The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1020: It's useless to fight back

Seeing that the fortresses around his empire were completely lost, all the senior officials of the Cthulhu Empire were anxious. The commander of the army drove straight in, let alone the completion of the sacrifice, it would be good if the country could not be destroyed in the next sacrifice test.

"Damn, what is going on with these people, why are they attacking like crazy? Damn, as long as we give us time, as long as we sacrifice the world, we can become the gods of Lord Cthulhu, and live forever with Lord Cthulhu. But At this time, these people dare to stop our great plan."

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to consider these. We must stop them as soon as possible and complete the sacrifice. Time waits for no one. We can only fight for it. If we fail, then we will only be dead."

When did those outsiders become so selfless, didn't they just die some civilians, and they weren't from their country? Why are they so crazy? Generally, the sacrifice of Cthulhu can not last too long.

At this time, shouldn't everyone stay far away? Why should they come here to get together?

"Your Majesty, I heard that all the coalition forces attacked all the way, and all the people on the road were either caught or killed. Even the corpses will not be left. They will burn all the corpses so that we can't sacrifice."

An old man next to him narrowed his eyes: "Could it be that they have revealed our plan? But this is impossible. This is obviously a plan directly handed over to us by Lord Cthulhu, and we have not discussed it ourselves."

Yes, I haven't talked about it, and other people can't know it. At most they mean planning this vocabulary. In order to be able to become a god, even their family members don't know it. Could it be that a traitor appeared among them. But it's not right, all the people are here, and it's not good for them to expose this kind of thing.

"Ahem, Your Majesty, the most urgent thing is not to discuss the cause of this matter, but to stop them as soon as possible."

"Well, send out our transformation legion, let these people see, our Cthulhu Empire has not been unexplored for so many years." The king's eyes flashed hard and gave the order.

But this time, hesitated when he changed to other people. "Your Majesty, do you really want to release the Reformed Legion. But if the Reformed Legion loses control, it is not just them that will be destroyed, but our own empire."

"Yes, your Majesty, please take it back. Let's think of another way."

The king sneered: "The general army is useless now. There is no other way besides this method. And we are going to become great gods soon, and we need to do what these legions do. This battle is regardless of victory or defeat, and then reform the legions. It has nothing to do with us, and everything in the world will be useless."

Now, everyone wants to understand. "Your Majesty, I think I already know. If this is the case, then let's go crazy for the last time. The long-range absorption sacrificial circle has been completed, and death will bring sacrifices to the nearest place to the imperial capital."

The high priest sitting in the first place said with a gloomy expression. At this time, the king finally showed a genial smile: "Then, I will trouble everyone. This time it is up to you to climb to the sky or fall into the abyss, it depends on your efforts, let's do it." The king raised the glass in his hand high, and others It's the same with people.

After that, everyone started to act. First, in various parts of the Cthulhu Empire, the true army that had not been used until 6 continued to appear. In the air, red flying boats with black patterns appeared continuously.

"Haha, I only think of counterattack now, but it's useless to counterattack." Seeing these flying boats, the Air Force, who was doing nothing in the air, immediately laughed loudly. Who didn't know, the power of the Cthulhu Empire's flying boat was not strong enough.

The flying boats of the Cthulhu Empire are not saying that their damage is not enough. On the contrary, their attacks have cursed power, and they have the most damage to life forms. But in terms of alchemy, they are far inferior to the Holy Dragon Empire. In terms of quantity, it was incomparable with the half-elf empire, and even more incomparable with Chinan's holy tree collar.

Had it not been for the red cursed clouds floating around, which could affect the line of sight and the enemy's senses, I am afraid that the air force of the Cthulhu Empire would be weaker than that of the Half-elf Empire. After this period of exhibition, the flying boats of all countries have improved.

And those kingdoms gathered the flying boats together to form a team, and the momentum was not small at all.

Even Chi Nan’s airship formations also encountered some of the Cthulhu Empire’s airship formations at this time. Orna said loudly: "Attack me and shoot them down." This command was simple enough.

Who made the Cthulhu Empire’s flying boats powerful on its own curses, but those curses were of no use to plants. The occlusion of clouds and mist is in vain for the various perception abilities of plants.

A long distance apart, one by one red spheres flew over. It hit the airship and exploded. That kind of explosive power can't shake the airship's defense at all. Following the gap in the defensive edge, these red clouds began to penetrate. But even if it is infiltrated, it is of no use at all. Who will leave the airship without anyone?

As long as there is nothing wrong with the plant brain, the airship can fight normally. So next, one by one bat bombs, one after another, wind and artillery swarmed out. That kind of firepower is simply much stronger than the latest flying boat of the Holy Dragon Empire.

After the series of attacks passed, only a crackling sound was heard in the air. The Cthulhu Empire flying boat in the front was riddled with holes and fragments, and many flying boats fell downward.

When the missile went straight into the red with a huge explosion, it was more than just smashing. The entire flying boat and the people on it instantly became boneless. The Heretic God Emperor ** team, who had never played against the Sacred Tree Leader, was beaten up all at once. It was the first time they saw such a powerful firepower.

It's just that no one ran away. Through the red fog, one could see that the soldiers on these flying boats had a weird symbol on their foreheads. During the battle, the symbol starts to light, and the soldiers fight mechanically.

Whenever there is fear or other emotions, the symbol will glow red, and the soldier will suddenly return to normal. It's just that the aura in the soldier's eyes will disappear a little at this time and become more sluggish.

Because of this, the flying boat army of the Cthulhu Empire never knew how to escape, and was always the most mechanical and deadliest army. With the not-so-strong flying boat, no one dared to provoke them, even the air force of the Holy Dragon Empire. ...


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