The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1024: Irreconcilable contradiction

The reform of the army was too fast, and the nobles who felt good about themselves were cleaned up one after another. Many nobles protested everywhere with an angry expression, but the results they had never expected.

I always thought that I was a person who could control the situation of the whole country. But at this moment, they discovered that after the real high-level powers, their power is so weak that they can't do anything.

When some of the most troublesome secrets disappeared, everyone realized something, and they died down and closed their mouths. Because they know that if the trouble continues, then there should be themselves among the mysteriously missing people. This time, the major forces are playing for real. In this case, those so-called nobles can only be honest.

However, they still don't know what happened. The only thing that changed was the red light that skyrocketed that day, and an extra red spot on the sun in the sky. They don't know, they can only guess.

But this time, they found that the information channels they had been proud of were useless, and they couldn't find out any news. At most, I knew that it was a sacrifice made by the Cthulhu Empire.

If they want to go deeper, they find that their information channels have been destroyed by mysterious powers. They know that this is a shot from above. What on earth is this, it will cause such a fierce reaction above.

At this moment, the lower-class nobles were just like ordinary civilians, no difference.

To be able to participate in this event, in the empire, at least the real power earl would do. In ordinary kingdoms, often only the royal family and a few grand dukes are qualified to know these things.

But everyone who knows is working hard now, no one dares to mess around at this time. Thinking of the **** evidence, thinking of the destroyed plane, they didn't want them to become like that.

Because destruction is in sight, all struggles and interests are not important at this time. Compared with his own life, everything else has to stand aside. At this time, anyone who wants to mess around will become the enemy of all of them.

"Now a lot of troublesome things have occurred in various places. It seems that this thing is really hurting us a lot. This is an irreconcilable contradiction, and it must be resolved in the shortest time."

Chi Nan looked at the information collected by other people, which was more detailed. Some mass graves and previous battlefield locations have begun to change. Many people find that there will be some strange noises at night. In some places, without the necromancer's call, some undead spawned by themselves, and then stood up.

The coalition forces do not have so much power to clean up, and many places may become paradise for the undead in the future.

There is one more thing, under the current sun, those undead are not very afraid. Not only did it not weaken, but it also strengthened. And those monsters are stronger than those undead.

Chi Nan didn't know if it was the power of the gods, the red spots on the sun, or the power of sacrifice. All in all, this is not a good thing for myself. Within a few days, the erythema began to spread.

It only expanded a little, but after Chi Nan's calculations, it was discovered that the strength of the monsters and the undead had slightly improved. As the erythema gets bigger, the improvement will definitely get stronger.

Relying on this red sun to pollute the entire world and turn the entire world into a world of undead, the power of this sun is really peculiar. These subtle changes cannot be discovered by ordinary people.

Others did not have the concept of statistics, so they did not find out. But after Chi Nan sent his statistics to the major forces, these forces also realized the urgency of time.

When the entire world's top leaders are working hard for one goal, all kinds of things are much easier. Chi Nan now has a feeling that the world and the earth are all at the same time, which seems to be the case.

Only the next day, Chi Nan received the order, which was the order of the entire army, and he still attacked all without reservation. Not only for Chi Nan, but for everyone in fact, it is such a strong command wording. Even the royal families of the major empires are the same. There is no meaning to discuss this matter.

And looking at the signature, Chi Nan discovered that it was actually signed by the Dragons, the Elves, and the Holy See at the same time. No wonder they dared to give orders to everyone. But at this time, no one has time to worry about this thing.

"Just so, let the world see the true power of our sacred tree collar, and let us see how many masters this world can come up with." Chi Nan waved his hand, and countless airship formations and ground troops all set off on the border.

There are already hundreds of airship formations on the front line. The number of airships issued by the Holy Tree leader one force is simply more than the airships of the other three empires combined. In addition to the level of the top master, the power of the holy tree collar can already slime other empires. This scenario shocked everyone.

Unknowingly, the sacred tree leader has actually developed to this level. And they also discovered that a tram weapon that can discharge electricity appeared in the sacred tree collar, which was a complete version.

Those monsters with strong surface defenses are not so strong inside. Chi Nan later discovered that the original method of using electric shocks to deal with those monsters was much better than that of wind artillery.

These trams were just made recently, and it can be said that they are the entire sacred tree collar.

Other major forces have also dispatched their own powerful Tower Feizhou of the Mage Association, as well as large puppets, which have played a role in making everyone stunned on the battlefield.

When a large-scale magic goes down, a large area of ​​the Cthulhu Empire army is destroyed. That kind of large puppet can't be killed no matter how to fight it. These two kinds of weapons have made the empire's high-level officials look at it.

When a full-scale offensive was launched, the Cthulhu Empire was no longer retreating steadily, but turned into a massive retreat of the entire empire. Even the help of monsters is useless. In the end, there was no way, the Cthulhu Empire could only make the monsters start to retreat, towards the direction of the imperial capital. The power of the Cthulhu Empire slowly gathered in the direction of the imperial capital.

"It seems that they want to conduct the final battle, but fortunately, we also want to win the battle." The front-line commander shouted loudly. This commander was the Grand Marshal of the Holy Dragon Empire, and of course he was a human rather than a dragon. ...


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