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Something was stimulated, screamed and crashed into the study, slammed somewhere, driving a buzzing vibration.

She screamed, Jin Siyu had rushed over, rushed to the beauty's couch with her impression, but touched an empty space, and sighed in shock: "Paeonia!"

She screamed, shrunk under the back window, shivering, "Someone!"


Jin Siyu lighted the candle, and Qing was in his hand. The dim light reflected his face, and the color of worry floated between his eyebrows. "Paeonia!"

He hurried forward, holding her in his arms, "How did you get here?"

"Someone!" She turned to point at the back window in his arms. "You just closed the window. I was lying on the couch. Suddenly I felt someone rush in. I swept over and grabbed me first. I probably found something wrong and threw Drive me, I fell out and fell here... Hey, what about people?"

She looked around in panic, and breathed a sigh of relief, saying, "What about people?"

Jin Siyu stared at her, and she rolled around the corner in an embarrassed manner. Her hair was scattered and her makeup was messed up. The cork that fixed her bones in Ruan Langzhong's hand was also scattered. She got so painful that she burst into tears and flushed away the rouge under her eyes.

"Do you really see someone?" he asked slowly.

She shook her head and he was startled.

"It's not seeing, it's feeling," she said, "I only heard the back window slamming open, the wind was violent, and then someone grabbed me and threw me, very fast... I fell out and got dizzy, and only heard the wind above my head, Then your lights are on... how can that man be a ghost? How can it be so fast? Where is it now?"

Jin Siyu looked up at the endless trees outside the rear window and slowly said: "I think... because the front window is locked, you have called him to hide again, so he went out from the rear window."

She raised her head in amazement, inadvertently glanced at her, and gasped again.

On the front wall of the dust, a row of dense black arrows of iron nailed, shining under the shadow of lights.

"He touched the organ." Jin Siyu looked at her with no strange expression. "As long as someone does not appear in the reasonable route in the front and back of the study, it may touch the organ."

"Who is this person?" she murmured. "Assassin?"

Jin Siyu clapped his palms, and in a short while someone answered, he said: "Assassins broke into the study just now, the whole government stepped up guards, increased night shift patrols, and immediately searched my whole government."


The bodyguard led away, Jin Siyu picked her up, she let out a long breath, and murmured in his arms: "I just thought I was going to lose my life..."

"Why didn't you think you would be saved?" Jin Siyu looked down at her with a faint smile, "What if this person came to save you?"

"Save me?" She widened her eyes and smiled immediately. "Save me will throw me out? I think 80% is your enemy."

"Oh?" Jin Siyu placed her on the soft couch. "Why?"

"With your identity, there can be no enemies." She answered simply.

He exclaimed for a while before saying: "Yes, from small to large, I have experienced 131 assassinations. The assassin is the most common thing for me."

He spoke lightly, and she lowered her eyelashes-if she was really used to seeing nothing, how could she remember the number of assassinations so clearly?

"Call Ruan Langzhong to deal with it for you, and look at you in embarrassment." Jin Siyu said.

"In the evening, there is no injury, no need." She shook her head, "I was frightened, my heartbeat was a bit anxious, you let me lie down, let's just gossip."

"Or I will take you back to your room."

"How about you?" She looked at him. "I think you need more rest."

"I'll send you over and I have to come back." He smiled bitterly. "Some troublesome things."


Jin Siyu didn't say anything, but his eyebrows twisted gently.

She didn't speak, closed her eyes and kept her spirits, for a while there was only the sound of the paper being turned by the wind, and Jin Siyu came to help her for a while, and she looked up and smiled at Jin Siyu.

Seeing her smile, Jin Siyu was startled, and for a moment he didn't react, and he blurted out.

"My fourth son has moved a little recently, and I am upset..."

When I said something, I felt inappropriate. Why did I say this, but I couldn't get it back, so I had to smile bitterly.

She didn't speak, looked up at him inquiringly, and said softly, "It's uncomfortable to keep things in my heart. You have to be willing to treat me like an audience."

"It's nothing." Jin Siyu thought for a while, and sat down beside her, gently holding her hand, and said, "My fourth son took advantage of my new defeat and moved my faction's military essay and Hubu shangshu, The joint name of Yushitai was copied, and they were forced to withdraw their withdrawal. Among them, the military department Shangshu replaced my uncle. My uncle has always favored him. The army is still in front. Everyone knows that there is still Kaichun In the war, the affairs of the generals assigned and transferred to the army are all in the hands of the military department. If this is deliberately made, I will be in trouble here."

"The fourth man in your family?" She questioned the more affectionate term.

Jin Siyu smiled bitterly, "The brother of a mother."

"So why is that?" she said, "Since Hushang Shangshu is your uncle, even if you are partial, you won't be biased, don't worry so much."

"You don't know." Jin Siyu finally said after a moment of hesitation, "The fourth elder and I are a compatriot mother, but they have never dealt with it, and my mother never tried to match us up. In her view, the two sons No matter who wins the Dabao, she is the queen mother, and she supports both her sons. If anyone doesn’t fight for her, she will give up and support another one, which is what she has been standing for many years Magic weapon, now... used on son."

She silently said for a while: "The terrible royal..."

Terrible royal, mother is not mother, son is not son, brother is not brother.

Jin Siyu smiled bitterly and lay down on her side, pillows on both hands, murmured: "Look, my dearest brother, but you become the biggest obstacle, you can't move, you can't kill, how is it good?"

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