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"Go, serve me a bowl of black chicken soup!"

"The Penal Department is so poor that it doesn't even have black chickens? Doesn't it mean that there are often mistresses who stuff money for you? After accusing the plaintiff and defending the defendant? It's not that some murderers simply slaughtered white ducks, and the rich bought the poor as scapegoats. What? I heard that the market price of the dead person is three thousand two and a three-in-yard courtyard...Oh, the black chicken soup will come soon? Well, I won’t say it.


Grandma Huan lay on the square table in the prison of the Penal Department. She comfortably drank chicken broth and sang a small song. She commanded a group of prison officials who were crying and tearless. They also turned around and regretted, "Alas, it’s a pity that there are not enough people. ."

After a while, Feng Zhiwei sent the quilt, big clod, and walnut kernels, and Yan Huaishi sent his wife supplements. Wherever the supplements were sent, he didn’t have a medicine store. The ginseng bird’s nest had shark fins everywhere. They also stuffed silver tickets for all the prison officials who were present, and the officials were coveted by the couple, who were coy and obedient.

Feng Zhiwei smiled and pointed at the wound on Huaqiong's arm while eating the rose gold cake from Yan Kaishi, "Are you distressed?"

"Distressed!" Yan Huaishi responded generously. Hua Qiong was about to stare at him. He smiled and said, "But if you get it right, it would be good if you were on me."

Hua Qiong slapped him and laughed, "Just what you can stand!"

Her eyes flowed, her bright eyes were bright and bright under the lights, and she was full of smiles.

Feng Zhiwei smiled and watched the young couple flirting, with shallow joy and solitude in his eyes.

Gu Shaoye, who has never spoken and ate walnuts, seriously looked at the pair, leaning his head and not knowing what to think.

Yan Huaishi could not stay for a long time. When he sent something, he left. He blinked at Feng Zhiwei before leaving, and Fengzhi nodded slowly.

"Go to bed early tonight." Hua Qiong said, "I heard that today the cabinet is going to be presided over by the Criminal Department or the direct trial of the three law divisions. It is very fierce. The Highness is also very busy today. In favor of the resolution, it is also necessary to monitor that the Ministry of Criminal Affairs cannot produce moths today. You must also be careful whether there is anyone blowing hair in your ears. He is the prince of the three law divisions. It is inconvenient to meet you today. Let me tell you that he believes in you and you too Believe him."

"Naturally you have to believe him." Feng Zhiwei lazily stretched his waist, "You can't protect me, this penal department will not be his later, and their brothers are so close that they can draw their swords directly. Up."

"I'm here because I'm afraid someone will carry you a dirt bag at night." Hua Qiong comfortably lay down and smiled. "I know that you should have arrangements, but you have to see it with your own eyes to be at ease."

"Who is more suitable to stay here than you?" Feng Zhi squeezed her hand and said softly, "Sleep."

She lay down slowly and slept on her soft and comfortable large cloak, under which was the straw of the prison cell, and there was a sound. She thought of her mother and brother in such a fine voice. Not such straw? Is the spoiled Feng Hao scared? How did Niang comfort him?

At that time, no one came to visit the prison, no one was willing to sprinkle blood on them to protect their bodies, no one sent warm and soft big clot, the last night of his life, with a panic and sadness in his arms, fell asleep in the moldy straw.

Drums sounded farther in the distance, reaching far from here, it sounded empty and lonely, the pale yellow light of the oil lamp reflected the dark shadows in the dark prison dimly, slightly creeping, and it seemed to be countless silhouettes going away, Walking slowly in silence.

In a quiet breath, Feng Zhi slightly opened his eyes, motionless.

For a long while, the corners of her eyes gradually gathered crystal drops of water, getting bigger and bigger, and finally falling into a heavy arc, trembling in the wind like that, slowly flowing down the corners of her eyes, and silently seeping into the hair.

That piece of black temples was instantly wet.

This is the first time in two years that she has truly shed tears for the death of her mother and brother. At first, all the tears that fell in front of Emperor Tiansheng in Ning'an Palace were acting. She was crying, but her heart was burned with grief and anger.

Later, the guardian of the night, the coffin left in the heavy snow of the day, and the two tombs were dug in the woods in the suburbs of Beijing, and she never burst into tears.

The bloodiest memory is hidden in the deepest heart, and she does not give herself the opportunity to indulge her grief.

Only the tears in my heart are soaking in the bitter Chinese New Year.

Tonight, in the same big prison, the past is full of events, striking the snowy pace that year.

Tears were silent.

Opposite Gu Nanyi, suddenly opened his eyes and listened quietly in the dark.

He couldn't hear anything, but he seemed to hear everything clearly.

Tears were silent.

In the distance, there was suddenly a xiaoxiao.

Feng Zhi was stunned.

At the first moment, she thought that she was Zong Chen. In the impression, he was very good at blowing flute, but because she often listened, she was also familiar with Zong Chen's flute sound. His flute sound was ethereal and light, such as floating clouds, with a magnificent atmosphere. Although the skill of this flute is not inferior to him, it is clearer and deeper, gentle and gentle. Although the melody is cool, there is no sadness and sadness. On the contrary, there is a superb atmosphere, which is audible and soft and soft. open.

Flute is an ethereal instrument, it is easy to play a sad tone, but this flute sound is special.

The courtyard of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs covers a vast area, and this dungeon goes deeper into the ground. The sound of the flute can be passed in, proving that the other party used the internal force and blows the flute with the internal force.

Feng Zhi Wei Ning listened quietly in the dark, almost cherishing every tune ups and downs, that tune is very strange, not the ones circulated across the court city, the tunes were leveled, and the microstrip wandered, reminding me of temptation to hesitate to wander those desires The subtle emotions that dare not retreat.

Gradually, it gradually became heavy and heavy, falling tightly together and falling together. The sound of lightness and joy was protruding, gentle and long, glorious, as the clouds broke through the moon, and the tide surged under the moon.

Feng Zhiwei listened to the tone, and his lips gradually began to smile, and now he communicated with the flute person. He knew that at this moment, the person must also be immersed in joy.

However, the light and flexible sound was only a moment, and suddenly there was a turning point, and the dangerous thing was a cracking sound. Hearing Feng Zhiwei's heart shook, the sound of Xiao fluctuated high, and the silver bottle burst through the wind and thunder, like thunder and thunder. Above nine days, light rises, clouds grow, fire bursts, stars fall... a huge and irreparable gap between heaven and earth...

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