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As soon as I turned around, I saw someone coming by, raised my sleeves, and said with a smile: "Oh, isn't that my little sister? Long time no see is very missed, it is better to narrate the old together."

Feng Zhi swooped in the past and covered the person's mouth with no image or rules. He smiled and said, "Don't... don't... Your Highness, men and women don't accept each other, and there is no sentiment when there are more people. ,alone!"

The last two words emphasized and sighed. His Highness' eyes were burning. He immediately expressed his strong support for the proposal. The raised hand fell down, and it was convenient for him to take her hand, laughing, "There is a place where you must be willing Go."

Feng Zhiwei twitched at the corner of his mouth to look at the tightly gripped hand, his fingers squeezed sharply.

The man's palm was like a cast iron stone, no feeling, chatting and laughing.

Having been leading her to a horse, Feng Zhiwei recognized that it was his all-black Yuema, which had been insulted by himself. Fortunately, there was no memory of the horse, and when she saw her, she did not give her a horse. Hoof.

Ning Yi mentioned it behind her, and she got on the horse. Immediately sinking behind, Ning Yi sat up.

Feng Zhi frowned slightly, regretting not riding a horse today.

The man behind him leaned lightly on her shoulder, her chin rested on her shoulder, her fingers flicked, and the horse ran smoothly. It seemed to know that the owner immediately needed emotion and did not pursue speed, and ran leisurely.

In a steady pace, the clear and masculine breath came through the skin, and the slightly hot breath flicked the broken hair in the ear, a slight itch, Feng Zhi stiffened slightly, moved uncomfortably, and barely smiled: "Xiaguan It’s not appropriate to ride with His Royal Highness, or riding His Royal Highness, Xiaguan followed behind."

Ning Yi didn't speak, and she smiled lazily for a while: "First, I can't bear it, second, I'm afraid you will run away."

Not waiting for Feng Zhiwei to answer, he said again: "Zhiwei, when will we be born like this? Last time I sent you a letter box, why didn't you reply to me?"

Feng Zhiwei was silent for a while, and Ning Yi gently blew her earlobe behind her, she gave her head aside, and smiled for a while, and said, "That letter box... Shenhe."

"Oh?" Ning Yi's voice didn't fluctuate, just a little cold.

"Your Highness." Feng Zhi turned back halfway and put his hand against his chest to avoid the shock, and said lightly, "I thought about it, there is really no further step between you and me. I only have Relatives, all buried in the royal golden feather guard of your father and emperor, I am also not suitable for your royal boheyun tricks, step by step, as I said before, I want to be a simple person, marry a simple man, simple life."

"Mrs. Feng and Feng Hao are involved in the case of orphaning the Dacheng imperial line. This is a serious crime that must be investigated in any dynasty." Ning Yi said lightly, "In any case, you have cleared the suspicions, and your majesty has no harm to your Feng. Zhiwei even has a sense of guilt for you. This is already a different number. I can’t control your anger, and you are angered by me. For this reason, I don’t give me a chance, but I don’t want to.”

"I understand each other's positions." Feng Zhiwei smiled. "But it is because they have their own positions, so they must not be forced together, otherwise you dare not believe me, and I dare not believe you. How do you live in these days? Go on?"

"I dare to believe you." Ning Yi's tone was calm, but she had a stubborn intention.

"You're not afraid of my suspicion, serving the court in the name of Wei Zhi, in fact just to revenge your mother's brother and kill your father emperor?" Feng Zhiwei laughed, completely joking tone.

"You have this ability, but do it." Ning Yi said lightly, "I dare to take this world to play with you, just beg you not to reject me thousands of miles away."

"My life and death are actually in the hands of His Royal Highness at any time." Feng Zhiwei narrowed his eyes slowly and said, "As long as His Royal Highness enters the palace, His Majesty said before his car, Wei Zhi is Feng Zhiwei, and he will roll out tomorrow afternoon. The Wei Weizhi head."

"I really want to say, why wait until now?" Ning Yi smiled, "Zhiwei, I know you are reminding me, you also have a lot of control of me, can we not talk about such a shady topic now?"

"Then what is the scenery?"

"This one."

The horse stopped, Feng Zhiwei looked up, and turned out to be the first bridge of Dacheng Wangdu Bridge.

Although she and Ning Yi first met in Qiufu, the real conversation was at Wangduqiao.

In that year, Wangduqiao had thin snow and frost, and the two of them drank a bottle of inferior wine.

Spring is approaching this year, Wangdu Bridge is still mottled, there are deep and shallow moss under the bridge, and the river is silently watched.

Everything is as before, but it seems not as good as before.

Ning Yi got off the horse and reached out to her. Feng Zhi glanced away with empty eyes and jumped down.

Ning Yi was not embarrassed. She took back her hand and fetched a pot of wine from her arms. She smiled and said, "At first you were stingy, please drink me a pot of sour wine, and I invite you to drink Jianghuai famous pear pear white."

"Lihuabai tastes sweet and light at the entrance, but has a mellow aftertaste, which is good wine." Feng Zhiwei walked up the bridge first, and looked at the jade-like river with his hand on the bridge fence. "It's just that I still feel that the three-liter, one-pot wine at that time, It is the most authentic in the world."

"What's the smell?" Ning Yi followed and stood beside her. The wind on the Takahashi curled up their long hair and entangled them like two hunting flags.

"Bitter, spicy, sour, thin." Feng Zhiwei said softly, "The pain of parting, the spicy of hatred, the acid of broken heart... the thinness of affection."

Ning Yi remained silent, and the wind on the bridge grew fiercer. An early peach quivered across the bridge fence and was cracked by the relentless wind.

"That year, I talked to you on this bridge about the death of Dacheng, and talked about the accident of the three princes." He said for a long time, pointing to Feng Zhiwei's feet, "He fell here, my third brother, from the Imperial Forest Feng Yu's crossbow, pierced his heart with arrows."

Feng Zhiwei didn't move, and even looked down.

"He is my best brother, the only person I have loved in the cold palace. When I was young, I was bullied by other brothers. They were guarded by him. During my childhood and childhood, I spent most of my time in his study. After that, that was the safest place I have stayed in my life, where I can sleep more than in my bedroom."

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