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The hostility is dissipating, the touch is breeding, and some people who had avoided her far away began to gather around, move the wounded together, clean the wound, take the cloth and pass the medicine...

On the pier square, howling and cursing, the panic and helplessness gradually disappeared, replaced by a tense and orderly atmosphere of treatment, Feng Zhiwei glanced, and someone automatically came to the helper, the government, the people, the guards, the tripartite forces After an unfriendly welcoming ceremony, because of a disaster, the cooperation was realized for the first time.

The pampered students of Qingming Academy, after watching for a while, also put up their sleeves and joined the team. Yao Yangyu lay on the stretcher and commanded Feng Zhiwei's guard to fight the doctor with his own voice.

In the face of disaster, the hearts of people who have always fallen apart are more likely to come closer because of compassion. Feng Zhiwei washed his **** hands in the basin, looking at the busy crowds everywhere, and a little emotion filled his heart. .

The moon rose faintly, and after an effective day of treatment, the square had returned to calm. Only the groaning in the tent seemed to be floating in the sea and sky.

Feng Zhiwei has not rested yet, walking around in the square, a chaos in the daytime, dozens of deaths, hundreds of injuries, not really many deaths and injuries, but a lot of deaths in a panic and trampling, Feng Zhiwei is worried that the chaotic squeeze will squeeze some people into some undetectable gaps.

The broken clothing left by the wounded on the square trembled in the wind, as if a pair of hands were chanting soullessly, and a cold moon reflected the pool of blood floating around. The whole square looked like **** duckweed, and the phoenix was slightly full of eyes. Walking slowly and sadly, picking up some items from time to time, gold locks, purses, embroidered pouches... Those memorials filled with love from family and lovers, now there is no master to cherish.

Gu Nanyi followed her. He didn't know what Feng Zhiwei was thinking. He just felt that the front view looked a bit lonely, his shoulders were thin, and the moonlight seemed to be heavy and difficult to carry.

He suddenly stepped forward and shoved the thing that had been in his arms over Feng Zhiwei's shoulder.

Feng Zhiwei only felt that his shoulders were swollen, and what heavy objects weighed up, almost thought it was an assassin, and only one side saw it with a smile. Master Gu pressed an extra half of the tent cloth that he had been holding, and pressed it on her shoulder. .

What are you doing? Feng Zhiwei grabbed the corner of the tent and raised his eyebrows to ask him with his eyes.

Master Gu stood there, without saying anything, Feng Zhiwei was surprised to find that his eyes seemed to turn behind his veil-he did not always look directly at people, or looked down at him one foot and three inches in front of him What?

It seems that it is impossible to get Master Gu's answer. Feng Zhi sighed slightly, and wondered if Master Gu asked her to go to the tent? Suddenly, Master Gu spoke.

"It's not cold to wear."

Feng Zhiwei was startled again, and it took a while to react-was he afraid of her cold?

Is he helping her with "clothes"?

She was stunned there, clutching the heavy, air-tight tent cloth. She didn't know how to react for a while. Something was sour and astringent in her heart. It seemed to be the first time that Gu Nanyi clearly expressed something like "care". mood.

He has always cared about her life and death, but in her feelings, this kind of caring is more like an imposed task. He just does not compromise on rigid execution, just like eating small walnuts or eight pieces of meat, to do it, no the reason.

At the beginning of the acquaintance, he kicked her out of bed, let her sleep on the bed, throw her clothes that were not satisfactory enough, and threw them in the latrine. Even if it was to protect her, when she was clutching her, she often struggled and did not know how to converge Intensity.

When did Hongmeng open up and reveal this bright sky?

Where is the sacred, wielding the blade of spirit and wisdom, and severing the heavy shadow that covers his chaotic life?

The moonlight was lonely, the square was silent, and the voice in the faint smoke was distant and vague. She and he were silent in the wind of autumn night.

For a long time, she tightened the tent and wrapped her body, as if it was really a cloak, smiling: "Well, it's warm..."

Master Gu nodded with satisfaction, he also felt very warm and looked very warm.

Feng Zhiwei is worried, how can he walk with this tent cloak?

Without delaying a few steps, Gu Nanyi suddenly moved his ears, and Feng Zhiwei immediately noticed.

In front of it, there is a pile of debris, all of which are commonly used by fishermen, such as pot nets and dried sea vegetables. A weak voice comes out from the debris.

Feng Zhiwei stepped forward in two steps, pulled away the debris, and gasped.

Under the pot net, a young woman died there, her back to the outside, curled up on one side of her body, a strange arch in an arc, and a pot under her abdomen, and a child in the pot cried finely.

Obviously, the woman was squeezed here by the crowd during the chaos and was squeezed to death, but she always kept the child under her. She was afraid that she would hold down the child when she fell down. To the basin.

The pot was not small. If she could cover herself with the pot at that time, she would have been able to escape her life. However, she must have been seriously injured and lost her strength, so she could only choose to protect her child.

Feng Zhi looked at the basin slightly, his eyes slightly wet.

The mother of the world, the mother of the world, is usually almost trivial on weekdays, but only when hard and dangerous, can the strength of deep love span life and death.

She picked up the child, and the child was not hurt. She just cried hungry, but didn't have the strength to cry. Once picked up, she immediately caught her hand tightly with her young fingers.

Feng Zhiwei couldn't help but smile, put his face on his blown cheek and wrapped him up with a tent cloth.

This bag found that the child was very delicately dressed and had a low-key luxury. There was no word on the gold lock on the neck, but it was set with a huge obsidian gemstone. The end of the gemstone was deep purple and brilliant.

Look at the dead woman again, dressed in ordinary clothes, ordinary people dress up, no jewelry at all, Feng Zhiwei has a trace of doubt, is it not the child's mother?

Not a mother, how can this be done?

The lock was too precious. She thought about it and took it away.

Holding the child in his arms, he immediately stopped crying, sucking his fingers happily, Feng Zhi slightly protruding and narrowing his heart, and stuffed the child into Master Gu's arms.

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