The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1015: All of this is true

Chi Nan had discovered these people's experiments a long time ago, and he ignored them and asked them to follow their own ideas. The first test is, of course, the issue of communication. All major forces have their own means of communication.

It was just that they soon discovered that it was still possible to communicate next to the space channel, but there was no way far away from the space channel. After experimentation, they finally determined that this is not their world.

Even if it is a twin tree, it is possible for two trees to grow on the same plane. They have never seen this kind of plant in the legend, but there are records in the materials of many major forces, especially the materials of the elves. It was the first time that they saw a twin tree and came to another world through the twin tree. They were not sure that it was impossible.

This is also to prevent Chi Nan from deceiving them. Regarding such a major event, no one will completely trust others by relying on feelings such as trust. After confirming that this was an alien plane, some people gradually left.

Along the way, check the air, check the soil and water sources. Some even brought some small animals with poor strength, but they soon became undead creatures. Looking at the red sun again, thinking of the records in the data, everyone's hearts are full of depression.

In such a world, thinking of the despair of the entire plane, even this kind of thing is happening in my own world. This kind of heavy pressure is not something anyone can bear. Fortunately, the people who come here are not ordinary people, they are all elites of major forces, and their bearing capacity is good, at least not one of them collapsed on the spot.

"We must prevent this kind of thing, and we must not allow this kind of thing to happen on our plane. We must protect our world." A soldier clenched his fist and shouted at the sky.

It's just that the voice spread, and no one answered. This empty and dead world is still running forever. As they moved away, some undead gradually appeared in front of them.

These people are carefully selected, and each team has a small team of masters. Several empires are even more wealthy, and directly formed a team with gold masters. Such a golden team is now quickly running out, trying to expand the search range as much as possible. After a long time, a team found a ruin.

"That place looks like a ruined city. Maybe you can find something. Go and take a look."

"Okay, but be careful. Who knows there are powerful undead in such a place. Haven't I heard Lord Chinan say that they have seen legendary undead monsters appear from a distance in this plane before."

Chi Nan did not say that he had killed the legendary undead, nor did he say that he had encountered several other legendary undeads now, only that he had seen it from a distance. Even this base in this place is used for disguise.

No purification tree was planted because Chi Nan wanted to mislead these people. Let them know that this world has been completely undead, and it has no effect on anyone except for the Necromancer.

In this case, people from other forces at least won't compete with themselves, saving trouble later.

At the same time, the people of the Holy Light Empire came to the ruins of a mage tower with the breath of the undead. There was a stone monument beside it: "The red giant sword that went straight into the sky left scars on the sun, the tears of the sky fell on the earth, who will heal the wounds of the earth..." The red bishop looked at the stone monument and muttered silently.

This is a record and description of the scene after the evil **** sacrificed. Comparing with the information that Chi Nan took out, they felt more heavy.

"Archbishop, we found this." Suddenly, a knight shouted in a low voice.

The archbishop glared at them: "I'll come." Ignoring them, he continued to look at the stone wall and waited until he was finished before he walked towards the ruins. When the archbishop arrived, he found some people holding their breath and spraying potion.

This kind of potion is used to protect books that have existed for many years. With a spell, all book papers are wrapped in white light and will not be damaged. But even so, they only got some broken books.

There are only two intact books, one of which is a notebook. The archbishop took it in his hand, and his face became uglier as he looked at it. "Damn it, all of this is actually true."

They don't believe that Chi Nan has the ability to set up such a big game in such a big world, and in the end it is to deceive them. If Chi Nan can do this, then there will be no problem in destroying their entire world. Then there is only one result, and that is the result they least want to think of, the evil **** sacrifice ceremony is real.

The sacrifices of the two planes are the same. Who would believe that they have nothing to do with each other? It is even possible that this was made by an evil god. After all, the two planes are not very far apart, and it is not impossible to be discovered.

Even the Cthulhu Empire may have been arranged by the Cthulhu, I am afraid that such a sacrifice has already been planned many years ago. If it weren't for other forces to be powerful, perhaps the world would have become like this a long time ago. Thinking of this, everyone feels cold all over, and they feel terrified.

"Your Excellency, what are we going to do?" the deputy asked cautiously.

"Continue to search for We need more and more complete information, and bring all the information back. In three days, we must make full use of these three days. There are only three days, and the Cthulhu Empire should not do it. Come out."

A knight said quickly: "Why don't I take these things back, let the empire be prepared, and others stay and continue searching. With our strength, as long as we don't encounter legendary undead, there should be no danger."

The archbishop took a deep look at the knight: "Very well, you have a heart. You have done a great job this time, and you will be the knight commander of the 36th Knights of the Light in the future."

"Thank you for your cultivation." His Excellency Knight looked excited. Although he was a fighter of the golden level, it was basically impossible to become a knight commander of a knight order. The other knight commanders, who is not a veteran gold master, or even a master in peak state, his strength is far worse than others.

Afterwards, the knight got up and, with the encouragement of the cardinal bishop, ran towards the road with the fastest speed with his things. Watching the knight leave, the archbishop's face became serious again.

"Next, things here should be up to us, for the sake of God of Light, everyone, please work hard." Reading Net

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