Li Menglong has given her such great authority, and she can produce such results? Sure enough, idols just have a good skin.

This view has to be said to be very stereotyped. Many idols with real talents and knowledge are also trying to break similar stereotypes, but they cannot stand the influx of more "idiots" every year.

To be fair, the pressure to debut today is indeed too great, which can be seen from the number of people debuting every year.

Even if the girls were to debut today, they are not sure what heights they would reach. Maybe it is not impossible to disband after one or two albums.

But these assumptions don't make much sense after all. For example, Yoona wants to assume that these women didn't come, but is it realistic?

"Onie? Why are you here? Did Li Menglong ask you to come?"

Yoona's first reaction when she saw the girls was this. Li Menglong, a bastard, had learned to shake people when he saw that he couldn't do it?

These are all bad habits I learned from someone. I am not a man at all. If you have anything to say, just say it clearly to your face. No matter how hard it is, you can just have a fight. What's the point of asking people to do it?

It's just that Yoona doesn't want to think about herself. It seems that she is the most active every time she calls someone. If she has to find a teacher for Li Menglong, she, Lin Yoona, will do the job!

"Li Menglong? What do you have to do with him... Yes, he is the one who called us here!"

What kind of brain does Kim Taeyeon have? She can tell there is a story inside just by looking at Yoona.

Although I don’t know the specific details, saying it will make everyone happy. This is not Yoona’s obligation as the second maknae.

To sacrifice oneself and please others, roughly speaking, this is the job of an artist, and Yoona should be open to it.

But who wants to bring work into their lives? Anyway, she, Lin Yoona, doesn't want to. She hates being a clown.

It's just that she doesn't know what happened now. She has been frightened by Kim Taeyeon: "His words are so effective? He just asked you to come over?"

The look in Yoona's eyes when she looked at them was so angry that they were top-notch artists after all. Can they have some basic aura?

Not to mention letting them play big names, but for the work arranged by the agent, it doesn't just mean taking a break. They must have this kind of awareness!

"How can that be done? We still need word of mouth. Besides, work and other things are not that annoying, right?"

"Li Menglong is not just an agent. Aren't you the one who listens to him the most?"

"Were you bullied by him again? Just tell me directly, Ernie is here, we will support you!"

The last sentence reminded Yoona. It seems that Li Menglong didn't reveal too much information to them?

Then there is room for micro-manipulation, not to mention completely reversing the course of the matter, but it can still be done to make oneself appear innocent.

So Yoona put aside her initial suspicion and enthusiastically invited these women into the room: "Are you guys thirsty? Can I go down and buy you coffee?"

Faced with Yoona's attentiveness, the girls would not refuse anyone who came, even if there was a big conspiracy waiting for them.

But based on their own strength and understanding of Yoona, they did not think that this matter would be impossible for them to solve.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about. Just a cup of coffee may not be enough for their appearance fee!

"What else do you want to eat? I'll buy it for you!"

Yoona went all out to get these people to help her, but these women's demands became more and more excessive.

It's just coffee and pastries. Who said she wanted to eat barbecue? Did she also want to buy a few bottles of soju on the way back?

Drinking heavily in the company in broad daylight does not look like something a normal person would do.

As the boss of the company, Li Enxi only came back to the company to sober up after drinking outside, so they are said to be more arrogant than Li Enxi?

Seeing Yoon'er's face getting more and more ugly, the girls also restrained themselves and told her to just buy some. They weren't very picky eaters.

An outsider might believe this, but after running errands for them for so many years, Yoona still doesn’t know their dietary preferences?

None of them are picky eaters. Even Xu Xian prefers healthy eating. It can only be said that people don't show it too obviously when they encounter food they don't like.

This is a manifestation of self-cultivation, but it definitely does not mean that they are not picky eaters!

Yoona was confident that she could buy back their favorite snacks, but she immediately turned back as soon as she walked out of the door.

This surprised the girls. What does the little girl mean by spreading her hands? Does it mean that she has bought it?

The last time a similar scene appeared could be traced back to their kindergarten days. After all, the main focus of playing house at that time was imagination.

"Although we are indeed young, we are still past the age of playing such childish games, so can we restrain ourselves a little?"

The girls tried to be as subtle as possible. After all, Yoona was going to run errands for them. If this made the child cry, then who would run the errands? Go to the second floor to find Xu Xian?

But their conversations were not on the same level at all, and Yoona was even confused. What does this have to do with playing games?

She stretched her hand forward again. This action should be more obvious. Are they still pretending to be confused?

Yoona was really embarrassed to say it directly. Although it was natural to give money for running errands, this was not her main request.

So she tried to get these women to take the initiative, but the girls didn't understand at all. Kim Taeyeon tried to take the initiative and stretched out her hand. Did she want to shake hands?

Seeing that these women would not give money, in order to avoid further humiliation, Yoona angrily slapped away Kim Taeyeon's hand of friendship and turned around and left without hesitation.

Yoona thinks that this back view is handsome enough, after all, she has not fallen into the trap of the girls, but in the eyes of the girls, it seems inexplicable.

"Isn't this the period of rebellion? Is it a little late?"

The girls discussed with each other, but in the end there was no result, because the so-called rebellion did not exist in them at all.

This is also the difficulty of being an artist. Children who should be in the rebellious stage have already started the heavy work, and they are forced to skip this process directly.

Although this is considered a good thing from the perspective of parents and society, only I know what they have gone through.

Don't they want to be rebellious? I think about it, but I don’t dare!

Needless to say, during the trainee period, almost every month, people leave either actively or passively. The pressure is already full. They are cautious before it is too late. Do they still want to rebel?

Not to mention that after they come out, no one will treat them as children at work. Everyone comes to work the same way, why should they let you be?

Only they themselves know the sadness in it. Maybe even their parents can't understand it. In the end, they can only digest this pain internally.

Fortunately, all the hard work in the past has turned into the brilliance of today. Compared with those artists who ended up unknown, they are happy enough.

It's just that this kind of happiness is difficult for Yoona to perceive at this moment. She is now faced with a dilemma, where can she get some money.

She planned to get the money for lunch together. After all, it was enough to be embarrassed once, and she didn't want to borrow money one after another.

Needless to say, the girls are a bunch of women who only want to watch the fun.

Although Xu Xian was willing to lend it to her, she and Li Menglong were too close, and Yoona was afraid of being ridiculed by Li Menglong.

As for the boss lady, she has not forgotten her previous failure.

So in a company as big as Nuo, there is no one she, Lin Yoona, can borrow money from. Has she failed too much as a person?

Yoona held her chin up and looked out the window. She had really begun to reflect on herself.

Fortunately, this reflection did not last too long, mainly because there was no good angle for reflection. She felt that she was already perfect.

"You are the best! Lin Yuner, you can definitely do it!"

Yoona waved her fist vigorously in mid-air. Was she trying to cheer herself up? But why does it look like brainwashing?

No matter what the process is, the final result is still good. Yoona at least has the courage.

As for where she could borrow money, Yoona was still clueless.

After walking back and forth in the corridor a few times, she really saw a glimmer of hope. She should have no problem getting her own money back, right?

" mean you want to settle this year's income in advance?"

The colleagues in the finance department were quite happy about Yoona's appearance. After all, the girls hardly came here except for the settlement once every six months.

But Yoona's request made everyone quite embarrassed. This settlement cannot be calculated by just touching the upper and lower lips.

It is no exaggeration to say that one of the most important and busy periods every year in the finance department is when liquidating artists, and we have to work overtime for a long time every time.

So without time, Yoona's request was undoubtedly too difficult for them.

However, Yoona was also frightened by them. She waved her hands quickly: "Either I have to make a settlement, or I have to advance an amount of my income in advance. You can just deduct this part when you settle the account."

Yoona quickly explained what she meant. In her opinion, this approach should not be difficult.

After all, this money is hers, and there is even a lot of cash in the company's account. What happened to her taking some? It’s not for nothing!

But this is Yoona's naivety. Every penny spent in finance must be accounted for.

How should YoonA's so-called advance be reflected in the accounts, so why should the money be lost?

As for the normal procedure, it would be very troublesome, at least Li Enxi himself would have to come over.

"No, I'm getting my own money back. I earned all this, anyway, won't you still have to give it to me in a few months?"

Yoona was really anxious. This was her last hope. Besides, she thought her request was not too excessive.

Fortunately, she didn't think that everyone was making things difficult for her, and patiently listened to everyone's explanations for a while. Although she didn't quite understand them, Yoona still believed them.

"So I can't take it out? What can I do?"

Yoona scratched her head in annoyance, looking at the little girl's irritable look, everyone around her couldn't bear it: "What do you want to do with so much money? Can't you turn around?"

"No, it's just a very small amount, probably a few hundred thousand is enough."

After hearing Yoona's answer, although everyone still didn't understand it, the number was still manageable.

"Did you know that Li Menglong has a special account here in the company? His account is quite special. Small amounts of cash can be withdrawn directly. How about you try this?"

Is there such a good thing? It's really a bright future, she, Lin Yoona, is going to decide on this money, no one can stop her!

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