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Suddenly Feng Zhiwei saw the cloth and debris on the basket spread out, showing black bullets inside!


The basket rolled in the direction of her and Ning Yi. A guard lifted his leg to kick, and Feng Zhiwei shouted, "No..."

It is a pity that it is too late.

There was a loud noise, and the clouds of smoke spread out, exploding in the center of the guards and dense crowd.

Flesh splash!

Shout and cry!

Feng Zhiwei turned around and hugged Ning Yi when the fire bomb explosion smoke rose, and it seemed that Zhong Ning Yi also hugged to her at the same time, and then someone rushed over to hug them, the huge air wave rushed people to stand Stable, the three fell to the ground together, rolling in the dark cloud of smoke, and cries screaming on all sides, thousands of people were scattered by the explosion, everyone was in the dark darkness Staggering and squeezing and colliding with each other, the scattered fireballs were continuously slammed by people, and then burst into a continuous explosion, so another wave of smoke and flesh crowded to flee and cry...In an instant Taiping Pier, **** between adults.

Feng Zhiwei didn't know how long he rolled or how far he rolled. Someone's body was splashed with blood and fell on her, and there were people who had no choice but to run on her feet. She had no time to think, and she couldn't climb. , Had to hold Ning Yi tightly, and Ning Yi hugged her with her backhand, and covered her body a little bit with her. I don’t know when, when she just fell down, she hugged him, and he became his protector. Live her.

There are too many people on the dock, causing explosion damage is unparalleled. In this kind of chaos like a doomsday, everyone is like a beast enclosed in a jar, walking wildly and colliding, holding human life to crush, no one can stand Straight, no one can guarantee completeness, both of them were stepped on a lot of feet in a short cut, and the man above tried to lift them again and again, but was crowded again and again by the blast of air and the crowd of tide In the end, I had to cover my body with them, and tried to hold my head up, and found a direction in the dazzling smoke and countless legs, protecting them all the way.

In the chaos of darkness, Feng Zhiwei heard Gu Nanyi's voice faintly: "Wei!"

This is what Feng Zhiwei and Gu Nanyi have negotiated with her. This "micro" communicates with "Wei", so that no matter what the occasion, this sound will not cause people to doubt.

Feng Zhiwei is happy, Master Gu is okay! She tried to straighten her throat and shouted, "I'm here!" However, everyone around was yelling and shouting, and the screams of thousands of people were screaming like a tide, and she didn't have Gu Nanyi's unparalleled strong internal force. It's impossible for Gu Nanyi to hear the broken throat.

At this time, she felt that she was shocked, fell into a low recess, and no longer rolled, and there were fewer people on all sides. She slowly climbed up and saw that this is a ship repairing place under the pier, with a tugboat The **** has left the area of ​​the pier.

At this time, she felt sore all over, and her joints seemed to be cracked. Looking back at Ning Yi, he was also very embarrassed. His hands were swollen with bruises and bruises on her face, but she sat calmly and reached out. Touching her seems to want to determine whether she was injured. Feng Zhi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thanks to Ning Cheng's protection for us, we have to hurry to find other people, and we don't know how they all hurt..."

Ning Yi shook her head, "Not Ning Cheng."

Feng Zhiwei was stunned, and then he heard a personal breath under his feet: "Master Siye, it's me..."

Feng Zhiwei looked down and said, "Uh", it turned out to be the first of the second ancestor, Yao Yangyu, the prodigal son of Yao Ying.

"Sorry, sorry." Feng Zhiwei hurriedly lifted him up. Yao Yangyu was even more embarrassed than them. His body was covered in blood and footprints.

When the explosion took place, he was walking beside Feng Zhiwei. The boy responded quickly, and when he heard the sound, he rushed over and kept them rolling here.

Feng Zhi was surprised that Ning Cheng was not there. Ning Yi said lightly: "When the explosion started, I pushed him in the direction of the students."

Feng Zhiwei immediately understood what he meant—the explosion exploded in the bodyguard, next to the students, except for the bodyguards who were the most dangerous, so Ning Yi launched Ning Cheng to save the students first.

Thinking about it, Feng Zhiwei suddenly moved in her heart. The student brought Nanhai to her. She took full responsibility for the student. It had nothing to do with Ning Yi. At this critical juncture, he ignored himself, but allowed the martial arts around him to be strong. A guard will save the student first, for her, right?

Ning Cheng as a guard, protecting the master is the most important. He was willing to save the students after being launched by Ning Yi, also because he knew Ning Yi's thoughts?

The thought turned slightly, but her face remained silent. She staggered her eyes, climbed the slope, the explosion gradually stopped, the smoke disappeared, and countless corpses fell on the ground, as well as broken limbs and squeezed arms. Shoes, some injured people groaned painfully in the pool of blood, a tragic scene of **** on earth.

Feng Zhi looked at him stunned, his eyes moist and whispered, "I don't know how many people were killed or injured..."

Suddenly her eyes narrowed, and she saw that there were some figures moving around in the unsmoked smoke, her movements were vigorous, as if she was looking for something, and she heard Ning Yi behind her: "Who!"

Suddenly she turned back to Ning Yi's direction without thinking, and at the same time she felt that Ning Yi also pushed her extremely accurately. The two people's shots interacted with each other, and they couldn't help but fall back backwards. Jianguang glanced at the blood, and passed between them with a snap!

With a faint cry, Feng Zhiwei didn't talk about the soft sword coming out of the waist. Ning Yi's hand listened to the wind to identify the position, and also went straight to the assassin's waist. After a muffled sound, he arrived first, and the man was beaten staggered , Rolled twice on the ground, flew away and ran away.

The two couldn’t catch up, so they watched the man go away, Feng Zhiwei bit his lip and said angrily: "Enough poison! In order to kill us, we will explode and kill countless innocent people in 5,000 people, so we will not stop. Kill while chaotic!"

When she looked back, Yao Yangyu was covering her arm, and a blood stain was hidden. He was injured when he wanted to block it when the assassin just appeared. Feng Zhiwei hurried forward to help him bandage, and she was quite ashamed-she only remembered when the assassin came. Save Ning Yi first, but leave this lucky life-saving benefactor aside, it is really unconscionable.

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