The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1052: How many can you keep?

Seeing that this avatar couldn't be kept, Chi Nan didn't just give up. Looking back, half of the twenty-five people who came with him at this time were dead.

In this short period of time, the loss was so great. Even if they are all ready to die, Chi Nan still respects them in his heart. These people are true heroes, even if they might not be right.

So, the few that can be kept are just a few. Chi Nan thought in his heart, while controlling his body to absorb the green liquid, at least on the surface it would not look like a normal person.

Chi Nan shouted loudly: "You guys retreat quickly, here I will break the queen." As he said, Chi Nan condensed a long bow again, and arrows flew out one after another. The beetle people who were not afraid of death did not evade at all, charging while defending. It is a pity that the beetle men who underestimated these arrows were killed one after another, and a dozen golden beetle men died at once.

Now, no matter how scared the beetle people were to die, they didn't dare to touch these things casually. Especially after seeing the death of the high priest, many beetle people calmed down, and when they saw Chi Nan rushing over, they avoided.

"No, you leave first, your role is greater than ours, you are more useful to live."

Chi Nan was moved and helpless in his heart. In the hearts of these guys, dealing with beetles has become a kind of obsession. As long as it is good for fighting, they will do it even if they don't want to die. It's really touching.

Chi Nan immediately shouted to these people: "I have the spatial ability and can leave at any time. You go first, don't wait for me, I will return to the territory then. Hurry up and don't be a burden to me here. "

All that said, Chi Nan did not hesitate to show off his spatial ability. His figure flashed and appeared in another direction. A series of arrows killed some beetles that were caught off guard. There are also two golden levels. The next moment, Chi Nan's figure flashed and disappeared in the encirclement.

Seeing Chi Nan's performance, they finally believed. One of the golden warriors shouted loudly: "Take care, we will withdraw. If you can't go back, we will definitely come back to avenge you."

After speaking, this person turned around and left with other people. This is not the time to talk about other things. The person who used to be the warrior leader has long since died, and now this one is the most prestigious among the remaining people.

These people went through exploding one by one, and there was not much vindictive left on their bodies, and they were also exhausted. Many people have already lacked arms and legs, and Chi Nan couldn't help it. With my current ability, although I can make a prosthesis, there is no way to make the prosthesis look like the real thing. It's still just some foreign objects.

When I can directly catalyze the growth of the human body, maybe it will really solve the problem of disability.

There are also many people with disabilities in their own territory. If it weren't for the good welfare in their own territory and the special environment, I am afraid that the lives of these disabled people would not be better than those in other territories.

Chi Nan sprinkled countless seeds around and planted some inconspicuous grasses. Through these little grasses and their own phase conversion, they continue to appear in different places, fully protecting those fighters.

After the chaos here, there were already countless beetles and beetle people running towards this side. Chi Nan was alone, there was no way to protect him, he could only do his best.

The soldiers lowered their heads and rushed towards the place they came. The farther away they were, the more difficult it was to escape. When these people finally broke out of the encirclement, Chi Nan found that they had only four people left.

"Although I haven't saved all of them, I have tried my best." Chi Nan said to himself in his heart.

Seeing them leave, Chi Nan was also completely let go. In the incarnation, the power is almost exhausted. Chi Nan faced the front with his left hand, and suddenly his arm fell. This was not cut off, it was cut off by Chi Nan himself. After the break, several barrel-like tubes appeared under the arm, facing the front.

"My incarnation is not entirely made of wood, let you **** wind artillery."

Chi Nan snorted coldly, and small red fire beads flew out, powerful and continuous. Even the beetle of the gold level turns into minced meat a moment after being hit.

This is simply a sweep of the Gatling gun, but this is not a metal storm, but a fire storm. Almost all the magic power on his body was transformed in one breath, and a large area had been emptied in front of him.

Looking back, those soldiers had disappeared, and the corner of Chi Nan's mouth was hooked. "This avatar has reached its limit, so the next step is to test the self-detonation ability." Chi Nan didn't care about being surrounded.

By the time these beetle men surrounded him, Chi Nan seemed to be arrested. "Quickly, he has no magic power. Grab him, and you must sacrifice him to the great god." A beetle nobleman shouted loudly.

Seeing these guys approaching and grabbing themselves, Chi Nan said disdainfully: "Waiting is this time, whoever lets you get close, then you are unlucky." Hearing Chi Nan's words, the nearby beetles felt that they didn't. Wonderful, but it's too late to get out of the way. With a "boom", Chi Nan exploded.

A huge flame swept out in all directions. The next moment the flame turned into countless lava. Within two hundred meters of Chinan as the center, everyone disappeared instantly, and there was no dross left.

Farther away, the lava burst out like rain. As long as you are touched, even the golden beetle should cut off the burning position as soon as Otherwise, the flame will spread and you will be all over your body. Burned.

In the last one, at least more than 30 golden level beetles and beetle men can be killed. This is a profit. Chi Nan thought silently in his heart, forget it, and hurry up and complete his incarnation again.

If it takes a long time, those people think that they are dead, but it's not good. A hidden place has already bred most of the incarnations, and it has begun to be perfected quickly. Under Chi Nan's personal control, an avatar that was exactly the same as the previous avatar finally grew out. Looking at this incarnation, Chi Nan thoughtfully.

"It might be better if a similar structure is added to the wood elves. It doesn't need to be too advanced, as long as an ordinary gold-level self-explosive bomb is enough. In many cases, the wood elves have the chance to die together."

Following Chi Nan's thoughts, those wood elves began to change from harmless to dangerous. ...


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