The dark air was very strange, and there was a hint of weirdness in the evil. If you get a little closer to it, you can even hear creepy low laughter and muttering, which makes people shudder. And they are huge in number, many times more than those buried in Wu Qiong's body. The expression of the heart monkey was a little ferocious and pale at first, and it was obviously tortured by the black air. But his strength is indeed good. He has suffered from the cold eyes and ridicule of others for many years, and his rough life experience has given him a strong heart. As meditation deepened, the black air surging on the surface of the heart monkey was gradually suppressed by him and slowly retracted into his body. His breathing became stable, his face regained color, and his expression gradually became stable.


Finally, the Heart Monkey exhaled heavily and opened his eyes.

"What happened to you?" Seeing that the Heart Monkey had recovered, the Violent Bear could not help asking.

"Alas, it was because my mental power was destroyed just now that I suffered a little backlash. I thought it was over, but who knew that the evil spirit in my body caught it during the mental shock."

"They felt that they had caught the opportunity, so they wanted to rush out and destroy my soul."

The Heart Monkey said it easily, but the Violent Bear knew the danger.

The black air in their bodies came from a spring in the Devil's Plain. The people of the Salvation Society called this spring - the Immortal Spring!

As the name suggests, people who drink the Immortal Spring will gain the ability to be immortal. Before the immortal substances in their bodies are exhausted, they are almost immortal.

As long as the brain is not destroyed or the head is not cut off, no matter how fatal the damage to other parts is, the undead substance in their bodies can restore their bodies to their original state.

Of course, such a powerful thing obviously has side effects, and these black air is the most fatal flaw of the Immortal Spring!

If they cannot subdue the black air after drinking the Immortal Spring, then there is only one way to go for them!

The black air will corrode their brains, making them lose their thinking and consciousness, and turn them into monsters who only know how to kill and destroy.

Through many experiments, the people of the Salvation Society found that only those with strong wills can have a chance to pass the black air level.

But this can only be said to be a probability, not an absolute.

The people of the Salvation Society went through layers of selection and finally selected this group of people to receive the baptism of the Immortal Spring.

Some of them did not pass the black air level and became undead monsters.

The Salvation Society naturally would not waste resources. They immediately imprisoned these monsters and would release them as cannon fodder when needed.

Fortunately, they passed the test, their strength improved by leaps and bounds, and they became strong men in the extraordinary realm.

They were very popular for a while and were highly valued by the Salvation Society.

The Heart Monkey and the Sea Angel were the two people who took the most immortal springs among them, and they were also the newcomers that the Salvation Society valued very much.

But success does not mean that everything is over, this is just the beginning.

The more spring water they drink, the more black air they have in their bodies.

These black airs take root in their bodies and become one with them.

They will come out to make trouble from time to time, trying to assimilate the hosts.

And what happened to the Heart Monkey just now was obviously a riot of black air. While enjoying immortality, these people will inevitably bear a certain price...


After the Heart Monkey adjusted his state, the couple who had prepared dinner in the kitchen were bringing plates of dishes to the table in the restaurant.

Dabolang walked up and said respectfully to Xinyuan and Baoxiong: "Two masters, dinner is ready, please enjoy."

Hearing this, Xinyuan patted his butt and sat up from the sofa, "Let's go, let's eat. I've been fighting these black air for a while, and my stomach has been growling with hunger."

Smelling the fragrance of the food, Baoxiong suddenly felt hungry.

He looked at the hostess of the house, Dabolang, and said, "Where are the braised beef and pork head I want?"

"In the kitchen, my husband bought it for you when the two masters were asleep, and it will be served to you in a while!" Dabolang said with his head down.

"Good, very good!" Baoxiong nodded with satisfaction. He is a meat lover, and braised beef and pork head are his favorites.

"Fuck, I'm thinking about this in that ghost place in Devil's Plain.

It's been a long time, and today I can finally eat."

"Haha, then you can eat as much as you want today. If it's not enough, I'll ask them to buy more." Xinyuan said very 'generous'.

"Tsk, if someone didn't know, they would think you were treating us, you shameless thing!" Baoxiong looked at Xinyuan with a squint and said contemptuously.

"Haha, if you have the guts, don't eat. You're given food but you still talk so much nonsense!"

"Why not eat? It's a waste if you don't eat..."

While bickering, the two sat down at the table.

The small table was filled with a table of dishes, which looked very rich.

Xinyuan was very happy to see it. He looked at the couple standing by the table waiting for instructions, and said with a smile:

"Who made these dishes?"

"To answer the master, these dishes were made by my wife. "The husband of the big wave, Mediterranean, said with a flattering look.

Xinyuan picked up a piece of twice-cooked pork and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing it carefully, his eyes suddenly lit up, "You are so lucky, your wife is beautiful and can cook. It's really enviable!"

"Hehe, that's right, when I got married, my wife's family didn't ask for a penny of betrothal gifts, and they also compensated me with a car worth more than 300,000 yuan."

"My mother-in-law also said that when we have children in the future, she will come to help me take care of the children. My friends around me are very envious of me, saying that they don't know what kind of shit luck I have..."

When mentioning this, Hai Di suddenly became proud, and kept talking about how good his wife and mother-in-law's family were to him.

While he was speaking, he didn't know that Xin Yuan, who was eating at this time, had a gloomy face.

If he hadn't been living in this family's home, Hai Di might have been forced to delete his account at this time.

The opposite Bao Xiong didn't know Xin Yuan's past, but he was also very annoyed with Hai Di.

He said impatiently: "Damn, how can you marry such a good wife, who is not handsome and has a terrible body!"

"Because I am a local of Shanghai, I have a Shanghai hukou, my parents are civil servants, and although they are retired now, their pensions are very high."

"And don't look at this as an old community, the housing prices are also very expensive..." Hai Di raised his head and said proudly.

Xin Yuan silently took out a bottle of white wine from the wine rack next to him, opened the bottle cap, poured himself a glass, and then drank it all...


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