The more you look at the more you want to see, the more you will see.

Gong Lanyue was also shocked by Lin Qixuan's operation at this moment. The art of clone does exist in this world, but it is too rare and is generally a secret that is not passed on. At least there is no art like clone in the world.

Needless to say, the benefits of clone are particularly useful in fighting and exploring secrets.

When she heard that Lin Qixuan's light clone was realized from the runes on the snake brother, Gong Lanyue turned her attention to the snake brother, hoping to realize something good from it.

But after looking at the mysterious patterns for a while, Gong Lanyue immediately felt dizzy and upset, and gave up at once.

'Pervert, it's really too perverted! ’

She didn’t understand how Lin Qixuan, who was only at the control level, could hold on and gain something from it. Perhaps it was a matter of personal talent. She had to accept it.

Her father had arranged for her to test her talent for runes before, but the result was predictable.

Moreover, she had a lively personality. If she was kept in the house for a long time to study runes, she would probably go crazy before she could figure out anything.

Looking at Lin Qixuan’s light clone, Gong Lanyue curiously reached out and touched it. The result of the touch shocked her again.

It felt soft, smooth, delicate, and moderately warm, just like a real person.

This showed that Lin Qixuan’s clone technique was of high quality, and even some details were not left out.

She looked at Lin Qixuan and asked excitedly: "Lin Qixuan, how much of your clone power can you exert?"

Lin Qixuan, who was immersed in joy, was awakened by Gong Lanyue's question and almost forgot about the main business.

"Wait a minute, I'll test it right away."

Lin Qixuan closed his eyes and immersed part of his mind in the clone of light.

The clone of light opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of agility.

It was the first time that Lin Qixuan saw himself from another perspective. He was full of novelty for a while. Looking at his real body opposite, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: I am so damn handsome!

After a while of being flattering, Lin Qixuan began to inject energy into the clone, and the clone's ability level was also rapidly increasing, from level 1 to level 16.

When he reached level 16, Lin Qixuan felt that the energy that his clone could hold had reached its limit. If he continued to infuse more energy, he would inevitably explode and die.

"It's about 80%." Lin Qixuan said to Gong Lanyue after the experiment.

"What, 80%?"

Gong Lanyue was shocked again by Lin Qixuan's words. Having a father who was a high-ranking member of Qianlong gave her a very high vision and she knew much more than normal people.

According to her understanding, if the clone technique could reach 50% of the original body's strength, it would be considered excellent, and 60% was even rarer, but even so, countless people would flock to it.

Because the clone technique not only improves the combat power of the caster, but most importantly, it can improve the fault tolerance rate and the diversity of tactics. On this basis, the ability to exert the original body's strength is even more icing on the cake.

Snake Brother could originally create a clone with 70% of the original body's strength through his supernatural power, and now it is reasonable that he can reach 80% after signing a contract with Jinghui.

Gong Lanyue's eyes changed when she looked at Lin Qixuan, as if she was not looking at a person, but a rare treasure.

A guy who can fight, heal, be invisible, use runes, and clone, this future is definitely limitless. If he can't be brought into the organization, she will feel sorry for the top leaders of the organization.

Moreover, the combination of invisibility and clone, isn't this born to be an enemy spy? If Lin Qixuan dares to say second, who dares to say first.

Fortunately, Lin Qixuan didn't know what Gong Lanyue was thinking now. If he knew that she had arranged him as an enemy spy, Lin Qixuan would probably be so angry that he would scold her head.

With such a great and glorious image and temperament like himself, who can believe that he is an enemy spy!

Just when he was about to experiment with the ability of the clone again, Jinghui broke through the realm under the mysterious power of the contract, and the whole person's momentum was raised at once.

Jinghui's ability level was already 19, at the peak of the manipulation realm. Now, after the stimulation of the contract, it did not surprise everyone that he broke through the control realm.

But just as he was about to continue to improve his level under this mysterious power, an accident occurred on the side of the mirror two-headed snake.

The light on their bodies began to flicker, and their strength declined instead of improving, from the peak of the fourth level to the early stage of the third level, and there was a trend of further decline, and painful expressions appeared on their faces again.

"What happened again?" Lin Qixuan asked in surprise.

After thinking about it, Gong Lanyue quickly gave an answer, "It's time to improve strength at this stage, but because the mirror two-headed snake was seriously injured before and was in a dying state, most of the power of the contract was used to repair their injuries.

And the power of the contract is obviously not enough, they can only burn their own strength realm to repair, but now it seems that this is still not enough."

Speaking of this, Gong Lanyue's eyes showed a trace of worry. Even if the contract succeeded, I'm afraid that the strength of the mirror two-headed snake would be only one tenth of it.

But it's good enough to save his life, and the rest can be slowly re-cultivated later.

At this time, Jinghui also sensed the dilemma of the mirror two-headed snake.

He suddenly passed his mysterious power to improve his strength to the mirror two-headed snake through the equal sign connecting line in the magic circle, and the rapidly declining strength of the mirror two-headed snake was stopped.

"Human, you..."

Jinghui's operation made the two brothers of the mirror two-headed snake a little unbelievable. They didn't expect that the human in front of them had given up the great opportunity to improve their strength to help them repair their bodies.

"It's okay, we are one, and there will be many opportunities to improve our strength in the future. There is no need to care about this moment. The most important thing now is to treat your injuries."

"And if your realm falls below the third level again, I can't justify it." Jinghui laughed nonchalantly. He was originally a Buddhist and didn't care about cultivation at all. At this moment, he could help the mirror two-headed snake, and he helped without hesitation.

After Jinghui finished speaking, the two brothers of the mirror two-headed snake felt infinitely warm in their hearts. It was indeed a blessing for them to have such a contractor.

They didn't say any more words of thanks or courtesy. Everything was buried in their hearts. They could only repay with actual actions in the future.

With the help of Jinghui's power, the contract power of the mirror two-headed snake became stronger again. While the whole body was wrapped, the size was constantly shrinking.

Lin Qixuan could even see that the two brothers seemed to have shed a layer of snake skin...


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