The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1033: No one can run away

  It was Arthurine who moved faster than Carter. She was standing by her side all the time, as if Arthurine, who had no strength, was not really lost at all. Instead, it has always maintained the final strength, reserved for the final blow.

   Seeing that Chi Nan succeeded in destroying the skeleton, Arthur finally no longer kept it, and the wand pointed at the war demon who was fighting in the distance, and a bright white light instantly emitted.

   This light is faster than the speed of his own magic light cannon, and it suddenly sinks into the body of the war demon. Then a white flame burst out. The war demon in the middle of the battle suddenly turned his face distorted, as if it were extremely painful. Although this white flame could not kill him, it was able to make the war demon very uncomfortable and was greatly affected.

  At this time, the war beast was fighting fiercely with Biljo, and the threat of the attacking war beast became much greater.

  Bilho doesn't pay attention to fairness with a monster at this time, and launches his own attack without mercy or hesitation. The long sword in his hand was condensed with a huge holy light, and it pierced into the body of the war demon fiercely.

   "Sword of Light Judgment." Bilho roared, and after piercing the sword, he immediately released his arm and retreated. The light on the long sword burst out suddenly, not the kind of feeling of direct destruction.

   Instead, it began to melt, and the war demon struggled, but it slowly melted like a snowman under the sun, and finally turned into a pool of red and black liquid, and the liquid evaporated and turned into gas. A white flame suddenly appeared in the void, burning the liquid completely, and finally nothing was left.

   Both of them are from the Holy Light Empire, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly.

   "Hurry up and help." Gallon suddenly shouted to Chi Nan.

   Chi Nan hesitated: "How can I help?" Chi Nan was also helpless. The Knight King was a spirit body, and he didn't know if the attack had any effect. And that high priest is powerful, and hidden in the thick fog, he can't find the position of the opponent at all.

   There is no way, the opponent's strength is stronger than his own, and there is a domain to wrap himself up, Chi Nan's spirit can't perceive it at all.

   "Have you seen the Knight King's army? Use your self-explosive airship to explode directly. That is the domain power of the Knight King. As long as the army is destroyed, he will have no fighting ability."

   "But Moras, isn't his domain also over there." Chi Nan pointed to the illusory forest.

   "Don't be afraid. Although it is Moras' domain, his domain belongs to natural attributes. It is larger and has strong vitality. It is not so easy to be destroyed. Also, haven't you discovered the scope of his domain."

   Chinan looked at it, and it really was that the area where the large plant forest was located was far from being destroyed by my own self-explosive airship. On the contrary, under the pressure of Morath's power, at this time the knight king's knight army gathered together.

   "Okay, then I'll try." Saying it is a try, in fact, there is no need to wait at all, because my seeds are already everywhere. Just control a few seeds and adjust the direction, and suddenly a few blew airships appeared in the Knight King's team.

   The knight king almost instinctively controlled the knights to attack the airships. The attack was too fast, and two airships were really shattered, and even the self-detonation force inside lost the opportunity to exert its effect.

   However, the self-detonation speed was too fast. Except for these two being destroyed, the remaining airships all exploded. The impact of the powerful flame force, even the domain force, was violently shaken.

  Countless soldiers were destroyed, countless forests were torn apart. But this power is nothing, after all, there is no legendary essence. But the next moment, when the lava takes shape, it's completely different.

   These lavas have a legendary level of destructive power, which happens to be contaminated with the Knight King’s army. Even though these are all illusions, they are still greatly affected. A large number of knights were either injured or killed, and the domain of the knight king was severely suppressed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, countless illusory plants broke through to encircle and suppress these knights.

   Just as Gallon said, the realm of natural attributes is indeed the most tenacious of vitality, and it is not so easy to be destroyed.

   Suddenly the void made a sound of glass shattering, it turned out that the domain of the Knight King had been breached. The domain was shattered, the strength of the Knight King suddenly dropped by at least half, and his body became illusory.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, several arrows in the air teleported halfway and appeared on the Knight King. The arrow revolved with a strong force, and forcibly tore the body of the knight king into pieces.

   "Good job." Moras yelled, and a group of green light flashed out of thin air, enveloping the power of the Knight King. In the end, he was completely wiped out under the green light, and then he stopped.

"To deal with these evil creatures, we must disperse all the power, otherwise these powers will cause trouble to other people. And it is not necessarily whether these powers will give them a chance to resurrect." Evil Creatures always have all kinds of weird abilities that people can't defend against.

   "I see, thank you." Chi Nan nodded slightly, and learned a little bit today.

   Finally There is only one high priest left in the Cthulhu Empire. Looking at the air, the dense blood mist has become very dim, there is a scratch on the high priest's chest, and blood is flowing out of the corner of his mouth, and the whole person is very embarrassed.

   It can be seen that in the battle with Carter, the high priest was seriously injured. "Today you won, and I will ask them for advice the next day." The great sacrificial priest waved the staff in his hand, and it turned into blood mist and disappeared in an instant.

   At this moment, Arthur snorted coldly: "There is evil, don't even want to run today."

   didn't know what Arthur did, a large white light appeared on the entire battlefield. Only now did Chi Nan know that as early as the beginning, these people from the Holy See had already moved their hands and feet on the battlefield, and he didn't know what he wanted.

Amidst the white light, a scream sounded, and the next moment, in a corner that Chi Nan did not expect, a red blood mist recondensed. Isn't this the high priest who just ran away?

   "Sure enough, these legendary masters don't have a simple one. There are so many ways to escape or prevent escape. It seems that my methods are still not enough. I will think of ways to continue to increase it in the future." Chi Nan thought.

   Carter roared, and finally found the target again, and the light on his body became materialized again. "Damn monster, die for me." Opening his mouth, Carter sent out a dragon's breath that was much stronger than before. ...


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