The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1050: I didn't come to joke around

"Everyone charge, don't give them a chance." The leading soldier shouted loudly, his whole body exploded, forming a blood-red circle, protecting the people behind, and rushing towards the front.

And the beetle man also issued an order at the same time: "Damn mortals, they dare to attack the temple and kill them."

As the beetle man shouted, the beetles around suddenly became crazy. It's just that these beetles are not their opponents at all, and they can easily be wiped out by them. Chi Nan could take the opportunity to destroy a few with bows and arrows.

But when they approached the temple two hundred meters, the high-level beetles in the temple finally reacted.

Some beetles with red or green apertures all over ran out, opened their mouths when they saw them, one after another, reaching the golden level, as if attacking by laser beams swept across.

The charging momentum of the foremost Golden Warrior was stopped on the spot.

"Damn, these **** beetles, why didn't they leave the temple." There are at least a dozen of these golden beetles. If this were to eliminate them all, it would take a long time.

At this moment, two figures suddenly rushed out. It was two orcs. These were two twin orcs holding big axes. "You keep going, here is handed over to us. Little bugs, accept this uncle's ravages." The two orcs shouted loudly, bursting with bright yellow vindictiveness, and swept away with violent power.

Seeing that two people are facing a dozen golden beetles, if there is no accident, the two people may not be able to come back alive.

But this time is not a sad time, all people have only blessings in their hearts. "Take care, you must come back alive." Wei's soldier yelled and ignored the beetles, but continued to rush forward.

The beetle wanted to stop, but was stopped desperately by two desperate orcs. In just a moment, there were several more wounds on the two golden level orcs, and blood spattered.

"Block them." This time the beetle man intercepted in front of him.

Seeing these beetle men, three human warriors directly rushed out: "These traitors are handed over to us." These beetle men knew at a glance that they were transforming beetle men. Although they are powerful, their status here is not very good. But I didn't expect that at this time, there were actually these modified beetle people on the temple. Haven't these guys been sent out?

Three people intercepted these modified beetle men, and the others continued to rush forward. Next, there are real beetles, and some advanced beetles that ran over. The soldiers around Chi Nan left one by one.

Everyone tried desperately to intercept, and in the last two hundred meters, twenty-five companions, and soon there were only three left by their side. One is a fighter who has been charging forward, and at this time he has lost one arm.

There is also a warrior by his side, ready to be replaced at any time, and finally the old mage.

"That is a high-level beetle man sacrifice, temporarily handed over to me, you continue to charge."

The old mage took the initiative to stand up for the first time, taking the most troublesome beetle man sacrifice as his goal. With a wave of the staff in his hand, thunder and lightning flashed in the air, and thunder and lightning fell directly from the sky.

Unexpectedly, the enemy suddenly attacked, and attacked such a powerful beetle man sacrifice, suddenly a little confused. He hurriedly waved the staff in his hand, red rays of light were aroused. Where the red light passed, even the stones on the ground were ignited and melted into magma, which shows the terrible power of this force.

"I'll stop it, Chi Nan, go in quickly." The soldier with the broken arm in the front suddenly stopped in front of Chi Nan. The three attacks that swept through hit him severely. The golden warrior, who had persisted to the limit, was turned into ashes in the red light.

Another soldier suddenly picked up Chi Nan, and threw it fiercely towards the temple in front, throwing Chi Nan as a cannonball. Seeing this scene, the beetle man sacrificed his eyes suddenly.

"Damn, their goal is idols, and they absolutely can't let them succeed. The beetle people who were originally a little stupid to sacrifice, finally realized the purpose of these people. Speaking of which, if these people hadn't come too suddenly, he would have thought of it.

Facing Chi Nan, a ray of light struck past, but the next moment a thunder and lightning hit the beetle man sacrifice on the ground. "Your opponent is me, don't look around." The voice of the old mage came, causing the beetle man to sacrifice anger. If you don't get rid of this mage, I'm afraid he won't have a chance to deal with other little bugs.

"Then I will deal with you old fellow first."

"Who is the old guy? You may be older than me, you old antique." The old mage didn't give in.

And Chi Nan, who had just received an attack, had already entered the temple along the inertia. Hong Guang's offensive power is very strong, but he has no chance to break through Chi Nan's defense. His defense is magical with a legendary nature.

The green light protects itself, and the red light just makes Chi Nan feel a little hot. "I didn't expect my defense to be so strong. I just saw this guy's attack and thought I couldn't stop it." Chi Nan breathed a sigh of relief. The body shape rotates and gently falls to the ground. In this temple, except for some beetle people who are praying, there is only the middle god.

"Damn it, it's an intruder." The Beetleman finally realized what had happened.

Chi Nan didn't give them a chance at all. With a wave of both hands, small arrows were created and shot out at the same time. A series of beetle men were killed on the spot.

At the same time, the huge beetle statue suddenly became active, with red eyes: "It's you, it's you, I can feel your power, and your body is definitely the person I marked the first ~Through the power of Chi Nan, the Beetle God actually knew Chi Nan’s identity in the air. Chi Nan himself was also taken aback. After being marked by this guy, he was able to feel his use of an avatar. The gods were really not easy.

But now is not the time to think about this, Chi Nan's figure jumped and rushed towards the big beetle. "Hello, shut up." Chi Nan punched the big beetle fiercely.

"The power is good, it has a legendary nature, but unfortunately it is still far from enough." The beetle statue slowly began to move. Chi Nan punched it, but it was useless. I'm afraid it is not a true legendary power, and it is impossible to break this guy's defense at all. The gods are so difficult to deal with.

However, Chi Nan's attack this time was not on his own. Seeing that he had approached the statue of Beetle God, Chi Nan's mouth twitched. "I didn't come to joke around."...


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